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synced 2023-03-27 23:22:34 -04:00
Ruby syntax highlighting in README courtesy of Nami-Doc
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 243 additions and 213 deletions
@ -12,236 +12,251 @@ objects and usage within Rails templates are supported via included mixins.
### Usage ###
require "awesome_print"
ap object, options = {}
require "awesome_print"
ap object, options = {}
Default options:
:indent => 4, # Indent using 4 spaces.
:index => true, # Display array indices.
:html => false, # Use ANSI color codes rather than HTML.
:multiline => true, # Display in multiple lines.
:plain => false, # Use colors.
:raw => false, # Do not recursively format object instance variables.
:sort_keys => false, # Do not sort hash keys.
:limit => false, # Limit large output for arrays and hashes. Set to a boolean or integer.
:color => {
:args => :pale,
:array => :white,
:bigdecimal => :blue,
:class => :yellow,
:date => :greenish,
:falseclass => :red,
:fixnum => :blue,
:float => :blue,
:hash => :pale,
:keyword => :cyan,
:method => :purpleish,
:nilclass => :red,
:rational => :blue,
:string => :yellowish,
:struct => :pale,
:symbol => :cyanish,
:time => :greenish,
:trueclass => :green,
:variable => :cyanish
:indent => 4, # Indent using 4 spaces.
:index => true, # Display array indices.
:html => false, # Use ANSI color codes rather than HTML.
:multiline => true, # Display in multiple lines.
:plain => false, # Use colors.
:raw => false, # Do not recursively format object instance variables.
:sort_keys => false, # Do not sort hash keys.
:limit => false, # Limit large output for arrays and hashes. Set to a boolean or integer.
:color => {
:args => :pale,
:array => :white,
:bigdecimal => :blue,
:class => :yellow,
:date => :greenish,
:falseclass => :red,
:fixnum => :blue,
:float => :blue,
:hash => :pale,
:keyword => :cyan,
:method => :purpleish,
:nilclass => :red,
:rational => :blue,
:string => :yellowish,
:struct => :pale,
:symbol => :cyanish,
:time => :greenish,
:trueclass => :green,
:variable => :cyanish
Supported color names:
:gray, :red, :green, :yellow, :blue, :purple, :cyan, :white
:black, :redish, :greenish, :yellowish, :blueish, :purpleish, :cyanish, :pale
:gray, :red, :green, :yellow, :blue, :purple, :cyan, :white
:black, :redish, :greenish, :yellowish, :blueish, :purpleish, :cyanish, :pale
### Examples ###
$ cat > 1.rb
require "awesome_print"
data = [ false, 42, %w(forty two), { :now => Time.now, :class => Time.now.class, :distance => 42e42 } ]
ap data
$ ruby 1.rb
[0] false,
[1] 42,
[2] [
[0] "forty",
[1] "two"
[3] {
:class => Time < Object,
:now => Fri Apr 02 19:55:53 -0700 2010,
:distance => 4.2e+43
$ cat > 2.rb
require "awesome_print"
data = { :now => Time.now, :class => Time.now.class, :distance => 42e42 }
ap data, :indent => -2 # <-- Left align hash keys.
$ ruby 2.rb
:class => Time < Object,
:now => Fri Apr 02 19:55:53 -0700 2010,
:distance => 4.2e+43
$ cat > 1.rb
require "awesome_print"
data = [ false, 42, %w(forty two), { :now => Time.now, :class => Time.now.class, :distance => 42e42 } ]
ap data
$ ruby 1.rb
[0] false,
[1] 42,
[2] [
[0] "forty",
[1] "two"
[3] {
:class => Time < Object,
:now => Fri Apr 02 19:55:53 -0700 2010,
:distance => 4.2e+43
$ cat > 3.rb
require "awesome_print"
data = [ false, 42, %w(forty two) ]
data << data # <-- Nested array.
ap data, :multiline => false
$ ruby 3.rb
[ false, 42, [ "forty", "two" ], [...] ]
$ cat > 2.rb
require "awesome_print"
data = { :now => Time.now, :class => Time.now.class, :distance => 42e42 }
ap data, :indent => -2 # <-- Left align hash keys.
