# Boots a single Capybara::Server for a Rack application that delegates to another, singleton Rack # application that can be configured for each spec. require 'sinatra/base' module AppRunner class << self attr_accessor :app, :app_host, :browser, :configuration end def self.boot app_container = lambda { |env| AppRunner.app.call(env) } server = Capybara::Server.new(app_container) server.boot self.app_host = "{server.port}" end def self.reset self.app = lambda do |env| [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'html', 'Content-Length' => 0 }, []] end self.browser = $webkit_browser self.configuration = Capybara::Webkit::Configuration.new end def run_application(app) AppRunner.app = app end def configure yield AppRunner.configuration end def fork_connection AppRunner.fork_connection end def self.fork_connection connection = Capybara::Webkit::Connection.new(options) AppRunner.browser = Capybara::Webkit::Browser.new(connection) connection end def driver_for_app(&body) app = Class.new(ExampleApp, &body) run_application app AppRunner.build_driver end def driver_for_html(html) run_application_for_html html AppRunner.build_driver end def session_for_app(&body) app = Class.new(ExampleApp, &body) run_application app Capybara::Session.new(:reusable_webkit, AppRunner.app) end def run_application_for_html(html) run_application lambda { |env| [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => html.size.to_s }, [html]] } end def self.build_driver Capybara::Webkit::Driver.new(app, options.merge(browser: browser)) end def self.options configuration.to_hash end private_class_method :options def self.included(example_group) example_group.class_eval do before { AppRunner.reset } after { $webkit_browser.reset! } end end end class ExampleApp < Sinatra::Base # Sinatra fixes invalid responses that would break QWebPage, so this middleware breaks them again # for testing purposes. class ResponseInvalidator def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) response = @app.call(env) if response.to_a[1]['X-Response-Invalid'] [404, {}, []] else response end end end use ResponseInvalidator def invalid_response [200, { 'X-Response-Invalid' => 'TRUE' }, []] end end AppRunner.boot