class CustomAASMBase < AASM::Base # A custom transiton that we want available across many AASM models. def count_transitions! klass.class_eval do aasm_with CustomAASMBase do after_all_transitions :increment_transition_count end end end # A custom annotation that we want available across many AASM models. def requires_guards! klass.class_eval do attr_reader :authorizable_called, :transition_count, :fillable_called def authorizable? @authorizable_called = true end def fillable? @fillable_called = true end def increment_transition_count @transition_count ||= 0 @transition_count += 1 end end end end class SimpleCustomExample include AASM # Let's build an AASM state machine with our custom class. aasm_with CustomAASMBase do requires_guards! count_transitions! state :initialised, :initial => true state :filled_out state :authorised event :fill_out do transitions :from => :initialised, :to => :filled_out, :guard => :fillable? end event :authorise do transitions :from => :filled_out, :to => :authorised, :guard => :authorizable? end end end