# Migrating from _AASM_ version 3 to 4 ## Must ### Callback order has been changed The first callback to be run is `:before` of the event. A state's `:before_exit` callback is now run directly before its `:exit` callback. Event-based guards are now run before any of the transition guards are run. And finally, before running any state callbacks, all (event- and transition-based) guards are run to check whether the state callbacks can be run or not. ### Callback `:on_transition` renamed to `:after` and changed its binding The transition callback `:on_transition` has been renamed to `:after` in order to make clear it is being called (namely _after_ doing the transition). Furthermore, in alignment with the other callbacks, it's not receiving the object at hand as first parameter and binds the current object to self. In summary, change from ```ruby aasm do ... transitions :from => :from_state, :to => :to_state, :on_transition => :do_something ... end ... def some_other_method(arg) ... end def do_something(obj, arg1, arg2) obj.some_other_method(arg1) end ``` to ```ruby aasm do ... transitions :from => :from_state, :to => :to_state, :after => :do_something ... end ... def some_other_method(arg) ... end def do_something(arg1, arg2) some_other_method(arg1) # run on the object as self end ``` ### `after_commit` hooks are now event-based The `after_commit` hooks have been move from the state level to the event level. So, if you want some code block to be executed after the _AASM_ state has been saved **AND** committed, change this code ```ruby class Job < ActiveRecord::Base include AASM aasm do state :sleeping, :initial => true state :running, :after_commit => :notify_about_running_job event :run do transitions :from => :sleeping, :to => :running end end def notify_about_running_job ... end end ``` to ```ruby class Job < ActiveRecord::Base include AASM aasm do state :sleeping, :initial => true state :running event :run, :after_commit => :notify_about_running_job do transitions :from => :sleeping, :to => :running end end def notify_about_running_job ... end end ``` ### Instance-level inspection Listing events for the current state now returns Event objects instead of event names (as symbols). So, change from ```ruby job = Job.new job.aasm.events # => [:run] ``` to ```ruby job = Job.new job.aasm.events.map(&:name) # => [:run] ``` Retrieving the list of permitted events has now been integrated into the `events` method. Change from ```ruby job = Job.new job.aasm.permissible_events # => [:run] ``` to ```ruby job = Job.new job.aasm.events(:permitted => true) # => [:run] ``` Class-based events now return a list of `Event` instances. Change from ```ruby Job.aasm.events.values.map(&:name) # => [:run] ``` to ```ruby Job.aasm.events.map(&:name) # => [:run] ``` ## Could ### Triggering an event without _to_state_ When providing parameters to callbacks it is not required to provide the `to_state` anymore. So, assuming you have the following class: ```ruby class Job include AASM aasm do state :sleeping, :initial => true state :running event :run do transitions :from => :sleeping, :to => :running, :after => :log end end def log(message) logger.info message end end ``` then you could change from ```ruby job = Job.new job.run(:running, "we want to run") ``` to this: ```ruby job = Job.new job.run("we want to run") job.run(:running, "we want to run") # still supported to select the target state (the _to_state_) ``` On the other hand, you have to accept the arguments for **all** callback methods (and procs) you provide and use. If you don't want to provide these, you can splat them ```ruby def before(*args); end # or def before(*_); end # to indicate that you don't want to use the arguments ``` ### New configuration option: `no_direct_assignment` If you want to make sure that the _AASM_ column for storing the state is not directly assigned, configure _AASM_ to not allow direct assignment, like this: ```ruby class Job < ActiveRecord::Base include AASM aasm :no_direct_assignment => true do state :sleeping, :initial => true state :running event :run do transitions :from => :sleeping, :to => :running end end end ``` resulting in this: ```ruby job = Job.create job.aasm_state # => 'sleeping' job.aasm_state = :running # => raises AASM::NoDirectAssignmentError job.aasm_state # => 'sleeping' ```