Cucumber has deprecated `puts` in favor of `log` for logging messages to
the current cucumber formatter. In our case we actually want it both
ways: we want to log messages using the cucumber formatter when cucumber
is running, but use `Kernel#puts` otherwise.
So, use `respond_to?` to see if cucumber's `log` is available, and if
not, fall back to `puts`.
This removes the dependency on the `kuroko` gem and uses the Vagrant
command line application to control the virtual environment. The
`vagrant` command should be in your path, but if it isn't the path can
be set with the `VAGRANT_BIN` environment variable. This may even work
on older versions of Vagrant, but they are untested.
The `VagrantHelpers` module was added to mimic some of the API that was
provided by `kuroko`. The `RemoteCommandHelpers` module was modified to
accommodate those changes. Any non-zero exit status on a remote command
will raise a `VagrantHelpers::VagrantSSHCommandError` and should be
expected by any tests using the command helpers. All existing tests
work as expected.
In addition, a couple of minor changes were made. The TestApp utilizes
the Pathname library but does not require it. This was causing the suite
to fail for me so I added an explicit require. Also, the test for the
existence of a release directory would give a false positive on
subsequent runs if the `KEEP_RUNNING` option was used. I added an
`at_exit` that removes the test deployment directory to clean up the
box for the next run.
Documentation was also added to the README for how to run the test