require 'spec_helper' require 'capybara/webkit/driver' require 'base64' describe Capybara::Webkit::Driver do include AppRunner context "iframe app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| params = ::Rack::Utils.parse_query(env['QUERY_STRING']) if params["iframe"] == "true" # We are in an iframe request. p_id = "farewell" msg = "goodbye" iframe = nil else # We are not in an iframe request and need to make an iframe! p_id = "greeting" msg = "hello" iframe = "" end body = <<-HTML #{iframe} HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before do driver.visit("/") end it "finds frames by index" do driver.within_frame(0) do driver.find("//*[contains(., 'goodbye')]").should_not be_empty end end it "finds frames by id" do driver.within_frame("f") do driver.find("//*[contains(., 'goodbye')]").should_not be_empty end end it "raises error for missing frame by index" do expect { driver.within_frame(1) { } }. to raise_error(Capybara::Webkit::InvalidResponseError) end it "raise_error for missing frame by id" do expect { driver.within_frame("foo") { } }. to raise_error(Capybara::Webkit::InvalidResponseError) end it "returns an attribute's value" do driver.within_frame("f") do driver.find("//p").first["id"].should == "farewell" end end it "returns a node's text" do driver.within_frame("f") do driver.find("//p").first.text.should == "goodbye" end end it "returns the current URL" do driver.within_frame("f") do driver.current_url.should == driver_url(driver, "/?iframe=true") end end it "returns the source code for the page" do driver.within_frame("f") do driver.source.should =~ %r{.*farewell.*}m end end it "evaluates Javascript" do driver.within_frame("f") do result = driver.evaluate_script(%) result.should == "goodbye" end end it "executes Javascript" do driver.within_frame("f") do driver.execute_script(%) driver.find("//p[contains(., 'yo')]").should_not be_empty end end end context "error iframe app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| case env["PATH_INFO"] when "/inner-not-found" [404, {}, []] when "/outer" body = <<-HTML HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] else body = "" return [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s}, [body]] end end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "raises error whose message references the actual missing url" do expect { driver.visit("/outer") }.to raise_error(Capybara::Webkit::InvalidResponseError, /inner-not-found/) end end context "redirect app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| if env['PATH_INFO'] == '/target' content_type = "


