require 'spec_helper' module Ransack module Adapters module ActiveRecord describe Base do subject { ::ActiveRecord::Base } it { should respond_to :ransack } it { should respond_to :search } describe '#search' do subject { } it { should be_a Search } it 'has a Relation as its object' do subject.object.should be_an ::ActiveRecord::Relation end end describe '#ransacker' do # For infix tests def self.sane_adapter? case ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name when "SQLite3", "PostgreSQL" true else false end end # in schema.rb, class Person: # ransacker :reversed_name, formatter: proc { |v| v.reverse } do |parent| # parent.table[:name] # end # # ransacker :doubled_name do |parent| #'||', parent.table[:name], parent.table[:name]) # end it 'creates ransack attributes' do s = 'htimS cirA') s.result.should have(1).person if ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING >= "4" s.result.first.should eq Person.find_by(name: 'Aric Smith') else s.result.first.should eq Person.find_by_name('Aric Smith') end end it 'can be accessed through associations' do s = 'htimS cirA') s.result.to_sql.should match( /#{quote_table_name("children_people")}.#{quote_column_name("name")} = 'Aric Smith'/ ) end it 'allows an "attribute" to be an InfixOperation' do s = 'Aric SmithAric Smith') s.result.first.should eq Person.find_by(name: 'Aric Smith') end if defined?(Arel::Nodes::InfixOperation) && sane_adapter? it "doesn't break #count if using InfixOperations" do s = 'Aric SmithAric Smith') s.result.count.should eq 1 end if defined?(Arel::Nodes::InfixOperation) && sane_adapter? if ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING >= "4" it "should remove empty key value pairs from the params hash" do s = '') s.result.to_sql.should_not match /LEFT OUTER JOIN/ end it "should keep proper key value pairs in the params hash" do s = 'Testing') s.result.to_sql.should match /LEFT OUTER JOIN/ end it "should function correctly when nil is passed in" do s = end end it "should function correctly when using fields with dots in them" do s = "") s.result.exists?.should be_true end it "should function correctly when using fields with % in them" do Person.create!(name: "110%-er") s = "10%") s.result.exists?.should be_true end it "should function correctly when using fields with backslashes in them" do Person.create!(name: "\\WINNER\\") s = "\\WINNER\\") s.result.exists?.should be_true end it 'allows sort by "only_sort" field' do s = "s" => { "0" => { "dir" => "asc", "name" => "only_sort" } } ) s.result.to_sql.should match( /ORDER BY #{quote_table_name("people")}.#{quote_column_name("only_sort")} ASC/ ) end it "doesn't sort by 'only_search' field" do s = "s" => { "0" => { "dir" => "asc", "name" => "only_search" } } ) s.result.to_sql.should_not match( /ORDER BY #{quote_table_name("people")}.#{quote_column_name("only_search")} ASC/ ) end it 'allows search by "only_search" field' do s = 'htimS cirA') s.result.to_sql.should match( /WHERE #{quote_table_name("people")}.#{quote_column_name("only_search")} = 'htimS cirA'/ ) end it "can't be searched by 'only_sort'" do s = 'htimS cirA') s.result.to_sql.should_not match( /WHERE #{quote_table_name("people")}.#{quote_column_name("only_sort")} = 'htimS cirA'/ ) end it 'allows sort by "only_admin" field, if auth_object: :admin' do s = { "s" => { "0" => { "dir" => "asc", "name" => "only_admin" } } }, { auth_object: :admin } ) s.result.to_sql.should match( /ORDER BY #{quote_table_name("people")}.#{quote_column_name("only_admin")} ASC/ ) end it "doesn't sort by 'only_admin' field, if auth_object: nil" do s = "s" => { "0" => { "dir" => "asc", "name" => "only_admin" } } ) s.result.to_sql.should_not match( /ORDER BY #{quote_table_name("people")}.#{quote_column_name("only_admin")} ASC/ ) end it 'allows search by "only_admin" field, if auth_object: :admin' do s = { only_admin_eq: 'htimS cirA' }, { auth_object: :admin } ) s.result.to_sql.should match( /WHERE #{quote_table_name("people")}.#{quote_column_name("only_admin")} = 'htimS cirA'/ ) end it "can't be searched by 'only_admin', if auth_object: nil" do s = 'htimS cirA') s.result.to_sql.should_not match( /WHERE #{quote_table_name("people")}.#{quote_column_name("only_admin")} = 'htimS cirA'/ ) end end describe '#ransackable_attributes' do context 'when auth_object is nil' do subject { Person.ransackable_attributes } it { should include 'name' } it { should include 'reversed_name' } it { should include 'doubled_name' } it { should include 'only_search' } it { should_not include 'only_sort' } it { should_not include 'only_admin' } end context 'with auth_object :admin' do subject { Person.ransackable_attributes(:admin) } it { should include 'name' } it { should include 'reversed_name' } it { should include 'doubled_name' } it { should include 'only_search' } it { should_not include 'only_sort' } it { should include 'only_admin' } end end describe '#ransortable_attributes' do context 'when auth_object is nil' do subject { Person.ransortable_attributes } it { should include 'name' } it { should include 'reversed_name' } it { should include 'doubled_name' } it { should include 'only_sort' } it { should_not include 'only_search' } it { should_not include 'only_admin' } end context 'with auth_object :admin' do subject { Person.ransortable_attributes(:admin) } it { should include 'name' } it { should include 'reversed_name' } it { should include 'doubled_name' } it { should include 'only_sort' } it { should_not include 'only_search' } it { should include 'only_admin' } end end describe '#ransackable_associations' do subject { Person.ransackable_associations } it { should include 'parent' } it { should include 'children' } it { should include 'articles' } end end end end end