module AASM class InstanceBase def initialize(instance) @instance = instance end def current_state @current_state ||= @instance.aasm_read_state end def current_state=(state) @instance.aasm_write_state_without_persistence(state) @current_state = state end def enter_initial_state state_name = determine_state_name(@instance.class.aasm_initial_state) state_object = state_object_for_name(state_name) state_object.fire_callbacks(:before_enter, @instance) state_object.fire_callbacks(:enter, @instance) self.current_state = state_name state_object.fire_callbacks(:after_enter, @instance) state_name end def human_state, current_state) end # QUESTION: shouldn't events and permissible_events be the same thing? # QUESTION: shouldn't events return objects instead of strings? def events(state=current_state) events = {|e| e.transitions_from_state?(state) } {|e|} end # filters the results of events_for_current_state so that only those that # are really currently possible (given transition guards) are shown. # QUESTION: what about events.permissible ? def permissible_events{ |e| @instance.send(("may_" + e.to_s + "?").to_sym) } end def state_object_for_name(name) obj = @instance.class.aasm.states.find {|s| s == name} raise AASM::UndefinedState, "State :#{name} doesn't exist" if obj.nil? obj end def determine_state_name(state) case state when Symbol, String state when Proc else raise NotImplementedError, "Unrecognized state-type given. Expected Symbol, String, or Proc." end end def may_fire_event?(name, *args) event =[name] event.may_fire?(@instance, *args) end def set_current_state_with_persistence(state) save_success = @instance.aasm_write_state(state) self.current_state = state if save_success save_success end end end