" [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html", "Content-Length" => content_type.length.to_s}, [content_type]] elsif env['PATH_INFO'] == '/form' body = <<-HTML
HTML [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html", "Content-Length" => body.length.to_s}, [body]] else [301, {"Location" => "/target"}, [""]] end end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "should redirect without content type" do driver.visit("/form") driver.find("//input") driver.find("//p").first.text.should == "" end it "returns the current URL when changed by pushState after a redirect" do driver.visit("/redirect-me") driver.execute_script("window.history.pushState({}, '', '/pushed-after-redirect')") driver.current_url.should == driver_url(driver, "/pushed-after-redirect") end it "returns the current URL when changed by replaceState after a redirect" do driver.visit("/redirect-me") driver.execute_script("window.history.replaceState({}, '', '/replaced-after-redirect')") driver.current_url.should == driver_url(driver, "/replaced-after-redirect") end end context "css app" do let(:driver) do body = "css" driver_for_app do |env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/css", "Content-Length" => body.length.to_s}, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "renders unsupported content types gracefully" do driver.body.should =~ /css/ end it "sets the response headers with respect to the unsupported request" do driver.response_headers["Content-Type"].should == "text/css" end end context "hello app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = <<-HTML
Spaces not normalized 
Can't see me
HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "handles anchor tags" do driver.visit("#test") driver.find("//*[contains(., 'hello')]").should_not be_empty driver.visit("#test") driver.find("//*[contains(., 'hello')]").should_not be_empty end it "finds content after loading a URL" do driver.find("//*[contains(., 'hello')]").should_not be_empty end it "has an empty page after reseting" do driver.reset! driver.find("//*[contains(., 'hello')]").should be_empty end it "has a blank location after reseting" do driver.reset! driver.current_url.should == "" end it "raises an error for an invalid xpath query" do expect { driver.find("totally invalid salad") }. to raise_error(Capybara::Webkit::InvalidResponseError, /xpath/i) end it "returns an attribute's value" do driver.find("//p").first["id"].should == "greeting" end it "parses xpath with quotes" do driver.find('//*[contains(., "hello")]').should_not be_empty end it "returns a node's text" do driver.find("//p").first.text.should == "hello" end it "normalizes a node's text" do driver.find("//div[contains(@class, 'normalize')]").first.text.should == "Spaces not normalized" end it "returns the current URL" do driver.visit "/hello/world?success=true" driver.current_url.should == driver_url(driver, "/hello/world?success=true") end it "returns the current URL when changed by pushState" do driver.execute_script("window.history.pushState({}, '', '/pushed')") driver.current_url.should == driver_url(driver, "/pushed") end it "returns the current URL when changed by replaceState" do driver.execute_script("window.history.replaceState({}, '', '/replaced')") driver.current_url.should == driver_url(driver, "/replaced") end it "does not double-encode URLs" do driver.visit("/hello/world?success=%25true") driver.current_url.should =~ /success=\%25true/ end it "visits a page with an anchor" do driver.visit("/hello#display_none") driver.current_url.should =~ /hello#display_none/ end it "returns the source code for the page" do driver.source.should =~ %r{.*greeting.*}m end it "evaluates Javascript and returns a string" do result = driver.evaluate_script(%) result.should == "hello" end it "evaluates Javascript and returns an array" do result = driver.evaluate_script(%<["hello", "world"]>) result.should == %w(hello world) end it "evaluates Javascript and returns an int" do result = driver.evaluate_script(%<123>) result.should == 123 end it "evaluates Javascript and returns a float" do result = driver.evaluate_script(%<1.5>) result.should == 1.5 end it "evaluates Javascript and returns null" do result = driver.evaluate_script(%<(function () {})()>) result.should == nil end it "evaluates Javascript and returns an object" do result = driver.evaluate_script(%<({ 'one' : 1 })>) result.should == { 'one' => 1 } end it "evaluates Javascript and returns true" do result = driver.evaluate_script(%) result.should === true end it "evaluates Javascript and returns false" do result = driver.evaluate_script(%) result.should === false end it "evaluates Javascript and returns an escaped string" do result = driver.evaluate_script(%<'"'>) result.should === "\"" end it "evaluates Javascript with multiple lines" do result = driver.evaluate_script("[1,\n2]") result.should == [1, 2] end it "executes Javascript" do driver.execute_script(%) driver.find("//p[contains(., 'yo')]").should_not be_empty end it "raises an error for failing Javascript" do expect { driver.execute_script(%) }. to raise_error(Capybara::Webkit::InvalidResponseError) end it "doesn't raise an error for Javascript that doesn't return anything" do lambda { driver.execute_script(%<(function () { "returns nothing" })()>) }. should_not raise_error end it "returns a node's tag name" do driver.find("//p").first.tag_name.should == "p" end it "reads disabled property" do driver.find("//input").first.should be_disabled end it "reads checked property" do driver.find("//input[@id='checktest']").first.should be_checked end it "finds visible elements" do driver.find("//p").first.should be_visible driver.find("//*[@id='invisible']").first.should_not be_visible end end context "console messages app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = <<-HTML HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "collects messages logged to the console" do driver.console_messages.first.should include :source, :message => "hello", :line_number => 6 driver.console_messages.length.should eq 3 end it "logs errors to the console" do driver.error_messages.length.should eq 1 end end context "form app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = <<-HTML
HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "returns a textarea's value" do driver.find("//textarea").first.value.should == "what a wonderful area for text" end it "returns a text input's value" do driver.find("//input").first.value.should == "bar" end it "returns a select's value" do driver.find("//select").first.value.should == "Capybara" end it "sets an input's value" do input = driver.find("//input").first input.set("newvalue") input.value.should == "newvalue" end it "sets an input's value greater than the max length" do input = driver.find("//input[@name='maxlength_foo']").first input.set("allegories (poems)") input.value.should == "allegories" end it "sets an input's value equal to the max length" do input = driver.find("//input[@name='maxlength_foo']").first input.set("allegories") input.value.should == "allegories" end it "sets an input's value less than the max length" do input = driver.find("//input[@name='maxlength_foo']").first input.set("poems") input.value.should == "poems" end it "sets an input's nil value" do input = driver.find("//input").first input.set(nil) input.value.should == "" end it "sets a select's value" do select = driver.find("//select").first select.set("Monkey") select.value.should == "Monkey" end it "sets a textarea's value" do textarea = driver.find("//textarea").first textarea.set("newvalue") textarea.value.should == "newvalue" end let(:monkey_option) { driver.find("//option[@id='select-option-monkey']").first } let(:capybara_option) { driver.find("//option[@id='select-option-capybara']").first } let(:animal_select) { driver.find("//select[@name='animal']").first } let(:apple_option) { driver.find("//option[@id='topping-apple']").first } let(:banana_option) { driver.find("//option[@id='topping-banana']").first } let(:cherry_option) { driver.find("//option[@id='topping-cherry']").first } let(:toppings_select) { driver.find("//select[@name='toppings']").first } let(:reset_button) { driver.find("//button[@type='reset']").first } context "a select element's selection has been changed" do before do animal_select.value.should == "Capybara" monkey_option.select_option end it "returns the new selection" do animal_select.value.should == "Monkey" end it "does not modify the selected attribute of a new selection" do monkey_option['selected'].should be_empty end it "returns the old value when a reset button is clicked" do animal_select.value.should == "Capybara" end end context "a multi-select element's option has been unselected" do before do toppings_select.value.should include("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry") apple_option.unselect_option end it "does not return the deselected option" do toppings_select.value.should_not include("Apple") end it "returns the deselected option when a reset button is clicked" do toppings_select.value.should include("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry") end end it "reselects an option in a multi-select" do apple_option.unselect_option banana_option.unselect_option cherry_option.unselect_option toppings_select.value.should == [] apple_option.select_option banana_option.select_option cherry_option.select_option toppings_select.value.should include("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry") end let(:checked_box) { driver.find("//input[@name='checkedbox']").first } let(:unchecked_box) { driver.find("//input[@name='uncheckedbox']").first } it "knows a checked box is checked" do checked_box['checked'].should be_true end it "knows a checked box is checked using checked?" do checked_box.should be_checked end it "knows an unchecked box is unchecked" do unchecked_box['checked'].should_not be_true end it "knows an unchecked box is unchecked using checked?" do unchecked_box.should_not be_checked end it "checks an unchecked box" do unchecked_box.set(true) unchecked_box.should be_checked end it "unchecks a checked box" do checked_box.set(false) checked_box.should_not be_checked end it "leaves a checked box checked" do checked_box.set(true) checked_box.should be_checked end it "leaves an unchecked box unchecked" do unchecked_box.set(false) unchecked_box.should_not be_checked end let(:enabled_input) { driver.find("//input[@name='foo']").first } let(:disabled_input) { driver.find("//input[@id='disabled_input']").first } it "knows a disabled input is disabled" do disabled_input['disabled'].should be_true end it "knows a not disabled input is not disabled" do enabled_input['disabled'].should_not be_true end end context "dom events" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = <<-HTML Link
    HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "triggers mouse events" do driver.find("//a") driver.find("//li").map(&:text).should == %w(mousedown mouseup click) end end context "form events app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = <<-HTML
      HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } let(:newtext) { 'newvalue' } let(:keyevents) do (%w{focus} + newtext.length.times.collect { %w{keydown keypress keyup input} } + %w{change blur}).flatten end %w(email number password search tel text url).each do | field_type | it "triggers text input events on inputs of type #{field_type}" do driver.find("//input[@type='#{field_type}']").first.set(newtext) driver.find("//li").map(&:text).should == keyevents end end it "triggers textarea input events" do driver.find("//textarea").first.set(newtext) driver.find("//li").map(&:text).should == keyevents end it "triggers radio input events" do driver.find("//input[@type='radio']").first.set(true) driver.find("//li").map(&:text).should == %w(mousedown mouseup change click) end it "triggers checkbox events" do driver.find("//input[@type='checkbox']").first.set(true) driver.find("//li").map(&:text).should == %w(mousedown mouseup change click) end end context "mouse app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = <<-HTML
      Change me
      Push me
      Release me
      Next HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "clicks an element" do driver.find("//a") driver.current_url =~ %r{/next$} end it "fires a mouse event" do driver.find("//*[@id='mouseup']").first.trigger("mouseup") driver.find("//*[@class='triggered']").should_not be_empty end it "fires a non-mouse event" do driver.find("//*[@id='change']").first.trigger("change") driver.find("//*[@class='triggered']").should_not be_empty end it "fires a change on select" do select = driver.find("//select").first select.value.should == "1" option = driver.find("//option[@id='option-2']").first option.select_option select.value.should == "2" driver.find("//select[@class='triggered']").should_not be_empty end it "fires drag events" do draggable = driver.find("//*[@id='mousedown']").first container = driver.find("//*[@id='mouseup']").first draggable.drag_to(container) driver.find("//*[@class='triggered']").size.should == 1 end end context "nesting app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = <<-HTML
      HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "evaluates nested xpath expressions" do parent = driver.find("//*[@id='parent']").first parent.find("./*[@class='find']").map(&:text).should == %w(Expected) end end context "slow app" do let(:driver) do @result = "" driver_for_app do |env| if env["PATH_INFO"] == "/result" sleep(0.5) @result << "finished" end body = %{Go} [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "waits for a request to load" do driver.find("//a") @result.should == "finished" end end context "error app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| if env['PATH_INFO'] == "/error" [404, {}, []] else body = <<-HTML
      HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "raises a webkit error for the requested url" do expect { driver.find("//input") wait_for_error_to_complete driver.find("//body") }. to raise_error(Capybara::Webkit::InvalidResponseError, %r{/error}) end def wait_for_error_to_complete sleep(0.5) end end context "slow error app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| if env['PATH_INFO'] == "/error" body = "error" sleep(1) [304, {}, []] else body = <<-HTML


      HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "raises a webkit error and then continues" do driver.find("//input") expect { driver.find("//p") }.to raise_error(Capybara::Webkit::InvalidResponseError) driver.visit("/") driver.find("//p").first.text.should == "hello" end end context "popup app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = <<-HTML


      HTML sleep(0.5) [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "doesn't crash from alerts" do driver.find("//p").first.text.should == "success" end end context "custom header" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = <<-HTML




      / HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } before do driver.header('user-agent', 'capybara-webkit/custom-user-agent') driver.header('x-capybara-webkit-header', 'x-capybara-webkit-header') driver.header('accept', 'text/html') driver.visit('/') end it "can set user_agent" do driver.find('id("user-agent")').first.text.should == 'capybara-webkit/custom-user-agent' driver.evaluate_script('navigator.userAgent').should == 'capybara-webkit/custom-user-agent' end it "keep user_agent in next page" do driver.find("//a") driver.find('id("user-agent")').first.text.should == 'capybara-webkit/custom-user-agent' driver.evaluate_script('navigator.userAgent').should == 'capybara-webkit/custom-user-agent' end it "can set custom header" do driver.find('id("x-capybara-webkit-header")').first.text.should == 'x-capybara-webkit-header' end it "can set Accept header" do driver.find('id("accept")').first.text.should == 'text/html' end it "can reset all custom header" do driver.reset! driver.visit('/') driver.find('id("user-agent")').first.text.should_not == 'capybara-webkit/custom-user-agent' driver.evaluate_script('navigator.userAgent').should_not == 'capybara-webkit/custom-user-agent' driver.find('id("x-capybara-webkit-header")').first.text.should be_empty driver.find('id("accept")').first.text.should_not == 'text/html' end end context "no response app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = <<-HTML
      HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "raises a webkit error for the requested url" do make_the_server_go_away expect { driver.find("//body") }. to raise_error(Capybara::Webkit::NoResponseError, %r{response}) make_the_server_come_back end def make_the_server_come_back driver.browser.instance_variable_get(:@connection).unstub!(:gets) driver.browser.instance_variable_get(:@connection).unstub!(:puts) driver.browser.instance_variable_get(:@connection).unstub!(:print) end def make_the_server_go_away driver.browser.instance_variable_get(:@connection).stub!(:gets).and_return(nil) driver.browser.instance_variable_get(:@connection).stub!(:puts) driver.browser.instance_variable_get(:@connection).stub!(:print) end end context "custom font app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = <<-HTML


      HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "ignores custom fonts" do font_family = driver.evaluate_script(<<-SCRIPT) var element = document.getElementById("text"); element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null).getPropertyValue("font-family"); SCRIPT font_family.should == "Arial" end end context "cookie-based app" do let(:driver) do @cookie = 'cookie=abc; domain=; path=/' driver_for_app do |env| request = body = <<-HTML HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s, 'Set-Cookie' => @cookie, }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } def echoed_cookie driver.find('id("cookie")').first.text end it "remembers the cookie on second visit" do echoed_cookie.should == "" driver.visit "/" echoed_cookie.should == "abc" end it "uses a custom cookie" do driver.browser.set_cookie @cookie driver.visit "/" echoed_cookie.should == "abc" end it "clears cookies" do driver.browser.clear_cookies driver.visit "/" echoed_cookie.should == "" end it "allows enumeration of cookies" do cookies = driver.browser.get_cookies cookies.size.should == 1 cookie = Hash[cookies[0].split(/\s*;\s*/).map { |x| x.split("=", 2) }] cookie["cookie"].should == "abc" cookie["domain"].should include "" cookie["path"].should == "/" end it "allows reading access to cookies using a nice syntax" do driver.cookies["cookie"].should == "abc" end end context "remove node app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = <<-HTML


      HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } before { set_automatic_reload false } after { set_automatic_reload true } def set_automatic_reload(value) if Capybara.respond_to?(:automatic_reload) Capybara.automatic_reload = value end end it "allows removed nodes when reloading is disabled" do node = driver.find("//p[@id='removeMe']").first driver.evaluate_script("document.getElementById('parent').innerHTML = 'Magic'") node.text.should == 'Hello' end end context "app with a lot of HTML tags" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = <<-HTML My eBook
      Chapter 11
      Chapter 21

      My first book

      Written by me

      Let's try out XPath

      in capybara-webkit

      Chapter 1

      This paragraph is fascinating.

      But not as much as this one.

      Chapter 2

      Let's try if we can select this

      HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "builds up node paths correctly" do cases = { "//*[contains(@class, 'author')]" => "/html/head/meta[2]", "//*[contains(@class, 'td1')]" => "/html/body/div[@id='toc']/table/thead[@id='head']/tr/td[1]", "//*[contains(@class, 'td2')]" => "/html/body/div[@id='toc']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]", "//h1" => "/html/body/h1", "//*[contains(@class, 'chapter2')]" => "/html/body/h2[2]", "//*[contains(@class, 'p1')]" => "/html/body/p[1]", "//*[contains(@class, 'p2')]" => "/html/body/div[@id='intro']/p[2]", "//*[contains(@class, 'p3')]" => "/html/body/p[3]", } cases.each do |xpath, path| nodes = driver.find(xpath) nodes.size.should == 1 nodes[0].path.should == path end end end context "css overflow app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = <<-HTML
      HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "handles overflow hidden" do driver.find("//div[@id='overflow']").first.text.should == "Overflow" end end context "javascript redirect app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| if env['PATH_INFO'] == '/redirect' body = <<-HTML HTML else body = "


      " end [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "loads a page without error" do 10.times do driver.visit("/redirect") driver.find("//p").first.text.should == "finished" end end end context "localStorage works" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = <<-HTML HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "displays the message on subsequent page loads" do driver.find("//span[contains(.,'localStorage is enabled')]").should be_empty driver.visit "/" driver.find("//span[contains(.,'localStorage is enabled')]").should_not be_empty end end context "form app with server-side handler" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| if env["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" body = "


      " else body = <<-HTML Form
      HTML end [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "submits a form without clicking" do driver.find("//form")[0].submit driver.body.should include "Congrats" end end def key_app_body(event) body = <<-HTML Form
      HTML body end def charCode_for(character) driver.find("//input")[0].set(character) driver.find("//div[@id='charcode_value']")[0].text end def keyCode_for(character) driver.find("//input")[0].set(character) driver.find("//div[@id='keycode_value']")[0].text end def which_for(character) driver.find("//input")[0].set(character) driver.find("//div[@id='which_value']")[0].text end context "keypress app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = key_app_body("keypress") [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "returns the charCode for the keypressed" do charCode_for("a").should == "97" charCode_for("A").should == "65" charCode_for("\r").should == "13" charCode_for(",").should == "44" charCode_for("<").should == "60" charCode_for("0").should == "48" end it "returns the keyCode for the keypressed" do keyCode_for("a").should == "97" keyCode_for("A").should == "65" keyCode_for("\r").should == "13" keyCode_for(",").should == "44" keyCode_for("<").should == "60" keyCode_for("0").should == "48" end it "returns the which for the keypressed" do which_for("a").should == "97" which_for("A").should == "65" which_for("\r").should == "13" which_for(",").should == "44" which_for("<").should == "60" which_for("0").should == "48" end end shared_examples "a keyupdown app" do it "returns a 0 charCode for the event" do charCode_for("a").should == "0" charCode_for("A").should == "0" charCode_for("\r").should == "0" charCode_for(",").should == "0" charCode_for("<").should == "0" charCode_for("0").should == "0" end it "returns the keyCode for the event" do keyCode_for("a").should == "65" keyCode_for("A").should == "65" keyCode_for("\r").should == "13" keyCode_for(",").should == "188" keyCode_for("<").should == "188" keyCode_for("0").should == "48" end it "returns the which for the event" do which_for("a").should == "65" which_for("A").should == "65" which_for("\r").should == "13" which_for(",").should == "188" which_for("<").should == "188" which_for("0").should == "48" end end context "keydown app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = key_app_body("keydown") [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it_behaves_like "a keyupdown app" end context "keyup app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = key_app_body("keyup") [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it_behaves_like "a keyupdown app" end context "null byte app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| body = "Hello\0World" [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "should include all the bytes in the source" do driver.source.should == "Hello\0World" end end context "javascript new window app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| request = if request.path == '/new_window' body = <<-HTML


