# Capistrano [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/capistrano/capistrano.png?branch=v3)](https://travis-ci.org/capistrano/capistrano) wip - aim here is to get 'something' up and running TODO: - [x] harness rake for dsl - [x] create a working capify equivalent - [x] create Capfile - [x] create lib/tasks/deploy - [x] create config/deploy/ - [x] write config/deploy.rb with example configuration - [x] basic configuration object - [x] basic 'capistrano/deploy' noop example - [x] don't care too much about testing at this point (rspec included for my reference) - [x] before/after task hooks - [x] handle multi stage - [x] pass any necessary configuration from deploy.rb to SSHKit - [x] support set/fetch/role configuration - [x] basic deploy - [x] ask - [x] add `deploy:check` - [x] prefer `roles(:all)` over `all_roles` - [ ] simplify default deploy - [ ] support primary servers `on primary(:db)` - [ ] basic rollback - [ ] support existing significant configuration variables - [ ] set configuration defaults, add commented out examples to templates - [ ] better descriptions for tasks - [ ] add examples to README ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'capistrano' github: 'capistrano/capistrano', branch: :v3 And then execute: $ bundle --binstubs Capify: $ cap install This creates the following files: - `Capfile` - `lib/deploy/tasks` - `config/deploy/staging.rb` - `config/deploy/production.rb` To create different stages: $ cap install STAGES=local,sandbox,qa,production ## Usage $ cap -vT $ cap staging deploy $ cap production deploy $ cap production deploy --dry-run $ cap production deploy --prereqs ## Configuration # config/deploy.rb set :application, 'example app' # config/deploy/production.rb set :stage, :production ask :branch, :master role :app, %w{example.com} role :web, %w{example.com} role :db, %w{example.com} ## Tasks ## Before / After Where calling on the same task name, executed in order of inclusion # call an existing task before :starting, :ensure_user after :finishing, :notify # or define in block before :starting, :ensure_user do # end after :finishing, :notify do # end ## Console Execute arbitrary remote commands $ cap staging console ## Configuration ## SSHKit