# Capistrano [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/capistrano/capistrano.png?branch=v3)](https://travis-ci.org/capistrano/capistrano) ## Requirements * Ruby >= 1.9 (JRuby and C-Ruby/YARV are supported) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ``` ruby gem 'capistrano', '~> 3.0.0' ``` And then execute: ``` ruby $ bundle --binstubs ``` Capify: *make sure there's no "Capfile" or "capfile" present* ``` shell $ cap install ``` This creates the following files: ``` ├── Capfile ├── config │ ├── deploy │ │ ├── production.rb │ │ └── staging.rb │ └── deploy.rb └── lib └── capistrano └── tasks ``` To create different stages: ``` shell $ cap install STAGES=local,sandbox,qa,production ``` ## Usage ``` shell $ cap -vT $ cap staging deploy $ cap production deploy $ cap production deploy --dry-run $ cap production deploy --prereqs $ cap production deploy --trace ``` ## Tasks ``` ruby server 'example.com', roles: [:web, :app] server 'example.org', roles: [:db, :workers] desc "Report Uptimes" task :uptime do on roles(:all) do |host| info "Host #{host} (#{host.roles.join(', ')}):\t#{capture(:uptime)}" end end ``` ## Before / After Where calling on the same task name, executed in order of inclusion ``` ruby # call an existing task before :starting, :ensure_user after :finishing, :notify # or define in block before :starting, :ensure_user do # end after :finishing, :notify do # end ``` If it makes sense for your use-case (often, that means *generating a file*) the Rake prerequisite mechanism can be used: ``` ruby desc "Create Important File" file 'important.txt' do |t| sh "touch #{t.name}" end desc "Upload Important File" task :upload => 'important.txt' do |t| on roles(:all) do upload!(t.prerequisites.first, '/tmp') end end ``` The final way to call out to other tasks is to simply `invoke()` them: ``` ruby task :one do on roles(:all) { info "One" } end task :two do invoke :one on roles(:all) { info "Two" } end ``` This method is widely used. ## Getting User Input ``` ruby desc "Ask about breakfast" task :breakfast do breakfast = ask(:breakfast, "What would you like your colleagues to you for breakfast?") on roles(:all) do |h| execute "echo \"$(whoami) wants #{breakfast} for breakfast!\" | wall" end end ``` Perfect, who needs telephones. ## Running local tasks Local tasks can be run by replacing `on` with `run_locally` ``` ruby desc "Notify service of deployment" task :notify do run_locally do with rails_env: :development do rake 'service:notify' end end end ``` ## Console **Note:** Here be dragons. The console is very immature, but it's much more cleanly architected than previous incarnations and it'll only get better from here on in. Execute arbitrary remote commands, to use this simply add `require 'capistrano/console'` which will add the necessary tasks to your environment: ``` shell $ cap staging console ``` Then, after setting up the server connections, this is how that might look: ``` $ cap production console capistrano console - enter command to execute on production production> uptime INFO [94db8027] Running /usr/bin/env uptime on leehambley@example.com:22 DEBUG [94db8027] Command: /usr/bin/env uptime DEBUG [94db8027] 17:11:17 up 50 days, 22:31, 1 user, load average: 0.02, 0.02, 0.05 INFO [94db8027] Finished in 0.435 seconds command successful. production> who INFO [9ce34809] Running /usr/bin/env who on leehambley@example.com:22 DEBUG [9ce34809] Command: /usr/bin/env who DEBUG [9ce34809] leehambley pts/0 2013-06-13 17:11 (port-11262.pppoe.wtnet.de) INFO [9ce34809] Finished in 0.420 seconds command successful. ``` ## A word about PTYs There is a configuration option which asks the backend driver to as the remote host to assign the connection a *pty*. A *pty* is a pseudo-terminal, which in effect means *tell the backend that this is an **interactive** session*. This is normally a bad idea. Most of the differences are best explained by [this page](https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv/wiki/Unix-shell-initialization) from the author of *rbenv*. **When Capistrano makes a connection it is a *non-login*, *non-interactive* shell. This was not an accident!** It's often used as a band aid to cure issues related to RVM and rbenv not loading login and shell initialisation scripts. In these scenarios RVM and rbenv are the tools at fault, or at least they are being used incorrectly. Whilst, especially in the case of language runtimes (Ruby, Node, Python and friends in particular) there is a temptation to run multiple versions in parallel on a single server and to switch between them using environmental variables, this is an anti-pattern, and symptomatic of bad design (i.e. you're testing a second version of Ruby in production because your company lacks the infrastructure to test this in a staging environment). ## Configuration The following variables are settable: | Variable Name | Description | Notes | |:---------------------:|---------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | `:repo_url` | The URL of your Git repository | file://, https://, or ssh:// are all supported | | `:git_https_username` | The (optional) username for accessing your Git repostory over HTTPS | if this is an SSH connection, this setting will have no effect. | | `:git_https_password` | The (optional) password for accessing your Git repostory over HTTPS | if this is an SSH connection, this setting will have no effect. | | `:tmp_dir` | The (optional) temp directory that will be used (default: /tmp) | if you have a shared web host, this setting may need to be set (i.e. /home/user/tmp/capistrano). | ## SSHKit [SSHKit](https://github.com/capistrano/sshkit) is the driver for SSH connections behind the scenes in Capistrano, depending how deep you dig, you might run into interfaces that come directly from SSHKit (the configuration is a good example). ## Licence Creative Commons License
Capistrano by Lee Hambley and Tom Clements is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at https://www.github.com/capistrano.