0.2.0 - Added support for logger.ap (including Rails logger) - Added support for HashWithIndifferentAccess from ActiveSupport - ap now works with scripts that use ActiveRecord/ActiveSupport outside Rails - ap now correctly shows file and directory names with fancy characters (shell escape) 0.1.4 - Format BigDecimal and Rational objects as Float scalars - Explicit options parameter can override custom defaults - Custom defaults are not interfering when running specs - Custom defaults now work correctly with Ruby 1.9.x 0.1.3 - Added support for setting custom defaults in ~/.aprc 0.1.2 - Correctly handle empty arrays and hashes - Use alias_method instead of alias (fixes non-tty method aliasing) - Added awesome_inspect method 0.1.1 - Added support for tableless ActiveRecord models - Left align hash keys if @options[:indent] is negative 0.1.0 - Initial Release.