require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'spec_helper')) describe AASM, '- class level definitions' do it 'should define a class level aasm_initial_state() method on its including class' do Foo.should respond_to(:aasm_initial_state) end it 'should define a class level aasm_state() method on its including class' do Foo.should respond_to(:aasm_state) end it 'should define a class level aasm_event() method on its including class' do Foo.should respond_to(:aasm_event) end it 'should define a class level aasm_states() method on its including class' do Foo.should respond_to(:aasm_states) end it 'should define a class level aasm_states_for_select() method on its including class' do Foo.should respond_to(:aasm_states_for_select) end it 'should define a class level aasm_events() method on its including class' do Foo.should respond_to(:aasm_events) end end describe "naming" do it "work for valid" do Argument.aasm_states.should include(:invalid) Argument.aasm_states.should include(:valid) argument = argument.invalid?.should be_true argument.aasm_current_state.should == :invalid argument.valid! argument.valid?.should be_true argument.aasm_current_state.should == :valid end end describe AASM, '- subclassing' do it 'should have the parent states' do Foo.aasm_states.each do |state| FooTwo.aasm_states.should include(state) end end it 'should not add the child states to the parent machine' do Foo.aasm_states.should_not include(:foo) end end describe AASM, '- aasm_states_for_select' do it "should return a select friendly array of states in the form of [['Friendly name', 'state_name']]" do Foo.aasm_states_for_select.should == [['Open', 'open'], ['Closed', 'closed']] end end describe AASM, '- instance level definitions' do before(:each) do @foo = end it 'should define a state querying instance method on including class' do @foo.should respond_to(:open?) end it 'should define an event! inance method' do @foo.should respond_to(:close!) end end describe AASM, '- initial states' do before(:each) do @foo = @bar = end it 'should set the initial state' do @foo.aasm_current_state.should == :open end it '#open? should be initially true' do be_true end it '#closed? should be initially false' do @foo.closed?.should be_false end it 'should use the first state defined if no initial state is given' do @bar.aasm_current_state.should == :read end it 'should determine initial state from the Proc results' do - 1).aasm_current_state.should == :selling_bad_mortgages + 1).aasm_current_state.should == :retired end end describe AASM, '- event firing with persistence' do it 'should fire the Event' do foo = Foo.aasm_events[:close].should_receive(:fire).with(foo) foo.close! end it 'should update the current state' do foo = foo.close! foo.aasm_current_state.should == :closed end it 'should call the success callback if one was provided' do foo = foo.should_receive(:success_callback) foo.close! end it 'should attempt to persist if aasm_write_state is defined' do foo = def foo.aasm_write_state end foo.should_receive(:aasm_write_state) foo.close! end it 'should return true if aasm_write_state is defined and returns true' do foo = def foo.aasm_write_state(state) true end foo.close!.should be_true end it 'should return false if aasm_write_state is defined and returns false' do foo = def foo.aasm_write_state(state) false end foo.close!.should be_false end it "should not update the aasm_current_state if the write fails" do foo = def foo.aasm_write_state false end foo.should_receive(:aasm_write_state) foo.close! foo.aasm_current_state.should == :open end end describe AASM, '- event firing without persistence' do it 'should fire the Event' do foo = Foo.aasm_events[:close].should_receive(:fire).with(foo) foo.close end it 'should update the current state' do foo = foo.close foo.aasm_current_state.should == :closed end it 'should attempt to persist if aasm_write_state is defined' do foo = def foo.aasm_write_state end foo.should_receive(:aasm_write_state_without_persistence).twice foo.close end end describe AASM, '- persistence' do it 'should read the state if it has not been set and aasm_read_state is defined' do foo = def foo.aasm_read_state end foo.should_receive(:aasm_read_state) foo.aasm_current_state end end describe AASM, '- getting events for a state' do it '#aasm_events_for_current_state should use current state' do foo = foo.should_receive(:aasm_current_state) foo.aasm_events_for_current_state end it '#aasm_events_for_current_state should use aasm_events_for_state' do foo = foo.stub!(:aasm_current_state).and_return(:foo) foo.should_receive(:aasm_events_for_state).with(:foo) foo.aasm_events_for_current_state end end describe AASM, '- event callbacks' do describe "with an error callback defined" do before do class Foo aasm_event :safe_close, :success => :success_callback, :error => :error_callback do transitions :to => :closed, :from => [:open] end end @foo = end it "should run error_callback if an exception is raised and error_callback defined" do def @foo.error_callback(e) end @foo.stub!(:enter).and_raise( @foo.should_receive(:error_callback).with(e) @foo.safe_close! end it "should raise NoMethodError if exceptionis raised and error_callback is declared but not defined" do @foo.stub!(:enter).and_raise(StandardError) lambda{@foo.safe_close!}.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "should propagate an error if no error callback is declared" do @foo.stub!(:enter).and_raise("Cannot enter safe") lambda{@foo.close!}.should raise_error(StandardError, "Cannot enter safe") end end describe "with aasm_event_fired defined" do before do @foo = def @foo.aasm_event_fired(event, from, to) end end it 'should call it for successful bang fire' do @foo.should_receive(:aasm_event_fired).with(:close, :open, :closed) @foo.close! end it 'should call it for successful non-bang fire' do @foo.should_receive(:aasm_event_fired) @foo.close end it 'should not call it for failing bang fire' do @foo.stub!(:aasm_set_current_state_with_persistence).and_return(false) @foo.should_not_receive(:aasm_event_fired) @foo.close! end end describe "with aasm_event_failed defined" do before do @foo = def @foo.aasm_event_failed(event, from) end end it 'should call it when transition failed for bang fire' do @foo.should_receive(:aasm_event_failed).with(:null, :open) @foo.null! end it 'should call it when transition failed for non-bang fire' do @foo.should_receive(:aasm_event_failed).with(:null, :open) @foo.null end it 'should not call it if persist fails for bang fire' do @foo.stub!(:aasm_set_current_state_with_persistence).and_return(false) @foo.should_receive(:aasm_event_failed) @foo.close! end end end describe AASM, '- state actions' do it "should call enter when entering state" do foo = foo.should_receive(:enter) foo.close end it "should call exit when exiting state" do foo = foo.should_receive(:exit) foo.close end end describe Baz do it "should have the same states as it's parent" do Baz.aasm_states.should == Bar.aasm_states end it "should have the same events as it's parent" do Baz.aasm_events.should == Bar.aasm_events end end describe ChetanPatil do it 'should transition to specified next state (sleeping to showering)' do cp = cp.wakeup! :showering cp.aasm_current_state.should == :showering end it 'should transition to specified next state (sleeping to working)' do cp = cp.wakeup! :working cp.aasm_current_state.should == :working end it 'should transition to default (first or showering) state' do cp = cp.wakeup! cp.aasm_current_state.should == :showering end it 'should transition to default state when on_transition invoked' do cp = cp.dress!(nil, 'purple', 'dressy') cp.aasm_current_state.should == :working end it 'should call on_transition method with args' do cp = cp.wakeup! :showering cp.should_receive(:wear_clothes).with('blue', 'jeans') cp.dress! :working, 'blue', 'jeans' end it 'should call on_transition proc' do cp = cp.wakeup! :showering cp.should_receive(:wear_clothes).with('purple', 'slacks') cp.dress!(:dating, 'purple', 'slacks') end it 'should call on_transition with an array of methods' do cp = cp.wakeup! :showering cp.should_receive(:condition_hair) cp.should_receive(:fix_hair) cp.dress!(:prettying_up) end end