# Change Log This change log was started in August 2014. All notable changes to this project henceforth should be documented here. ## Master (Unreleased) ### Added * Add support for using Ransack with `Mongoid 4.0` without associations ([pull request](https://github.com/activerecord-hackery/ransack/pull/407)). *Zhomart Mukhamejanov* ### Fixed * Add support and tests for passing stringy booleans for ransackable scopes ([pull request](https://github.com/activerecord-hackery/ransack/pull/460)). *Josh Kovach* ### Changed ## Version 1.5.1 - 2014-10-30 ### Fixed * Fix a regression caused by incorrect string constants in `context.rb`. *Kazuhiro Nishiyama* ### Added * Add base specs for search on fields with `_start` and `_end`. *Jon Atack* * Add a failing spec for detecting attribute fields containing `_and_` that needs to be fixed. Attribute names containing `_and_` and `_or_` are still not parsed/detected correctly. *Jon Atack* ### Changed * Remove duplicate code in `spec/support/schema.rb`. *Jon Atack* ## Version 1.5.0 - 2014-10-26 ### Added * Add support for multiple sort fields and default orders in Ransack `sort_link` helpers ([pull request](https://github.com/activerecord-hackery/ransack/pull/438)). *Caleb Land*, *James u007* * Add tests for `lteq`, `lt`, `gteq` and `gt` predicates. They are also tested in Arel, but testing them in Ransack has proven useful to detect issues. *Jon Atack* * Add tests for unknown attribute names. *Joe Yates* * Add tests for attribute names containing '_or_' and '_and_'. *Joe Yates*, *Jon Atack* * Add tests for attribute names ending with '_start' and '_end'. *Jon Atack*, *Timo Schilling* * Add tests for `start`, `not_start`, `end` and `not_end` predicates, with emphasis on cases when attribute names end with `_start` and `_end`. *Jon Atack* ### Fixed * Fix a regression where form labels for attributes through a `belongs_to` association without a translation for the attribute in the locales file would cause a "no implicit conversion of nil into Hash" crash instead of falling back on the attribute name. Added test coverage. *John Dell*, *Jon Atack*, *jasdeepgosal* * Fix the `form_helper date_select` spec that was failing with Rails 4.2 and master. *Jon Atack* * Improve `attribute_method?` parsing for attribute names containing `_and_` and `_or_`. Attributes named like `foo_and_bar` or `foo_or_bar` are recognized now instead of running failing checks for `foo` and `bar`. CORRECTION October 28, 2014: this feature is still not working! *Joe Yates* * Improve `attribute_method?` parsing for attribute names ending with a predicate like `_start` and `_end`. For instance, a `foo_start` attribute is now recognized instead of raising a NoMethodError. *Timo Schilling*, *Jon Atack* ### Changed * Reduce object allocations and memory footprint (with a slight speed gain as well) by extracting commonly used strings into top level constants and replacing calls to `#try` methods with simple nil checking. *Jon Atack* ## Version 1.4.1 - 2014-09-23 ### Fixed * Fix README markdown so RubyGems documentation picks up the formatting correctly. *Jon Atack* ## Version 1.4.0 - 2014-09-23 ### Added * Add support for Rails 4.2.0! Let us know if you encounter any issues. *Xiang Li* * Add `not_true` and `not_false` predicates and update the "Basic Searching" wiki. Fixes #123, #353. *Pedro Chambino* * Add `ro.yml` Romanian translation file. *Andreas Philippi* * Add new documentation in the README explaining how to group queries by `OR` instead of the default `AND` using the `m: 'or'` combinator. * Add new documentation in the README and in the source code comments explaining in detail how to handle whitelisting/authorization of attributes, associations, sorts and scopes. * Add new documentation in the README explaining in more detail how to use scopes for searching with Ransack. * Begin a CHANGELOG. *Jon Atack* ### Fixed * Fix singular/plural Active Record attribute translations. *Andreas Philippi* * Fix the params hash being modified by `Search.new` and the Ransack scope. *Daniel Rikowski* * Apply default scope conditions for association joins (fix for Rails 3). Avoid selecting records from joins that would normally be filtered out if they were selected from the base table. Only applies to Rails 3, as this issue was fixed in Rails 4. *Andrew Vit* * Fix incoherent code examples in the README Associations section that sometimes used `@q` and other times `@search`. *Jon Atack* ### Changed * Refactor Ransack::Translate. * Rewrite much of the Ransack README documentation, including the Associations section code examples and the Authorizations section detailing how to whitelist attributes, associations, sorts and scopes. *Jon Atack* ## Version 1.3.0 - 2014-08-23 ### Added * Add search scopes by popular demand. Using `ransackable_scopes`, users can define whitelists for allowed model scopes on a parent table. Not yet implemented for associated models' scopes; scopes must be defined on the parent table. *Gleb Mazovetskiy*, *Andrew Vit*, *Sven Schwyn* * Add `JOINS` merging. * Add `OR` grouping on base search. * Allow authorizing/whitelisting attributes, associations, sorts and scopes. * Improve boolean predicates’ handling of `false` values. * Allow configuring Ransack to raise on instead of ignore unknown search conditions. * Allow passing blank values to search without crashing. * Add wildcard escaping compatibility for SQL Server databases. * Add various I18n translations.