2010-11-13 12:49:24 -05:00
0.3.1 RubyConf X edition
- Fixed Ruby 1.8.6 compatibility issues (thanks, Tim!)
- Fixed stack overflow issue with Rails 2.3.x console
2010-11-06 19:01:38 -04:00
- Display object.methods and family in human readable format
- Objects inherited from Array, Hash, File, Dir, and Struct are shown as their base class
- Added option to suppress array index in output (Sean Gallagher)
- Updated README on how to set up ~/.irbrc for MacRuby (Eloy Duran)
- Specs pass 100% with Ruby 1.8.7/RSpec 1.3 and Ruby 1.9.2/RSpec 2.0
2010-06-03 22:53:47 -04:00
- ap can now be used within Rails templates (ex. <%= ap object %>)
- Added support for printing Struct
2010-05-06 00:30:00 -04:00
- Added support for logger.ap (including Rails logger)
2010-05-06 01:23:18 -04:00
- Added support for HashWithIndifferentAccess from ActiveSupport
2010-05-06 00:30:00 -04:00
- ap now works with scripts that use ActiveRecord/ActiveSupport outside Rails
- ap now correctly shows file and directory names with fancy characters (shell escape)
2010-04-08 23:40:38 -04:00
- Format BigDecimal and Rational objects as Float scalars
- Explicit options parameter can override custom defaults
- Custom defaults are not interfering when running specs
- Custom defaults now work correctly with Ruby 1.9.x
2010-04-08 00:31:21 -04:00
- Added support for setting custom defaults in ~/.aprc
- Correctly handle empty arrays and hashes
- Use alias_method instead of alias (fixes non-tty method aliasing)
- Added awesome_inspect method
- Added support for tableless ActiveRecord models
- Left align hash keys if @options[:indent] is negative
- Initial Release.