require 'socket' require 'timeout' require 'thread' module Capybara::Webkit class Connection SERVER_PATH = File.expand_path("../../../../bin/webkit_server", __FILE__) WEBKIT_SERVER_START_TIMEOUT = 15 attr_reader :port def initialize(options = {}) @socket_class = options[:socket_class] || TCPSocket @stdout = options.has_key?(:stdout) ? options[:stdout] : $stdout @command = options[:command] || SERVER_PATH start_server connect end def puts(string) @socket.puts string end def print(string) @socket.print string end def gets @socket.gets end def read(length) end private def start_server open_pipe discover_port forward_stdout_in_background_thread end def open_pipe @pipe = IO.popen(@command) @pid = register_shutdown_hook end def register_shutdown_hook @owner_pid = at_exit do if == @owner_pid kill_process end end end def kill_process if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw32/ Process.kill(9, @pid) else Process.kill("INT", @pid) end end def discover_port if[@pipe], nil, nil, WEBKIT_SERVER_START_TIMEOUT) @port = ((@pipe.first || '').match(/listening on port: (\d+)/) || [])[1].to_i end end def forward_stdout_in_background_thread @stdout_thread = do Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true forward_stdout end end def forward_stdout while pipe_readable? line = @pipe.readline if @stdout @stdout.write(line) @stdout.flush end end rescue EOFError end if !defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) || (RUBY_ENGINE == "ruby" && RUBY_VERSION <= "1.8") # please note the use of IO::select() here, as it is used specifically to # preserve correct signal handling behavior in ruby 1.8. # # def pipe_readable?[@pipe]) end else def pipe_readable? !@pipe.eof? end end def connect Timeout.timeout(5) do while @socket.nil? attempt_connect end end end def attempt_connect @socket ="", @port) if @socket.kind_of?(TCPSocket) and defined?(Socket::TCP_NODELAY) @socket.setsockopt(:IPPROTO_TCP, :TCP_NODELAY, 1) end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED end end end