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AASM - State machines for Ruby classes (plain Ruby, ActiveRecord, Mongoid, NoBrainer, Dynamoid)
Find a file
2010-10-05 12:17:40 -04:00
lib forgot to copy a method from my other fork 2010-10-05 12:16:49 -04:00
spec added an arity check for the :on_transition method to solve the n for 0 errors when your :on_transition method does NOT accept arguments. 2010-10-01 13:33:35 -04:00
test tests the new 'may' functionality 2010-10-05 12:17:40 -04:00
.document cleanup, move to jeweler, nuke gemspec 2009-10-14 23:07:46 -04:00
.gitignore dont ignore gemspec files any more 2010-01-17 01:33:15 -05:00
aasm.gemspec gemspec 2010-09-13 04:19:36 -04:00
LICENSE cleanup, move to jeweler, nuke gemspec 2009-10-14 23:07:46 -04:00
Rakefile change the home page to be the new sdoc page 2009-10-23 16:45:05 -04:00
README.rdoc alternatives 2010-08-27 17:15:02 -04:00
VERSION Version bump to 2.2.0 2010-09-13 04:18:44 -04:00

= Alternatives

If you are looking for an alternative to AASM, I would highly suggest transitions: http://github.com/qoobaa/transitions

= AASM - Ruby state machines

This package contains AASM, a library for adding finite state machines to Ruby classes.

AASM started as the acts_as_state_machine plugin but has evolved into a more generic library that no longer targets only ActiveRecord models.

AASM has the following features:

* States
* Machines
* Events
* Transitions

== New Callbacks

The callback chain & order on a successful event looks like:

  __find transition, if possible__
  __update state__

  (*) marks old callbacks

== Download

The latest AASM can currently be pulled from the git repository on github.

* http://github.com/rubyist/aasm/tree/master

== Installation

=== From gemcutter

  % sudo gem install gemcutter
  % sudo gem tumble
  % sudo gem install aasm

=== From GitHub hosted gems (only older releases are available)

  % sudo gem sources -a http://gems.github.com # (you only need to do this once)
  % sudo gem install rubyist-aasm

=== Building your own gems

  % rake gemspec
  % rake build
  % sudo gem install pkg/aasm-2.1.gem

== Simple Example

Here's a quick example highlighting some of the features.

  class Conversation
    include AASM

    aasm_column :current_state # defaults to aasm_state

    aasm_initial_state :unread

    aasm_state :unread
    aasm_state :read
    aasm_state :closed

    aasm_event :view do
      transitions :to => :read, :from => [:unread]

    aasm_event :close do
      transitions :to => :closed, :from => [:read, :unread]

== A Slightly More Complex Example

This example uses a few of the more complex features available.

  class Relationship
    include AASM

    aasm_column :status
    aasm_initial_state Proc.new { |relationship| relationship.strictly_for_fun? ? :intimate : :dating }
    aasm_state :dating,   :enter => :make_happy,        :exit => :make_depressed
    aasm_state :intimate, :enter => :make_very_happy,   :exit => :never_speak_again
    aasm_state :married,  :enter => :give_up_intimacy,  :exit => :buy_exotic_car_and_wear_a_combover
    aasm_event :get_intimate do
      transitions :to => :intimate, :from => [:dating], :guard => :drunk?
    aasm_event :get_married do
      transitions :to => :married, :from => [:dating, :intimate], :guard => :willing_to_give_up_manhood?
    def strictly_for_fun?; end
    def drunk?; end
    def willing_to_give_up_manhood?; end
    def make_happy; end
    def make_depressed; end
    def make_very_happy; end
    def never_speak_again; end
    def give_up_intimacy; end
    def buy_exotic_car_and_wear_a_combover; end

= Other Stuff

Author::  Scott Barron <scott at elitists dot net>
License:: Original code Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 by Scott Barron.
          Released under an MIT-style license.  See the LICENSE  file
          included in the distribution.

== Warranty

This software is provided "as is" and without any express or
implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular