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2013-06-24 10:50:25 +02:00
/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.section = {
name: 'section',
version : '4.2.2',
settings : {
deep_linking: false,
small_breakpoint: 768,
one_up: true,
section_selector : '[data-section]',
region_selector : 'section, .section, [data-section-region]',
title_selector : '.title, [data-section-title]',
active_region_selector : 'section.active, .section.active, .active[data-section-region]',
content_selector : '.content, [data-section-content]',
nav_selector : '[data-section="vertical-nav"], [data-section="horizontal-nav"]',
callback: function (){}
init : function (scope, method, options) {
var self = this;
Foundation.inherit(this, 'throttle data_options position_right offset_right');
if (typeof method === 'object') {
$.extend(true, self.settings, method);
if (typeof method !== 'string') {
return true;
} else {
return this[method].call(this, options);
events : function () {
var self = this;
.on('click.fndtn.section', '[data-section] .title, [data-section] [data-section-title]', function (e) {
var $this = $(this),
section = $this.closest(self.settings.region_selector);
if (section.children(self.settings.content_selector).length > 0) {
self.toggle_active.call(this, e, self);
.on('resize.fndtn.section', self.throttle(function () {
}, 30))
.on('hashchange', function () {
if (!self.settings.toggled){
.on('click.fndtn.section', function (e) {
if ($(e.target).closest(self.settings.title_selector).length < 1) {
.attr('style', '');
toggle_active : function (e, self) {
var $this = $(this),
self = Foundation.libs.section,
region = $this.closest(self.settings.region_selector),
content = $this.siblings(self.settings.content_selector),
parent = region.parent(),
settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options(parent)),
prev_active_section = parent
self.settings.toggled = true;
if (!settings.deep_linking && content.length > 0) {
if (region.hasClass('active')) {
// this is causing the style flash.
if (self.small(parent)
|| self.is_vertical_nav(parent)
|| self.is_horizontal_nav(parent)
|| self.is_accordion(parent)) {
if (prev_active_section[0] !== region[0]
|| (prev_active_section[0] === region[0] && !settings.one_up)) {
.attr('style', '');
} else {
var prev_active_section = parent
title_height = self.outerHeight(region
if (self.small(parent) || settings.one_up) {
if (self.small(parent)) {
prev_active_section.attr('style', '');
} else {
'visibility: hidden; padding-top: '+title_height+'px;');
if (self.small(parent)) {
region.attr('style', '');
} else {
region.css('padding-top', title_height);
if (prev_active_section.length > 0) {
.attr('style', '');
// Toggle the content display attribute. This is done to
// ensure accurate outerWidth measurements that account for
// the scrollbar.
if (self.is_vertical_tabs(parent)) {
content.css('display', 'block');
if (prev_active_section !== null) {
.css('display', 'none');
setTimeout(function () {
self.settings.toggled = false;
}, 300);
resize : function () {
var self = Foundation.libs.section,
sections = $(self.settings.section_selector);
sections.each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
active_section = $this
settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options($this));
if (active_section.length > 1) {
.attr('style', '');
} else if (active_section.length < 1
&& !self.is_vertical_nav($this)
&& !self.is_horizontal_nav($this)
&& !self.is_accordion($this)) {
var first = $this.children(self.settings.region_selector).first();
if (settings.one_up || !self.small($this)) {
if (self.small($this)) {
first.attr('style', '');
} else {
first.css('padding-top', self.outerHeight(first
if (self.small($this)) {
active_section.attr('style', '');
} else {
active_section.css('padding-top', self.outerHeight(active_section
if ( (self.is_horizontal_nav($this) && !self.small($this))
|| self.is_vertical_tabs($this) && !self.small($this)) {
} else {
self.position_content($this, false);
is_vertical_nav : function (el) {
return /vertical-nav/i.test(el.data('section'));
is_horizontal_nav : function (el) {
return /horizontal-nav/i.test(el.data('section'));
is_accordion : function (el) {
return /accordion/i.test(el.data('section'));
is_horizontal_tabs : function (el) {
return /^tabs$/i.test(el.data('section'));