      HTML else params = request.params sleep params['sleep'].to_i if params['sleep'] body = "My New Window


      " end [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "has the expected text in the new window" do driver.visit("/new_window") driver.within_window(driver.window_handles.last) do driver.find("//p").first.text.should == "finished" end end it "waits for the new window to load" do driver.visit("/new_window?sleep=1") driver.within_window(driver.window_handles.last) do driver.find("//p").first.text.should == "finished" end end it "waits for the new window to load when the window location has changed" do driver.visit("/new_window?sleep=2") driver.execute_script("setTimeout(function() { window.location = 'about:blank' }, 1000)") driver.within_window(driver.window_handles.last) do driver.find("//p").first.text.should == "finished" end end it "switches back to the original window" do driver.visit("/new_window") driver.within_window(driver.window_handles.last) { } driver.find("//p").first.text.should == "bananas" end it "supports finding a window by name" do driver.visit("/new_window") driver.within_window('myWindow') do driver.find("//p").first.text.should == "finished" end end it "supports finding a window by title" do driver.visit("/new_window?sleep=5") driver.within_window('My New Window') do driver.find("//p").first.text.should == "finished" end end it "supports finding a window by url" do driver.visit("/new_window") driver.within_window(driver_url(driver, "/test?")) do driver.find("//p").first.text.should == "finished" end end it "raises an error if the window is not found" do expect { driver.within_window('myWindowDoesNotExist') }. to raise_error(Capybara::Webkit::InvalidResponseError) end it "has a number of window handles equal to the number of open windows" do driver.window_handles.size.should == 1 driver.visit("/new_window") driver.window_handles.size.should == 2 end it "closes new windows on reset" do driver.visit("/new_window") last_handle = driver.window_handles.last driver.reset! driver.window_handles.should_not include(last_handle) end end context "javascript new window cookie app" do let(:session_id) { '12345' } let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| request = response = case request.path when '/new_window' response.write <<-HTML HTML when '/set_cookie' response.set_cookie('session_id', session_id) end response end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "should preserve cookies across windows" do driver.visit("/new_window") driver.cookies['session_id'].should == session_id end end context "timers app" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| case env["PATH_INFO"] when "/success" [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, ['']] when "/not-found" [404, {}, []] when "/outer" body = <<-HTML HTML [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s }, [body]] else body = "" return [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s}, [body]] end end end before { driver.visit("/") } it "raises error for any loadFinished failure" do expect do driver.visit("/outer") sleep 1 driver.find("//body") raise_error(Capybara::Webkit::InvalidResponseError) end end describe "basic auth" do let(:driver) do driver_for_app do |env| if env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] header = env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html", "Content-Length" => header.length.to_s}, [header]] else html = "401 Unauthorized." [401, {"Content-Type" => "text/html", "Content-Length" => html.length.to_s, "WWW-Authenticate" => 'Basic realm="Secure Area"'}, [html]] end end end it "can authenticate a request" do driver.browser.authenticate('user', 'password') driver.visit("/") driver.body.should include("Basic "+Base64.encode64("user:password").strip) end end describe "logger app" do it "logs nothing before turning on the logger" do driver.visit("/") log.should == "" end it "logs its commands after turning on the logger" do driver.enable_logging driver.visit("/") log.should_not == "" end let(:driver) do command = "#{Capybara::Webkit::Connection::SERVER_PATH} 2>&1" connection = => command, :stdout => output) browser =, :browser => browser) end let(:output) { } def log output.rewind end end def driver_url(driver, path) URI.parse(driver.current_url).merge(path).to_s end end