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Matt Brictson 2c3f6e563c Update gems, including jekyll 2.4.0 → 3.0.2
Note that this upgrade is required in order to use `rouge` highlighter.

activesupport             4.2.0   →
addressable               (new)   → 2.3.8
blankslate       → (removed)
celluloid                 0.16.0  → (removed)
classifier-reborn         2.0.3   → (removed)
coffee-script             2.3.0   → 2.4.1
coffee-script-source      1.8.0   → 1.10.0
ethon                     (new)   → 0.8.1
execjs                    2.2.2   → 2.6.0
faraday                   (new)   → 0.9.2
fast-stemmer              1.0.2   → (removed)
ffi                       1.9.6   → 1.9.10
github-pages              32      → 45
github-pages-health-check 0.2.1   → 0.6.0
hitimes                   1.2.2   → (removed)
html-pipeline             1.9.0   → 2.3.0
jekyll                    2.4.0   → 3.0.2
jekyll-feed               (new)   → 0.3.1
jekyll-gist               1.1.0   → 1.4.0
jekyll-mentions           0.2.1   → 1.0.0
jekyll-redirect-from      0.6.2   → 0.9.1
jekyll-sass-converter     1.2.0   → 1.3.0
jekyll-seo-tag            (new)   → 0.1.4
jekyll-sitemap            0.6.3   → 0.10.0
jekyll-textile-converter  (new)   → 0.1.0
jekyll-watch              1.2.0   → 1.3.1
jemoji                    0.4.0   → 0.5.1
json                      1.8.2   → 1.8.3
kramdown                  1.5.0   → 1.9.0
liquid                    2.6.1   → 3.0.6
listen                    2.8.5   → 3.0.5
maruku                    0.7.0   → (removed)
mini_portile              0.6.2   → (removed)
mini_portile2             (new)   → 2.0.0
minitest                  5.5.1   → 5.8.4
multipart-post            (new)   → 2.0.0
nokogiri                  1.6.5   →
octokit                   (new)   → 4.2.0
parslet                   1.5.0   → (removed)
posix-spawn               0.3.9   → (removed)
public_suffix             1.4.6   → 1.5.3
pygments.rb               0.6.0   → (removed)
rb-fsevent                0.9.4   → 0.9.7
rb-inotify                0.9.5   → 0.9.6
rdiscount                 2.1.7   → 2.1.8
redcarpet                 3.1.2   → 3.3.3
rouge                     (new)   → 1.10.1
sass                      3.4.10  → 3.4.21
sawyer                    (new)   → 0.6.0
terminal-table            1.4.5   → 1.5.2
thread_safe               0.3.4   → 0.3.5
timers                    4.0.1   → (removed)
toml                      0.1.2   → (removed)
typhoeus                  (new)   → 0.8.0
yajl-ruby                 1.1.0   → (removed)
2016-02-05 16:13:30 -08:00
_includes Add google search box to navigation 2016-02-01 12:10:13 +01:00
_layouts Introduce banner for Harrow.io 2015-09-01 19:51:21 +02:00
_posts fix an example in command mapping 2015-07-08 16:44:41 +03:00
css Introduce banner for Harrow.io 2015-09-01 19:51:21 +02:00
documentation Merge pull request #169 from will-in-wi/host_filtering_example 2016-02-05 09:56:15 -08:00
fonts Pushing all the WIP documentation 2013-06-22 18:34:07 +02:00
images More cold-start documentation 2013-06-25 08:35:16 +02:00
js Introduce banner for Harrow.io 2015-09-01 19:51:21 +02:00
.gitignore Introduce banner for Harrow.io 2015-09-01 19:51:21 +02:00
_config.yml Introduce banner for Harrow.io 2015-09-01 19:51:21 +02:00
CNAME Using capistranorb.com without www 2014-01-04 20:54:54 +01:00
favicon.ico Lots more improvements 2013-06-30 17:26:18 +02:00
Gemfile use correct gem versions according to GitHub Pages 2015-01-22 21:48:07 +00:00
Gemfile.lock Update gems, including jekyll 2.4.0 → 3.0.2 2016-02-05 16:13:30 -08:00
index.markdown Add link to documentation source repo 2016-02-01 11:38:09 +01:00
README.md Redo README to explain how to run the site locally 2016-01-17 18:27:47 -08:00


This is the repository that generates the capistranorb.com site. Feel free to send pull requests to make improvements to Capistrano's documentation!

Quick start

This is a GitHub Pages project, which means it is built using Jekyll. To run the site locally, you'll need a functioning Ruby environment.

After checking out the capistrano-documentation project, run:

bundle install

Then start the Jekyll server with:

bundle exec jekyll serve

You should now be able to preview the site on http://localhost:4000. After making any changes to markdown or HTML files, just refresh your browser to see the results. You do not have to restart the Jekyll process.

More information: Using Jekyll with Pages.