--- title: Authentication & Authorisation layout: default --- **Note:** In the documentation we simply recommend creating a single deployment user, and sharing it between team members. If you know why this is a bad idea (or why this may be against regulations in your jurisdiction in some cases, we assume that you know well enough how to use groups, umasking and setgid bits to make this work reliably for unique logins across team members) To create this deploy user we'll assume something like the following has been done: {% prism bash %} root@remote $ adduser deploy root@remote $ passwd -l deploy {% endprism %} The first line creates a completely standard user, it has a home directory, which we'll need in a moment, and has a shell, so it may log in. This needs to be done **on every server in your environment**. The second line *locks* the user, it changes the user's password to an untypable string, guaranteeing that the user has no password which can be used to log in. ### Authentication There are two places that we need automated, promptless authentication: 1. **From our workstation/notebook/etc to our servers.** We do this with **SSH keys**, passphrase protected, ideally, using a **key agent**. 2. **From our servers to the repository host**. We do this so that our servers can check out our application code from Github, or similar and install it to the servers. This is usually done using **SSH agent forwarding**, HTTP authentication, or with deploy keys. #### 1.1 SSH keys from workstation to servers **Note:** If you are on Windows, all bets are off, I'd love it if someone could contribute a Windows guide to this, so we can include it here. An SSH key is a mechanism that allows a *public* half one key to be placed on a server, when we want to authenticate with that server, our SSH client uses the **private** part of that key to negotiate with the server, if the keys are correct, then we need to create the key. **Hint:** If you have more than one developer in your team, they should all add their public key to the `deploy` user's `authorized_keys` file, that way if someone quits or gets fired, you can remove their key from that file, and the rest of you can keep on shipping! {% prism bash %} me@localhost $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C 'me@my_email_address.com' {% endprism %} You'll be prompted for a passphrase, that's fine. Type one and keep it safe. This passphrase ensures that if your computer is stolen, people still need a passphrase to access your keys, in order to access your servers. To avoid having to type this passphrase every time you need to use a key, most operating systems have a concept of a *key agent*. This *key agent* stores SSH keys securely between uses, typically the first time a key is needed in a given time period, the SSH agent will load the key, prompt you for your passphrase and then the key agent will remember the key for a certain amount of time (on OSX it tends to be indefinite, on linux this can vary from 15 minutes updwards.) We can see which keys are loaded in the SSH agent by running `ssh-add -l` {% prism bash %} me@localhost $ ssh-add -l 2048 af:ce:7e:c5:93:18:39:ff:54:20:7a:2d:ec:05:7c:a5 /Users/me/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA) {% endprism %} If you don't see any keys listed, you can simply run `ssh-add`: {% prism bash %} me@localhsot $ ssh-add Identity added: /Users/me/.ssh/id_rsa (/Users/me/.ssh/id_rsa) {% endprism %} Typically, ssh-add will ask you for the passphrase when you add a key. **Note:** Although it's not mandatory to use an SSH agent (one could simply use an unpassphrased key, and rely on SSH to find the key and exchange it). Using an SSH agent makes things more secure, because we can use a passphrased key without being prompts every time it is used. It **also** allows us to use this same key to access the repository *via* the server without creating an additional identity. At this point with the key loaded into the agent, we need to put the **public** part of the key into a file on each remote server called `/home/users/deploy/.ssh/authorized_keys`, to get the contents of that file, we can ask our local key agent for the public parts of the keys it has loaded: {% prism bash %} me@localhost $ ssh-add -L ssh-rsa jccXJ/JRfGxnkh/8iL........dbfCH/9cDiKa0Dw8XGAo01mU/w== /Users/me/.ssh/id_rsa {% endprism %} This will be a lot longer when you run it, I snipped the output because it looked bad. This line, as one line, needs to make it to the remote server and be added *to it's own line* of the `deploy` user's `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file. This file then needs to be changed to permission mode `0600` (owner read/write, group none, other none), in the `~/.ssh` directory which needs the permissions `0700` (owner read/write/execute, group none, other none). If you are on linux there often exists a command [`ssh-copy-id`](http://linux.die.net/man/1/ssh-copy-id) which streamlines this process, otherwise the worlflow is something like: {% prism bash %} me@localhost $ ssh root@remote root@remote $ su - deploy deploy@remote $ cd ~ deploy@remote $ mkdir .ssh deploy@remote $ echo "ssh-rsa jccXJ/JRfGxnkh/8iL........dbfCH/9cDiKa0Dw8XGAo01mU/w== /Users/me/.ssh/id_rsa" >> .ssh/authorized_keys deploy@remote $ chmod 700 .ssh deploy@remote $ chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys {% endprism %} **Remember:** This needs to be done on every server you want to use, you can use the same key for each one, but only one key per developer is recommended. *Private* keys are named as such for a reason! If we did all that correctly, we should now be able to do something like this: {% prism bash %} me@localhost $ ssh deploy@one-of-my-servers.com 'hostname; uptime' one-of-my-servers.com 19:23:32 up 62 days, 44 min, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05 {% endprism %} That should happen without having to enter a passphrase for your SSH key, or promoting you for an SSH password (which the deploy user doesn't have anyway). Verify that this works for all of your servers, and put your private key somewhere safe. If you're working with multiple team members, it often pays to collect everyone's public keys, indeed if your team is already using SSH keys to access Github, you can reach any user's SSH keys at the following URL: * `https://github.com/theirusername.keys` This can make getting user's keys onto servers much easier, as you can simply `curl`/`wget` each user's key into the authorized keys file on the server directly from Github.