$ ruby 2.rb
:class => Time < Object,
:now => Fri Apr 02 19:55:53 -0700 2010,
:distance => 4.2e+43
$ cat > 4.rb
require "awesome_print"
class Hello
def self.world(x, y, z = nil, &blk)
ap Hello.methods - Class.methods
$ ruby 4.rb
[0] world(x, y, *z, &blk) Hello
$ cat > 3.rb
require "awesome_print"
data = [ false, 42, %w(forty two) ]
data << data # <-- Nested array.
ap data, :multiline => false
$ ruby 3.rb
[ false, 42, [ "forty", "two" ], [...] ]
$ cat > 5.rb
require "awesome_print"
ap (''.methods - Object.methods).grep(/!/)
$ ruby 5.rb
[ 0] capitalize!() String
[ 1] chomp!(*arg1) String
[ 2] chop!() String
[ 3] delete!(*arg1) String
[ 4] downcase!() String
[ 5] encode!(*arg1) String
[ 6] gsub!(*arg1) String
[ 7] lstrip!() String
[ 8] next!() String
[ 9] reverse!() String
[10] rstrip!() String
[11] slice!(*arg1) String
[12] squeeze!(*arg1) String
[13] strip!() String
[14] sub!(*arg1) String
[15] succ!() String
[16] swapcase!() String
[17] tr!(arg1, arg2) String
[18] tr_s!(arg1, arg2) String
[19] upcase!() String
$ cat > 4.rb
require "awesome_print"
class Hello
def self.world(x, y, z = nil, &blk)
ap Hello.methods - Class.methods
$ ruby 4.rb
[0] world(x, y, *z, &blk) Hello
$ cat > 6.rb
require "awesome_print"
ap 42 == ap(42)
$ ruby 6.rb
$ cat 7.rb
require "awesome_print"
some_array = (1..1000).to_a
ap some_array, :limit => true
$ ruby 7.rb
[ 0] 1,
[ 1] 2,
[ 2] 3,
[ 3] .. [996],
[997] 998,
[998] 999,
[999] 1000
$ cat > 5.rb
require "awesome_print"
ap (''.methods - Object.methods).grep(/!/)
$ ruby 5.rb
[ 0] capitalize!() String
[ 1] chomp!(*arg1) String
[ 2] chop!() String
[ 3] delete!(*arg1) String
[ 4] downcase!() String
[ 5] encode!(*arg1) String
[ 6] gsub!(*arg1) String
[ 7] lstrip!() String
[ 8] next!() String
[ 9] reverse!() String
[10] rstrip!() String
[11] slice!(*arg1) String
[12] squeeze!(*arg1) String
[13] strip!() String
[14] sub!(*arg1) String
[15] succ!() String
[16] swapcase!() String
[17] tr!(arg1, arg2) String
[18] tr_s!(arg1, arg2) String
[19] upcase!() String
$ cat 8.rb
require "awesome_print"
some_array = (1..1000).to_a
ap some_array, :limit => 5
$ ruby 8.rb
[ 0] 1,
[ 1] 2,
[ 2] .. [997],
[998] 999,
[999] 1000
$ cat > 6.rb
require "awesome_print"
ap 42 == ap(42)
$ ruby 6.rb
$ cat 7.rb
require "awesome_print"
some_array = (1..1000).to_a
ap some_array, :limit => true
$ ruby 7.rb
[ 0] 1,
[ 1] 2,
[ 2] 3,
[ 3] .. [996],
[997] 998,
[998] 999,
[999] 1000
$ cat 8.rb
require "awesome_print"
some_array = (1..1000).to_a
ap some_array, :limit => 5
$ ruby 8.rb
[ 0] 1,
[ 1] 2,
[ 2] .. [997],
[998] 999,
[999] 1000
### Example (Rails console) ###
$ rails console
rails> require "awesome_print"
rails> ap Account.all(:limit => 2)
[0] #<Account:0x1033220b8> {
:id => 1,
:user_id => 5,
:assigned_to => 7,
:name => "Hayes-DuBuque",
:access => "Public",
:website => "http://www.hayesdubuque.com",
:toll_free_phone => "1-800-932-6571",
:phone => "(111)549-5002",
:fax => "(349)415-2266",
:deleted_at => nil,
:created_at => Sat, 06 Mar 2010 09:46:10 UTC +00:00,
:updated_at => Sat, 06 Mar 2010 16:33:10 UTC +00:00,
:email => "info@hayesdubuque.com",
:background_info => nil
[1] #<Account:0x103321ff0> {
:id => 2,
:user_id => 4,
:assigned_to => 4,
:name => "Ziemann-Streich",
:access => "Public",
:website => "http://www.ziemannstreich.com",
:toll_free_phone => "1-800-871-0619",
:phone => "(042)056-1534",
:fax => "(106)017-8792",
:deleted_at => nil,
:created_at => Tue, 09 Feb 2010 13:32:10 UTC +00:00,
:updated_at => Tue, 09 Feb 2010 20:05:01 UTC +00:00,
:email => "info@ziemannstreich.com",
:background_info => nil
rails> ap Account
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base {
:id => :integer,
:user_id => :integer,
:assigned_to => :integer,
:name => :string,
:access => :string,
:website => :string,
:toll_free_phone => :string,
:phone => :string,
:fax => :string,
:deleted_at => :datetime,
:created_at => :datetime,
:updated_at => :datetime,
:email => :string,
:background_info => :string
$ rails console
rails> require "awesome_print"
rails> ap Account.limit(2).all
[0] #<Account:0x1033220b8> {
:id => 1,
:user_id => 5,
:assigned_to => 7,
:name => "Hayes-DuBuque",
:access => "Public",
:website => "http://www.hayesdubuque.com",
