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Commit graph

13 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Matt Brictson
2c3f6e563c Update gems, including jekyll 2.4.0 → 3.0.2
Note that this upgrade is required in order to use `rouge` highlighter.

activesupport             4.2.0   →
addressable               (new)   → 2.3.8
blankslate       → (removed)
celluloid                 0.16.0  → (removed)
classifier-reborn         2.0.3   → (removed)
coffee-script             2.3.0   → 2.4.1
coffee-script-source      1.8.0   → 1.10.0
ethon                     (new)   → 0.8.1
execjs                    2.2.2   → 2.6.0
faraday                   (new)   → 0.9.2
fast-stemmer              1.0.2   → (removed)
ffi                       1.9.6   → 1.9.10
github-pages              32      → 45
github-pages-health-check 0.2.1   → 0.6.0
hitimes                   1.2.2   → (removed)
html-pipeline             1.9.0   → 2.3.0
jekyll                    2.4.0   → 3.0.2
jekyll-feed               (new)   → 0.3.1
jekyll-gist               1.1.0   → 1.4.0
jekyll-mentions           0.2.1   → 1.0.0
jekyll-redirect-from      0.6.2   → 0.9.1
jekyll-sass-converter     1.2.0   → 1.3.0
jekyll-seo-tag            (new)   → 0.1.4
jekyll-sitemap            0.6.3   → 0.10.0
jekyll-textile-converter  (new)   → 0.1.0
jekyll-watch              1.2.0   → 1.3.1
jemoji                    0.4.0   → 0.5.1
json                      1.8.2   → 1.8.3
kramdown                  1.5.0   → 1.9.0
liquid                    2.6.1   → 3.0.6
listen                    2.8.5   → 3.0.5
maruku                    0.7.0   → (removed)
mini_portile              0.6.2   → (removed)
mini_portile2             (new)   → 2.0.0
minitest                  5.5.1   → 5.8.4
multipart-post            (new)   → 2.0.0
nokogiri                  1.6.5   →
octokit                   (new)   → 4.2.0
parslet                   1.5.0   → (removed)
posix-spawn               0.3.9   → (removed)
public_suffix             1.4.6   → 1.5.3
pygments.rb               0.6.0   → (removed)
rb-fsevent                0.9.4   → 0.9.7
rb-inotify                0.9.5   → 0.9.6
rdiscount                 2.1.7   → 2.1.8
redcarpet                 3.1.2   → 3.3.3
rouge                     (new)   → 1.10.1
sass                      3.4.10  → 3.4.21
sawyer                    (new)   → 0.6.0
terminal-table            1.4.5   → 1.5.2
thread_safe               0.3.4   → 0.3.5
timers                    4.0.1   → (removed)
toml                      0.1.2   → (removed)
typhoeus                  (new)   → 0.8.0
yajl-ruby                 1.1.0   → (removed)
2016-02-05 16:13:30 -08:00
Lee Hambley
80b6ca1201 Introduce banner for Harrow.io
Sorry chaps, we're trying a push to promote Harrow.io to try and make my
work on Capistrano sustainable, and to promote our new SaaS Harrow.io,
which is a new take on CI tooling focused on collaboration.

It was designed with "Web Based Capistrano" in mind, but as you might
imagine, once one builds a tool for running Cap in the "cloud" it's not
a big leap to run anything else.

Ping me off-list if you have any issues with anything here, we tried to
be very fair with the behaviour, cookie lifetimes and positioning.


- Invisible by default (display none)
- Reasonable cookie lifetime
- Made visible using jQuery (.css("display", "block")
2015-09-01 19:51:21 +02:00
Thomas Kriechbaumer
311bbc5bbf use correct gem versions according to GitHub Pages
up-to-date versions of installed gems are listed:
2015-01-22 21:48:07 +00:00
Kir Shatrov
3f2656d6e8 Gemfile cleanup 2014-01-03 23:00:34 +01:00
Kir Shatrov
9e362d558a Revert "Disabling gh-pages gem"
This reverts commit 0d09d38e70.
2014-01-03 22:41:53 +01:00
Kir Shatrov
0d09d38e70 Disabling gh-pages gem 2014-01-03 22:23:34 +01:00
Kir Shatrov
b293a0cc74 Preparing for GH Pages 2014-01-03 22:21:58 +01:00
Matt Connolly
5f715fa05c Adding SSHKit to documentation, and a bit...
* Added SSHKit example page
* Added a note about .cap files in lib/capistrano/tasks.
* Removed "debugger" from Gemfile
* Updated SSHKit github link
* Fixed a HTML
* Rebuilt content with jekyll build
2014-01-02 19:43:42 +10:00
Lee Hambley
5fc1335f4e Result of bundling again 2013-09-18 07:53:45 +02:00
Kir Shatrov
3f33beedb4 Fixing version of jekyll 2013-08-19 15:02:05 +04:00
Lee Hambley
9c3539c623 Apply changes from the last couple of maintainers to the HTML build 2013-07-22 19:37:59 +02:00
Lee Hambley
54fbdc8357 Undent code, so that it can be indented Markdown style to avoid breaking Vim 2013-06-22 18:54:07 +02:00
Lee Hambley
61aec364b2 Commit this stuff before I lose it all 2013-06-12 22:44:00 +02:00