require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'Single method' do after do Object.instance_eval { remove_const :Hello } if defined?(Hello) end it 'plain: should handle a method with no arguments' do method = ''.method(:upcase) expect( true)).to eq('String#upcase()') end it 'color: should handle a method with no arguments' do method = ''.method(:upcase) expect( eq("\e[1;33mString\e[0m#\e[0;35mupcase\e[0m\e[0;37m()\e[0m") end it 'plain: should handle a method with one argument' do method = ''.method(:include?) expect( true)).to eq('String#include?(arg1)') end it 'color: should handle a method with one argument' do method = ''.method(:include?) expect( eq("\e[1;33mString\e[0m#\e[0;35minclude?\e[0m\e[0;37m(arg1)\e[0m") end it 'plain: should handle a method with two arguments' do method = ''.method(:tr) expect( true)).to eq('String#tr(arg1, arg2)') end it 'color: should handle a method with two arguments' do method = ''.method(:tr) expect( eq("\e[1;33mString\e[0m#\e[0;35mtr\e[0m\e[0;37m(arg1, arg2)\e[0m") end it 'plain: should handle a method with multiple arguments' do method = ''.method(:split) expect( true)).to eq('String#split(*arg1)') end it 'color: should handle a method with multiple arguments' do method = ''.method(:split) expect( eq("\e[1;33mString\e[0m#\e[0;35msplit\e[0m\e[0;37m(*arg1)\e[0m") end it 'plain: should handle a method defined in mixin' do method = ''.method(:is_a?) expect( true)).to eq('String (Kernel)#is_a?(arg1)') end it 'color: should handle a method defined in mixin' do method = ''.method(:is_a?) expect( eq("\e[1;33mString (Kernel)\e[0m#\e[0;35mis_a?\e[0m\e[0;37m(arg1)\e[0m") end it 'plain: should handle an unbound method' do class Hello def world; end end method = Hello.instance_method(:world) expect( true)).to eq('Hello (unbound)#world()') end it 'color: should handle an unbound method' do class Hello def world(a, b); end end method = Hello.instance_method(:world) if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.2' expect( eq("\e[1;33mHello (unbound)\e[0m#\e[0;35mworld\e[0m\e[0;37m(arg1, arg2)\e[0m") else expect( eq("\e[1;33mHello (unbound)\e[0m#\e[0;35mworld\e[0m\e[0;37m(a, b)\e[0m") end end end RSpec.describe 'Object methods' do after do Object.instance_eval { remove_const :Hello } if defined?(Hello) end describe 'object.methods' do it 'index: should handle object.methods' do out = true).split("\n").grep(/is_a\?/).first expect(out).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+is_a\?\(arg1\)\s+NilClass \(Kernel\)$/) end it 'no index: should handle object.methods' do out = true, index: false).split("\n").grep(/is_a\?/).first expect(out).to match(/^\s+is_a\?\(arg1\)\s+NilClass \(Kernel\)$/) end end describe 'object.public_methods' do it 'index: should handle object.public_methods' do out = true).split("\n").grep(/is_a\?/).first expect(out).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+is_a\?\(arg1\)\s+NilClass \(Kernel\)$/) end it 'no index: should handle object.public_methods' do out = true, index: false).split("\n").grep(/is_a\?/).first expect(out).to match(/^\s+is_a\?\(arg1\)\s+NilClass \(Kernel\)$/) end end describe 'object.private_methods' do it 'index: should handle object.private_methods' do out = true).split("\n").grep(/sleep/).first expect(out).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+sleep\(\*arg1\)\s+NilClass \(Kernel\)$/) end it 'no index: should handle object.private_methods' do out = true, index: false).split("\n").grep(/sleep/).first expect(out).to match(/^\s+sleep\(\*arg1\)\s+NilClass \(Kernel\)$/) end end describe 'object.protected_methods' do it 'index: should handle object.protected_methods' do class Hello protected def m1; end def m2; end end expect( true)).to eq("[\n [0] m1() Hello\n [1] m2() Hello\n]") end it 'no index: should handle object.protected_methods' do class Hello protected def m3(a, b); end end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.2' expect( true, index: false)).to eq("[\n m3(arg1, arg2) Hello\n]") else expect( true, index: false)).to eq("[\n m3(a, b) Hello\n]") end end end describe 'object.private_methods' do it 'index: should handle object.private_methods' do class Hello private def m1; end def m2; end end out = true).split("\n").grep(/m\d/) expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m1\(\)\s+Hello$/) expect(out.last).