:toll_free_phone => "1-800-932-6571",
:phone => "(111)549-5002",
:fax => "(349)415-2266",
:deleted_at => nil,
:created_at => Sat, 06 Mar 2010 09:46:10 UTC +00:00,
:updated_at => Sat, 06 Mar 2010 16:33:10 UTC +00:00,
:email => "info@hayesdubuque.com",
:background_info => nil
[1] #<Account:0x103321ff0> {
:id => 2,
:user_id => 4,
:assigned_to => 4,
:name => "Ziemann-Streich",
:access => "Public",
:website => "http://www.ziemannstreich.com",
:toll_free_phone => "1-800-871-0619",
:phone => "(042)056-1534",
:fax => "(106)017-8792",
:deleted_at => nil,
:created_at => Tue, 09 Feb 2010 13:32:10 UTC +00:00,
:updated_at => Tue, 09 Feb 2010 20:05:01 UTC +00:00,
:email => "info@ziemannstreich.com",
:background_info => nil
rails> ap Account
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base {
:id => :integer,
:user_id => :integer,
:assigned_to => :integer,
:name => :string,
:access => :string,
:website => :string,
:toll_free_phone => :string,
:phone => :string,
:fax => :string,
:deleted_at => :datetime,
:created_at => :datetime,
:updated_at => :datetime,
:email => :string,
:background_info => :string
### IRB integration ###
To use awesome_print as default formatter in irb and Rails console add the following
code to your ~/.irbrc file:
require "awesome_print"
require "awesome_print"
### PRY integration ###
If you miss awesome_print's way of formatting output, here's how you can use it in place
of the formatting which comes with pry. Add the following code to your ~/.pryrc:
require "awesome_print"
require "awesome_print"
### Logger Convenience Method ###
awesome_print adds the 'ap' method to the Logger and ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger classes
@ -274,14 +289,16 @@ You can set your own default options by creating ``.aprc`` file in your home
directory. Within that file assign your defaults to ``AwesomePrint.defaults``.
For example:
# ~/.aprc file.
AwesomePrint.defaults = {
:indent => -2,
:color => {
:hash => :pale,
:class => :white
# ~/.aprc file.
AwesomePrint.defaults = {
:indent => -2,
:color => {
:hash => :pale,
:class => :white
### Running Specs ###
@ -294,10 +311,12 @@ For example:
* Make your feature addition or bug fix.
* Add specs for it, making sure $ rake spec is all green.
* Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history.
* Send me commit URL (*do not* send pull requests).
* Send commit URL (*do not* send pull requests).
### Contributors ###
Special thanks goes to awesome team of contributors, namely:
* 6fusion.com -- https://github.com/6fusion
* Adam Doppelt -- https://github.com/gurgeous
* Andrew O'Brien -- https://github.com/AndrewO
* Andrew Horsman -- https://github.com/basicxman
@ -312,21 +331,32 @@ For example:
* Evan Senter -- https://github.com/evansenter
* George . -- https://github.com/gardelea
* Greg Weber -- https://github.com/gregwebs
* Jan Vansteenkiste -- https://github.com/vStone
* Jeff Felchner -- https://github.com/jfelchner
* Jonathan Davies -- send your Github URL ;-)
* Kevin Olbrich -- https://github.com/olbrich
* Matthew Schulkind -- https://github.com/mschulkind
* Mike McQuaid -- https://github.com/mikemcquaid
* Nami-Doc -- https://github.com/Nami-Doc
* Nicolas Viennot -- https://github.com/nviennot
* Nikolaj Nikolajsen -- https://github.com/nikolajsen
* Richard Hall -- https://github.com/richardardrichard
* Ryan Schlesinger -- https://github.com/ryansch
* Scott Hyndman -- https://github.com/shyndman
* Sean Gallagher -- http://github.com/torandu
* Stephan Hagemann -- https://github.com/shageman
* Tim Harper -- http://github.com/timcharper
* Tobias Crawley -- http://github.com/tobias
* Thibaut Barrère -- https://github.com/thbar
* Trevor Wennblom -- https://github.com/trevor
* vfrride -- https://github.com/vfrride
* Viktar Basharymau -- https://github.com/DNNX
### License ###
Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Michael Dvorkin
Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Michael Dvorkin
%w(mike dvorkin.net) * "@" || %w(mike fatfreecrm.com) * "@"
%w(mike dvorkin.net) * "@" || "twitter.com/mid"
Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.
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