require 'ransack/constants' require 'ransack/predicate' module Ransack module Configuration mattr_accessor :predicates, :options self.predicates = {} self.options = { :search_key => :q, :ignore_unknown_conditions => true } def configure yield self end def add_predicate(name, opts = {}) name = name.to_s opts[:name] = name compounds = opts.delete(:compounds) compounds = true if compounds.nil? compounds = false if opts[:wants_array] self.predicates[name] = Constants::SUFFIXES.each do |suffix| compound_name = name + suffix self.predicates[compound_name] = opts.merge( :name => compound_name, :arel_predicate => arel_predicate_with_suffix( opts[:arel_predicate], suffix ), :compound => true ) ) end if compounds end # The default `search_key` name is `:q`. The default key may be overridden # in an initializer file like `config/initializers/ransack.rb` as follows: # # Ransack.configure do |config| # # Name the search_key `:query` instead of the default `:q` # config.search_key = :query # end # # Sometimes there are situations when the default search parameter name # cannot be used, for instance if there were two searches on one page. # Another name can be set using the `search_key` option with Ransack # `ransack`, `search` and `@search_form_for` methods in controllers & views. # # In the controller: # @search = Log.ransack(params[:log_search], search_key: :log_search) # # In the view: # <%= f.search_form_for @search, as: :log_search %> # def search_key=(name) self.options[:search_key] = name end # Raise an error if an unknown predicate, condition or attribute is passed # into a search. def ignore_unknown_conditions=(boolean) self.options[:ignore_unknown_conditions] = boolean end def arel_predicate_with_suffix(arel_predicate, suffix) if arel_predicate === Proc proc { |v| "#{}#{suffix}" } else "#{arel_predicate}#{suffix}" end end end end