module Ransack module Nodes class Condition < Node i18n_word :attribute, :predicate, :combinator, :value i18n_alias :a => :attribute, :p => :predicate, :m => :combinator, :v => :value attr_accessor :predicate class << self def extract(context, key, values) attributes, predicate, combinator = extract_values_for_condition(key, context) if attributes.size > 0 && predicate condition = :a => attributes, :p =>, :m => combinator, :v => predicate.wants_array ? Array(values) : [values] ) # TODO: Figure out what to do with multiple types of attributes, # if anything. Tempted to go with "garbage in, garbage out" here. if predicate.validate(condition.values, condition.default_type) condition else nil end end end private def extract_values_for_condition(key, context = nil) str = key.dup name = Predicate.detect_and_strip_from_string!(str) predicate = Predicate.named(name) unless predicate || Ransack.options[:ignore_unknown_conditions] raise ArgumentError, "No valid predicate for #{key}" end if context.present? str = context.ransackable_alias(str) end combinator = if str.match(/_(or|and)_/) $1 else nil end if context.present? && context.attribute_method?(str) attributes = [str] else attributes = str.split(/_and_|_or_/) end [attributes, predicate, combinator] end end def valid? attributes.detect(&:valid?) && predicate && valid_arity? && predicate.validate(values, default_type) && valid_combinator? end def valid_arity? values.size <= 1 || predicate.wants_array end def attributes @attributes ||= [] end alias :a :attributes def attributes=(args) case args when Array args.each do |name| build_attribute(name) end when Hash args.each do |index, attrs| build_attribute(attrs[:name], attrs[:ransacker_args]) end else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid argument (#{args.class}) supplied to attributes=" end end alias :a= :attributes= def values @values ||= [] end alias :v :values def values=(args) case args when Array args.each do |val| val =, val) self.values << val end when Hash args.each do |index, attrs| val =, attrs[:value]) self.values << val end else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid argument (#{args.class}) supplied to values=" end end alias :v= :values= def combinator @attributes.size > 1 ? @combinator : nil end def combinator=(val) @combinator = Constants::AND_OR.detect { |v| v == val.to_s } || nil end alias :m= :combinator= alias :m :combinator # == build_attribute # # This method was originally called from Nodes::Grouping#new_condition # only, without arguments, without #valid? checking, to build a new # grouping condition. # # After refactoring in 235eae3, it is now called from 2 places: # # 1. Nodes::Condition#attributes=, with +name+ argument passed or +name+ # and +ransacker_args+. Attributes are included only if #valid?. # # 2. Nodes::Grouping#new_condition without arguments. In this case, the # #valid? conditional needs to be bypassed, otherwise nothing is # built. The `name.nil?` conditional below currently does this. # # TODO: Add test coverage for this behavior and ensure that `name.nil?` # isn't fixing issue #701 by introducing untested regressions. # def build_attribute(name = nil, ransacker_args = []), name, ransacker_args).tap do |attribute| @context.bind(attribute, self.attributes << attribute if name.nil? || attribute.valid? if predicate && !negative? @context.lock_association(attribute.parent) end end end def build_value(val = nil), val).tap do |value| self.values << value end end def value if predicate.wants_array { |v| v.cast(default_type) } else values.first.cast(default_type) end end def build(params) params.with_indifferent_access.each do |key, value| if key.match(/^(a|v|p|m)$/) self.send("#{key}=", value) end end self end def persisted? false end def key @key ||="_#{combinator}_") + "_#{}" end def eql?(other) self.class == other.class && self.attributes == other.attributes && self.predicate == other.predicate && self.values == other.values && self.combinator == other.combinator end alias :== :eql? def hash [attributes, predicate, values, combinator].hash end def predicate_name=(name) self.predicate = Predicate.named(name) unless negative? attributes.each { |a| context.lock_association(a.parent) } end @predicate end alias :p= :predicate_name= def predicate_name if predicate end alias :p :predicate_name def arel_predicate raise "not implemented" end def validated_values { |v| } end def casted_values_for_attribute(attr) { |v| v.cast(predicate.type || attr.type) } end def formatted_values_for_attribute(attr) formatted = casted_values_for_attribute(attr).map do |val| if attr.ransacker && attr.ransacker.formatter val = end val = predicate.format(val) val end if predicate.wants_array formatted else formatted.first end end def arel_predicate_for_attribute(attr) if predicate.arel_predicate === Proc values = casted_values_for_attribute(attr) unless predicate.wants_array values = values.first end else predicate.arel_predicate end end def attr_value_for_attribute(attr) return attr.attr if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name == "PostgreSQL" predicate.case_insensitive ? attr.attr.lower : attr.attr rescue attr.attr end def default_type predicate.type || (attributes.first && attributes.first.type) end def inspect data = [ ['attributes'.freeze, a.try(:map, &:name)], ['predicate'.freeze, p], [Constants::COMBINATOR, m], ['values'.freeze, v.try(:map, &:value)] ] .reject { |e| e[1].blank? } .map { |v| "#{v[0]}: #{v[1]}" } .join(', '.freeze) "Condition <#{data}>" end def negative? predicate.negative? end private def valid_combinator? attributes.size < 2 || Constants::AND_OR.include?(combinator) end end end end