#### 1.2 From our servers to the repository host With access from workstations to the servers settled, there is another hop to contend with, which is letting the deploy user get access to the code repository automatically. The options in order of preference: ##### 1.2.1 SSH Agent Forwarding As we've already set up an SSH agent, we can use the *agent forwarding* feature of SSH to make this key agent available to further *hops*. In short, we can use **our own ssh key** to authenticate ourselves from the server, to Github. Here's how we can check if that works, first get the URL of the repository: {% prism bash %} me@localhost $ git config remote.origin.url git@github.com:capistrano/rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan.git {% endprism %} Here we're listing our private (for testing purposes) fork of the rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan repository forked from the Rails Examples and Tutorials project. We can try to access the repository via our server by doing the following: {% prism bash %} # List SSH keys that are loaded into the agent me@localhost $ ssh-add -l # Make sure they key is loaded if 'ssh-add -l' didn't show anything me@localhost $ ssh-add me@localhost $ ssh -A deploy@one-of-my-servers.com 'git ls-remote git@github.com:capistrano/rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan.git {% endprism %} We first check that the agent has the keys loaded, if not we simply load it, and enter the passphrase when prompted. Finally we use `ls-remote` from Git to list the remote objects, this is the exact same check that Capistrano does internally before attempting to deploy. The `-A` option may, or may not be required on your system, it's worth trying it both ways just to know how your system treats agent forwarding by default. From the SSH documentation: {% prism bash %} -A Enables forwarding of the authentication agent connection. This can also be specified on a per-host basis in a configuration file. Agent forwarding should be enabled with caution. Users with the ability to bypass file permissions on the remote host (for the agent's UNIX-domain socket) can access the local agent through the forwarded connection. An attacker cannot obtain key material from the agent, however they can perform operations on the keys that enable them to authenticate using the identities loaded into the agent. {% endprism %} In laymans terms, you should't use SSH agent forwarding to machines where you don't trust the administrators, as they can can override the permissions on the system and use your keys as if they were you. That said, if you can't trust your server administrators, perhaps they shouldn't have access to your servers! ##### 1.2.2 HTTP Authentication In the case of HTTP authentication **be sure to use HTTPS**, otherwise your password will be sent in cleartext over the network, depending what your hosts network infratructure looks like that might be *very* bad news. Typically when we try and list our remote objects, using the https method from Github, we'll be prompted for a username and password: ##### With a regular username/password {% prism bash %} me@localhost $ git ls-remote https://github.com/capistrano/rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan.git Username for 'https://github.com': myownusername Password for 'https://capistrano@github.com': {% endprism %} This challenge response prompt doesn't work well for automating things, so there are two ways to get around this depending on your server's host operating system, the first is to use a `netrc` file, we won't talk about that because the netrc is a global file that doesn't lend itself well to security. The other mechanism, and the reason that its **very** important to always use HTTPS not plain ol' HTTP is to embed the username and password in the URL, note this won't work well if your password has special characters: {% prism bash %} me@localhost $ git ls-remote https://capistrano:ourverysecretpassword@github.com/capistrano/rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan.git 3419812c9f146d9a84b44bcc2c3caef94da54758HEAD 3419812c9f146d9a84b44bcc2c3caef94da54758HEADrefs/heads/master {% endprism %} The bigger problem with passwords, whether inlined into the URL, or entered into a `netrc` file, is that the password gives access to **your entire Github Account** not just to one single repository. ##### With an OAuth Personal API Token This mechanism still gives access to **every repository** you can access, but at Github, they recently rolled out a feature called [Personal API Tokens](https://github.com/blog/1509-personal-api-tokens) which allow you to do something like this: {% prism bash %} me@localhost $ git ls-remote https://.....................@github.com/capistrano/rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan.git 3419812c9f146d9a84b44bcc2c3caef94da54758HEAD 3419812c9f146d9a84b44bcc2c3caef94da54758HEADrefs/heads/master {% endprism %} Where `....` is a personal API token, as such:  ##### 1.2.3 Deploy Keys Deploy keys, a feature of Github, and some other platforms allow you to generate a **second** set of SSH keys for the connection between Github and the servers themselves. Slightly perversely in this case the public key is uploaded to the repository host, and the private key must be copied to each server that you want to deploy to. Github has a quite excellent guide on this, much of which (unsurprisingly) overlaps with the SSH key instructions above. * [Github Help: Managing Deploy Keys](https://help.github.com/articles/managing-deploy-keys) ### Authorisation The second part of this topic is that our deploy user needs to be authorised to work in the deployment directory, on the server. That means we need to be able to work, ideally without `sudo` (none of the default Capistrano recipes expect `sudo` to be available), or for your custom recipes, you will need to have configured *passwordless* `sudo`. Configuring `sudo` to give some users access to come commands under some circumstances is beyond the scope of this documentation, but sufficed to say something like: {% prism bash %} deploy ALL=NOPASSWD:/etc/init.d/mysqld, /etc/init.d/apache2 {% endprism %} This example would give the user named `deploy` access to call `sudo /etc/init.d/mysql _________` and the same for the `apache2` control script. **Granting passwordless sudo should not be done lightly.** It can be dangerous. For example if an unprivilidged user can *edit* the script that they can run as root, they can easily edit it to do anything they want that is evil. Use this carefully, and ideally architect your systems so that non-privlidged users can restart services, or that services restart *themselves* when they notice change.TIL @github exposes the ssh public keys for users. https://t.co/Wo9g8nxI Handy for adding devs to servers/repos.
— Postmodern (@postmodern_mod3) February 10, 2013