require 'active_record' require 'logger' require 'spec_helper' load_schema # if you want to see the statements while running the spec enable the following line # ActiveRecord::Base.logger = shared_examples_for "aasm model" do it "should include persistence mixins" do klass.included_modules.should be_include(AASM::Persistence::ActiveRecordPersistence) klass.included_modules.should be_include(AASM::Persistence::ActiveRecordPersistence::InstanceMethods) end end describe "instance methods" do let(:gate) {} it "should respond to aasm persistence methods" do gate.should respond_to(:aasm_read_state) gate.should respond_to(:aasm_write_state) gate.should respond_to(:aasm_write_state_without_persistence) end it "should return the initial state when new and the aasm field is nil" do gate.aasm_current_state.should == :opened end it "should return the aasm column when new and the aasm field is not nil" do gate.aasm_state = "closed" gate.aasm_current_state.should == :closed end it "should return the aasm column when not new and the aasm_column is not nil" do gate.stub!(:new_record?).and_return(false) gate.aasm_state = "state" gate.aasm_current_state.should == :state end it "should allow a nil state" do gate.stub!(:new_record?).and_return(false) gate.aasm_state = nil gate.aasm_current_state.should be_nil end it "should call aasm_ensure_initial_state on validation before create" do gate.should_receive(:aasm_ensure_initial_state).and_return(true) gate.valid? end it "should not call aasm_ensure_initial_state on validation before update" do gate.stub!(:new_record?).and_return(false) gate.should_not_receive(:aasm_ensure_initial_state) gate.valid? end end describe 'subclasses' do it "should have the same states as its parent class" do Derivate.aasm_states.should == Simple.aasm_states end it "should have the same events as its parent class" do Derivate.aasm_events.should == Simple.aasm_events end it "should have the same column as its parent class" do Derivate.aasm_column.should == :status end it "should have the same column as its parent even for the new dsl" do SimpleNewDsl.aasm_column.should == :status DerivateNewDsl.aasm_column.should == :status end end describe "named scopes with the old DSL" do context "Does not already respond_to? the scope name" do it "should add a scope" do Simple.should respond_to(:unknown_scope) Simple.unknown_scope.class.should == ActiveRecord::Relation end end context "Already respond_to? the scope name" do it "should not add a scope" do Simple.should respond_to(:new) == Simple end end end describe "named scopes with the new DSL" do context "Does not already respond_to? the scope name" do it "should add a scope" do SimpleNewDsl.should respond_to(:unknown_scope) SimpleNewDsl.unknown_scope.class.should == ActiveRecord::Relation end end context "Already respond_to? the scope name" do it "should not add a scope" do SimpleNewDsl.should respond_to(:new) == SimpleNewDsl end end end describe 'initial states' do it 'should support conditions' do => true).aasm_current_state.should == :rich => false).aasm_current_state.should == :jailed end end describe 'transitions with persistence' do it 'should not store states for invalid models' do validator = Validator.create(:name => 'name') validator.should be_valid validator.should be_sleeping = nil validator.should_not be_valid!.should be_false validator.should be_sleeping validator.reload validator.should_not be_running validator.should be_sleeping = 'another name' validator.should be_valid!.should be_true validator.should be_running validator.reload validator.should be_running validator.should_not be_sleeping end it 'should store states for invalid models if configured' do persistor = InvalidPersistor.create(:name => 'name') persistor.should be_valid persistor.should be_sleeping = nil persistor.should_not be_valid!.should be_true persistor.should be_running persistor = InvalidPersistor.find( persistor.valid? persistor.should be_valid persistor.should be_running persistor.should_not be_sleeping persistor.reload persistor.should be_running persistor.should_not be_sleeping end describe 'transactions' do it 'should rollback all changes' do worker = Worker.create!(:name => 'worker', :status => 'sleeping') transactor = Transactor.create!(:name => 'transactor', :worker => worker) transactor.should be_sleeping worker.status.should == 'sleeping' lambda {!}.should raise_error(StandardError, 'failed on purpose') transactor.should be_running worker.reload.status.should == 'sleeping' end end end