require "shellwords" Then(/^references in the remote repo are listed$/) do expect(@output).to include("refs/heads/master") end Then(/^git wrapper permissions are 0700$/) do permissions_test = %Q([ $(stat -c "%a" #{TestApp.git_wrapper_path.shellescape}) == "700" ]) _stdout, _stderr, status = vagrant_cli_command("ssh -c #{permissions_test.shellescape}") expect(status).to be_success end Then(/^the shared path is created$/) do run_vagrant_command(test_dir_exists(TestApp.shared_path)) end Then(/^the releases path is created$/) do run_vagrant_command(test_dir_exists(TestApp.releases_path)) end Then(/^(\d+) valid releases are kept/) do |num| test = %Q([ $(ls -g #{TestApp.releases_path} | grep -E '[0-9]{14}' | wc -l) == "#{num}" ]) _, _, status = vagrant_cli_command("ssh -c #{test.shellescape}") expect(status).to be_success end Then(/^the invalid (.+) release is ignored$/) do |filename| test = "ls -g #{TestApp.releases_path} | grep #{filename}" _, _, status = vagrant_cli_command("ssh -c #{test.shellescape}") expect(status).to be_success end Then(/^directories in :linked_dirs are created in shared$/) do TestApp.linked_dirs.each do |dir| run_vagrant_command(test_dir_exists(TestApp.shared_path.join(dir))) end end Then(/^directories referenced in :linked_files are created in shared$/) do dirs = { |path| TestApp.shared_path.join(path).dirname } dirs.each do |dir| run_vagrant_command(test_dir_exists(dir)) end end Then(/^the repo is cloned$/) do run_vagrant_command(test_dir_exists(TestApp.repo_path)) end Then(/^the release is created$/) do run_vagrant_command("ls -g #{TestApp.releases_path}") end Then(/^file symlinks are created in the new release$/) do TestApp.linked_files.each do |file| run_vagrant_command(test_symlink_exists(TestApp.current_path.join(file))) end end Then(/^directory symlinks are created in the new release$/) do pending TestApp.linked_dirs.each do |dir| run_vagrant_command(test_symlink_exists(TestApp.release_path.join(dir))) end end Then(/^the current directory will be a symlink to the release$/) do run_vagrant_command(exists?("e", TestApp.current_path)) end Then(/^the deploy\.rb file is created$/) do file = TestApp.test_app_path.join("config/deploy.rb") expect(File.exist?(file)).to be true end Then(/^the default stage files are created$/) do staging = TestApp.test_app_path.join("config/deploy/staging.rb") production = TestApp.test_app_path.join("config/deploy/production.rb") expect(File.exist?(staging)).to be true expect(File.exist?(production)).to be true end Then(/^the tasks folder is created$/) do path = TestApp.test_app_path.join("lib/capistrano/tasks") expect(Dir.exist?(path)).to be true end Then(/^the specified stage files are created$/) do qa = TestApp.test_app_path.join("config/deploy/qa.rb") production = TestApp.test_app_path.join("config/deploy/production.rb") expect(File.exist?(qa)).to be true expect(File.exist?(production)).to be true end Then(/^it creates the file with the remote_task prerequisite$/) do TestApp.linked_files.each do |file| run_vagrant_command(test_file_exists(TestApp.shared_path.join(file))) end end Then(/^it will not recreate the file$/) do # end Then(/^the task is successful$/) do expect(@success).to be true end Then(/^the task fails$/) do expect(@success).to be_falsey end Then(/^the failure task will run$/) do failed = TestApp.shared_path.join("failed") run_vagrant_command(test_file_exists(failed)) end Then(/^the failure task will not run$/) do failed = TestApp.shared_path.join("failed") expect { run_vagrant_command(test_file_exists(failed)) } .to raise_error(VagrantHelpers::VagrantSSHCommandError) end When(/^an error is raised$/) do error = TestApp.shared_path.join("fail") run_vagrant_command(test_file_exists(error)) end Then(/contains "([^"]*)" in the output/) do |expected| expect(@output).to include(expected) end Then(/the output matches "([^"]*)" followed by "([^"]*)"/) do |expected, followedby| expect(@output).to match(/#{expected}.*#{followedby}/m) end Then(/doesn't contain "([^"]*)" in the output/) do |expected| expect(@output).not_to include(expected) end Then(/the current symlink points to the previous release/) do previous_release_path = @release_paths[-2] run_vagrant_command(symlinked?(TestApp.current_path, previous_release_path)) end Then(/^the current symlink points to that specific release$/) do specific_release_path = TestApp.releases_path.join(@rollback_release) run_vagrant_command(symlinked?(TestApp.current_path, specific_release_path)) end