is_vertical_tabs : function (el) {
return /vertical-tabs/i.test(el.data('section'));
set_active_from_hash : function () {
var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1),
sections = $('[data-section]'),
self = this;
sections.each(function () {
var section = $(this),
settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options(section));
if (hash.length > 0 && settings.deep_linking) {
var regions = section
.attr('style', '')
var hash_regions = regions.map(function () {
var content = $(self.settings.content_selector, this),
content_slug = content.data('slug');
if (new RegExp(content_slug, 'i').test(hash))
return content;
var count = hash_regions.length;
for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
position_titles : function (section, off) {
var self = this,
titles = section
.map(function () {
return $(this).children(self.settings.title_selector);
previous_width = 0,
previous_height = 0,
self = this;
if (typeof off === 'boolean') {
titles.attr('style', '');
} else {
titles.each(function () {
if (self.is_vertical_tabs(section)) {
$(this).css('top', previous_height);
previous_height += self.outerHeight($(this));
} else {
if (!self.rtl) {
$(this).css('left', previous_width);
} else {
$(this).css('right', previous_width);
previous_width += self.outerWidth($(this));
position_content : function (section, off) {
var self = this,
regions = section.children(self.settings.region_selector),
titles = regions
.map(function () {
return $(this).children(self.settings.title_selector);
content = regions
.map(function () {
return $(this).children(self.settings.content_selector);
if (typeof off === 'boolean') {
content.attr('style', '');
section.attr('style', '');
} else {
if (self.is_vertical_tabs(section)
&& !self.small(section)) {
var content_min_height = 0,
content_min_width = Number.MAX_VALUE,
title_width = null;
regions.each(function () {
var region = $(this),
title = region.children(self.settings.title_selector),
content = region.children(self.settings.content_selector),
content_width = 0;
title_width = self.outerWidth(title);
content_width = self.outerWidth(section) - title_width;
if (content_width < content_min_width) {
content_min_width = content_width;
// Increment the minimum height of the content region
// to align with the height of the titles.
content_min_height += self.outerHeight(title);
// Set all of the inactive tabs to 'display: none'
// The CSS sets all of the tabs as 'display: block'
// in order to account for scrollbars when measuring the width
// of the content regions.
if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) {
content.css('display', 'none');
regions.each(function () {
var content = $(this).children(self.settings.content_selector);
content.css('minHeight', content_min_height);
// Remove 2 pixels to account for the right-shift in the CSS
content.css('maxWidth', content_min_width - 2);
} else {
regions.each(function () {
var region = $(this),
title = region.children(self.settings.title_selector),
content = region.children(self.settings.content_selector);
if (!self.rtl) {
.css({left: title.position().left - 1,
top: self.outerHeight(title) - 2});
} else {
.css({right: self.position_right(title) + 1,
top: self.outerHeight(title) - 2});
// temporary work around for Zepto outerheight calculation issues.
if (typeof Zepto === 'function') {
} else {
section.height(this.outerHeight($(titles[0])) - 2);
position_right : function (el) {
var self = this,
section = el.closest(this.settings.section_selector),
regions = section.children(this.settings.region_selector),
section_width = el.closest(this.settings.section_selector).width(),
offset = regions
.map(function () {
return $(this).children(self.settings.title_selector);
return (section_width - el.position().left - el.width() * (el.index() + 1) - offset);
reflow : function (scope) {
var scope = scope || document;
$(this.settings.section_selector, scope).trigger('resize');
small : function (el) {
var settings = $.extend({}, this.settings, this.data_options(el));
if (this.is_horizontal_tabs(el)) {
return false;
if (el && this.is_accordion(el)) {
return true;
if ($('html').hasClass('lt-ie9')) {
return true;
if ($('html').hasClass('ie8compat')) {
return true;
return $(this.scope).width() < settings.small_breakpoint;
off : function () {
}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document));