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m2\(\)\s+Hello$/) end it 'no index: should handle object.private_methods' do class Hello private def m3(a, b); end end out = true).split("\n").grep(/m\d/) if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.2' expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m3\(arg1, arg2\)\s+Hello$/) else expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m3\(a, b\)\s+Hello$/) end end end describe 'object.singleton_methods' do it 'index: should handle object.singleton_methods' do class Hello class << self def m1; end def m2; end end end out = true).split("\n").grep(/m\d/) expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m1\(\)\s+Hello$/) expect(out.last).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m2\(\)\s+Hello$/) end it 'no index: should handle object.singleton_methods' do class Hello def self.m3(a, b); end end out = true, index: false).split("\n").grep(/m\d/) if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.2' expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+m3\(arg1, arg2\)\s+Hello$/) else expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+m3\(a, b\)\s+Hello$/) end end end end RSpec.describe 'Class methods' do after do Object.instance_eval { remove_const :Hello } if defined?(Hello) end describe 'class.instance_methods' do it 'index: should handle unbound class.instance_methods' do class Hello def m1; end def m2; end end out = true).split("\n").grep(/m\d/) expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m1\(\)\s+Hello\s\(unbound\)$/) expect(out.last).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m2\(\)\s+Hello\s\(unbound\)$/) end it 'no index: should handle unbound class.instance_methods' do class Hello def m3(a, b); end end out = true, index: false).split("\n").grep(/m\d/) if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.2' expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+m3\(arg1, arg2\)\s+Hello\s\(unbound\)$/) else expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+m3\(a, b\)\s+Hello\s\(unbound\)$/) end end end describe 'class.public_instance_methods' do it 'index: should handle class.public_instance_methods' do class Hello def m1; end def m2; end end out = true).split("\n").grep(/m\d/) expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m1\(\)\s+Hello\s\(unbound\)$/) expect(out.last).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m2\(\)\s+Hello\s\(unbound\)$/) end it 'no index: should handle class.public_instance_methods' do class Hello def m3(a, b); end end out = true, index: false).split("\n").grep(/m\d/) if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.2' expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+m3\(arg1, arg2\)\s+Hello\s\(unbound\)$/) else expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+m3\(a, b\)\s+Hello\s\(unbound\)$/) end end end describe 'class.protected_instance_methods' do it 'index: should handle class.protected_instance_methods' do class Hello protected def m1; end def m2; end end out = true).split("\n").grep(/m\d/) expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m1\(\)\s+Hello\s\(unbound\)$/) expect(out.last).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m2\(\)\s+Hello\s\(unbound\)$/) end it 'no index: should handle class.protected_instance_methods' do class Hello protected def m3(a, b); end end out = true, index: false).split("\n").grep(/m\d/) if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.2' expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+m3\(arg1, arg2\)\s+Hello\s\(unbound\)$/) else expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+m3\(a, b\)\s+Hello\s\(unbound\)$/) end end end describe 'class.private_instance_methods' do it 'index: should handle class.private_instance_methods' do class Hello private def m1; end def m2; end end out = true).split("\n").grep(/m\d/) expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m1\(\)\s+Hello\s\(unbound\)$/) expect(out.last).