module Ransack module Constants ASC = 'asc'.freeze DESC = 'desc'.freeze ASC_DESC = [ASC, DESC].freeze ASC_ARROW = '▲'.freeze DESC_ARROW = '▼'.freeze OR = 'or'.freeze AND = 'and'.freeze SPACED_AND = ' AND '.freeze SORT = 'sort'.freeze SORT_LINK = 'sort_link'.freeze SORT_DIRECTION = 'sort_direction'.freeze CAP_SEARCH = 'Search'.freeze SEARCH = 'search'.freeze SEARCHES = 'searches'.freeze ATTRIBUTE = 'attribute'.freeze ATTRIBUTES = 'attributes'.freeze COMBINATOR = 'combinator'.freeze SPACE = ' '.freeze COMMA_SPACE = ', '.freeze COLON_SPACE = ': '.freeze TWO_COLONS = '::'.freeze UNDERSCORE = '_'.freeze LEFT_PARENTHESIS = '('.freeze Q = 'q'.freeze I = 'i'.freeze NON_BREAKING_SPACE = ' '.freeze DOT_ASTERIX = '.*'.freeze EMPTY = ''.freeze STRING_JOIN = 'string_join'.freeze ASSOCIATION_JOIN = 'association_join'.freeze STASHED_JOIN = 'stashed_join'.freeze JOIN_NODE = 'join_node'.freeze TRUE_VALUES = [true, 1, '1', 't', 'T', 'true', 'TRUE'].to_set FALSE_VALUES = [false, 0, '0', 'f', 'F', 'false', 'FALSE'].to_set BOOLEAN_VALUES = (TRUE_VALUES + FALSE_VALUES).freeze S_SORTS = %w(s sorts).freeze AND_OR = %w(and or).freeze IN_NOT_IN = %w(in not_in).freeze SUFFIXES = %w(_any _all).freeze AREL_PREDICATES = %w( eq not_eq matches does_not_match lt lteq gt gteq in not_in ).freeze A_S_I = %w(a s i).freeze EQ = 'eq'.freeze NOT_EQ = 'not_eq'.freeze EQ_ANY = 'eq_any'.freeze NOT_EQ_ALL = 'not_eq_all'.freeze CONT = 'cont'.freeze RAILS_4_1 = '4.1'.freeze RANSACK_SLASH_SEARCHES = 'ransack/searches'.freeze RANSACK_SLASH_SEARCHES_SLASH_SEARCH = 'ransack/searches/search'.freeze end end