= AASM - Ruby state machines

This package contains AASM, a library for adding finite state machines to Ruby classes.

AASM started as the acts_as_state_machine plugin but has evolved into a more generic library that no longer targets only ActiveRecord models.

AASM has the following features:

* Feature

* Feature

== Download

The latest AASM can currently be pulled from the git repository on github.

* http://github.com/rubyist/aasm/tree/master

A release and a gem are forthcoming.

== Installation

Until the gem release is made your best bet is to build the gem yourself and install it.

  % rake gem
  % sudo gem install pkg/aasm-3.0.0.gem

== Simple Example

Here's a quick example highlighting some of the features.

  class Conversation
    include AASM

    aasm_initial_state :new

    aasm_state :new
    aasm_state :read
    aasm_state :closed

    aasm_event :view do
      transitions :to => :read, :from => [:new]

    aasm_event :close do
      transitions :to => :closed, :from => [:read, :new]

= Other Stuff

Author::  Scott Barron <scott at elitists dot net>
License:: Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 by Scott Barron.
          Released under an MIT-style license.  See the LICENSE  file
          included in the distribution.

== Warranty

This software is provided "as is" and without any express or
implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular