If an error is raised during a deploy, the task `deploy:failed` will be
triggered. Custom tasks can hook into this using `after`:
after 'deploy:failed', :send_for_help do
I've also taken the opportunity to provide a marginally more useful
error message before triggering the task.
By default, this 'deploy:failed' will only be triggered when running
`cap <stage> deploy` - to trigger after individual tasks use `set
:deploying, true`
This closes#708 and replaces
The commit introduces a `remote_file` task, allowing the existence of a remote
file to be set as a prerequisite. These tasks can in turn depend on local
files if required. In this implementation, the fact that we're dealing with a
file in the shared path is assumed.
As as example, this task can be used to ensure that files to be linked exist
before running the `check:linked_files` task:
namespace :deploy do
namespace :check do
task :linked_files => 'config/newrelic.yml'
remote_file 'config/newrelic.yml' => '/tmp/newrelic.yml', roles: :app
file '/tmp/newrelic.yml' do |t|
sh "curl -o #{t.name} https://rpm.newrelic.com/accounts/xx/newrelic.yml"