require 'socket' require 'thread' require 'capybara/util/timeout' require 'json' class Capybara::Driver::Webkit class Browser attr :server_port def initialize(options = {}) @socket_class = options[:socket_class] || TCPSocket @stdout = options.has_key?(:stdout) ? options[:stdout] : $stdout @ignore_ssl_errors = options[:ignore_ssl_errors] start_server connect end def visit(url) command "Visit", url end def header(key, value) command("Header", key, value) end def find(query) command("Find", query).split(",") end def reset! command("Reset") end def body command("Body") end def source command("Source") end def status_code command("Status").to_i end def response_headers Hash[command("Headers").split("\n").map { |header| header.split(": ") }] end def url command("Url") end def frame_focus(frame_id_or_index=nil) if frame_id_or_index.is_a? Fixnum command("FrameFocus", "", frame_id_or_index.to_s) elsif frame_id_or_index command("FrameFocus", frame_id_or_index) else command("FrameFocus") end end def command(name, *args) @socket.puts name @socket.puts args.size args.each do |arg| @socket.puts arg.to_s.bytesize @socket.print arg.to_s end check read_response end def evaluate_script(script) json = command('Evaluate', script) JSON.parse("[#{json}]").first end def execute_script(script) command('Execute', script) end def render(path, width, height) command "Render", path, width, height end def set_cookie(cookie) command "SetCookie", cookie end def clear_cookies command "ClearCookies" end def get_cookies command("GetCookies"){ |line| line.strip }.select{ |line| !line.empty? } end private def start_server pipe = fork_server @server_port = discover_server_port(pipe) @stdout_thread = do Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true forward_stdout(pipe) end end def fork_server server_path = File.expand_path("../../../../../bin/webkit_server", __FILE__) pipe, @pid = server_pipe_and_pid(server_path) register_shutdown_hook pipe end def register_shutdown_hook @owner_pid = at_exit do if == @owner_pid Process.kill("INT", @pid) end end end def server_pipe_and_pid(server_path) cmdline = [server_path] cmdline << "--ignore-ssl-errors" if @ignore_ssl_errors pipe = IO.popen(cmdline.join(" ")) [pipe,] end def discover_server_port(read_pipe) return unless[read_pipe], nil, nil, 10) ((read_pipe.first || '').match(/listening on port: (\d+)/) || [])[1].to_i end def forward_stdout(pipe) while pipe_readable?(pipe) line = pipe.readline if @stdout @stdout.write(line) @stdout.flush end end rescue EOFError end if !defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) || (RUBY_ENGINE == "ruby" && RUBY_VERSION <= "1.8") # please note the use of IO::select() here, as it is used specifically to # preserve correct signal handling behavior in ruby 1.8. # # def pipe_readable?(pipe)[pipe]) end else def pipe_readable?(pipe) !pipe.eof? end end def connect Capybara.timeout(5) do attempt_connect !@socket.nil? end end def attempt_connect @socket ="", @server_port) rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED end def check result = @socket.gets result.strip! if result if result.nil? raise WebkitNoResponseError, "No response received from the server." elsif result != 'ok' raise WebkitInvalidResponseError, read_response end result end def read_response response_length = @socket.gets.to_i response = response.force_encoding("UTF-8") if response.respond_to?(:force_encoding) response end end end