2013-10-11 17:24:37 +01:00
Feature: The path to the configuration can be changed, removing the need to
follow Ruby/Rails conventions
Given a test app with the default configuration
And servers with the roles app and web
Scenario: Deploying with configuration in default location
When I run "cap test"
Then the task is successful
Scenario: Deploying with configuration in a custom location
But the configuration is in a custom location
When I run "cap test"
Then the task is successful
2014-01-18 23:18:55 +02:00
Scenario: Show install task with configuration in default location
When I run "cap -T"
Then the task is successful
And contains "install" in the output
2014-12-10 01:08:48 +03:00
Scenario: Hide install task with configuration in a custom location
And config stage file has line "desc 'Special Task'"
And config stage file has line "task :special_stage_task"
But the configuration is in a custom location
When I run "cap -T"
Then the task is successful
And doesn't contain "special_stage_task" in the output