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m2\(\)\s+Hello\s\(unbound\)$/) end it 'no index: should handle class.private_instance_methods' do class Hello private def m3(a, b); end end out = true, index: false).split("\n").grep(/m\d/) if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.2' expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+m3\(arg1, arg2\)\s+Hello\s\(unbound\)$/) else expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+m3\(a, b\)\s+Hello\s\(unbound\)$/) end end end end if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.2' RSpec.describe 'Ruby 1.9.2+ Method#parameters' do before do stub_dotfile! end after do Object.instance_eval { remove_const :Hello } if defined?(Hello) end it '()' do class Hello def m1; end end out = true).split("\n").grep(/m1/) expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m1\(\)\s+Hello$/) end it ':req' do class Hello def m1(a, b, c); end end out = true).split("\n").grep(/m1/) expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m1\(a, b, c\)\s+Hello$/) end it ':opt' do class Hello def m1(a, b = 1, c = 2); end # m1(a, *b, *c) end out = true).split("\n").grep(/m1/) expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m1\(a, \*b, \*c\)\s+Hello$/) end it ':rest' do class Hello def m1(*a); end # m1(*a) end out = true).split("\n").grep(/m1/) expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m1\(\*a\)\s+Hello$/) end it ':block' do class Hello def m1(a, b = nil, &blk); end # m1(a, *b, &blk) end out = true).split("\n").grep(/m1/) expect(out.first).to match(/^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+m1\(a, \*b, &blk\)\s+Hello$/) end end end RSpec.describe 'Methods arrays' do after do Object.instance_eval { remove_const :Hello } if defined?(Hello) Object.instance_eval { remove_const :World } if defined?(World) end it 'obj1.methods - obj2.methods should be awesome printed' do stub_dotfile! class Hello def self.m1; end end out = (Hello.methods - Class.methods).ai(plain: true) expect(out).to eq("[\n [0] m1() Hello\n]") end it 'obj1.methods & obj2.methods should be awesome printed' do stub_dotfile! class Hello def self.m1; end def self.m2; end end class World def self.m1; end end out = (Hello.methods & World.methods - Class.methods).ai(plain: true) expect(out).to eq("[\n [0] m1() Hello\n]") end it 'obj1.methods.grep(pattern) should be awesome printed' do stub_dotfile! class Hello def self.m1; end def self.m2; end def self.m3; end end out = Hello.methods.grep(/^m1$/).ai(plain: true) expect(out).to eq("[\n [0] m1() Hello\n]") out = Hello.methods.grep(/^m\d$/).ai(plain: true) expect(out).to eq("[\n [0] m1() Hello\n [1] m2() Hello\n [2] m3() Hello\n]") end it 'obj1.methods.grep(pattern, &block) should pass the matching string within the block' do class Hello def self.m_one; end def self.m_two; end end out = Hello.methods.sort.grep(/^m_(.+)$/) { $1.to_sym } expect(out).to eq([:one, :two]) end it 'obj1.methods.grep(pattern, &block) should be awesome printed' do stub_dotfile! class Hello def self.m0; end def self.none; end def self.m1; end def; end end out = Hello.methods.grep(/^m(\d)$/) { %w(none one)[$1.to_i] }.ai(plain: true) expect(out).to eq("[\n [0] none() Hello\n [1] one() Hello\n]") end # See for details. it 'grepping methods and converting them to_sym should work as expected' do class Hello private def him; end def his private_methods.grep(/^h..$/) { |n| n.to_sym } end def her private_methods.grep(/^.e.$/) { |n| n.to_sym } end end hello = expect((hello.send(:his) - hello.send(:her)).sort_by { |x| x.to_s }).to eq([:him, :his]) end it 'appending garbage to methods array should not raise error' do arr = 42.methods << [:wtf] expect { true) }.not_to raise_error if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.2' expect( true)).to match(/\s+wtf\(\?\)\s+\?/) # [ :wtf ].to_s => "wtf" else expect( true)).to match(/\s+\[:wtf\]\(\?\)\s+\?/) # [ :wtf ].to_s => [:wtf] end end end