capybara-webkit =============== [![Build Status](]( [![Code Climate](]( A [capybara]( driver that uses [WebKit]( via [QtWebKit]( Qt Dependency and Installation Issues ------------------------------------- capybara-webkit depends on a WebKit implementation from Qt, a cross-platform development toolkit. You'll need to download the Qt libraries to build and install the gem. You can find instructions for downloading and installing Qt on the [capybara-webkit wiki]( capybara-webkit requires Qt version 4.8 or greater. Windows Support --------------- Currently 32-bit Windows will compile capybara-webkit. Support for Windows is provided by the open source community and Windows related issues should be posted to [Stack Overflow]. [Stack Overflow]: Reporting Issues ---------------- Without access to your application code we can't easily debug most crashes or generic failures, so we've included a debug version of the driver that prints a log of what happened during each test. Before filing a crash bug, please see [Reporting Crashes]. You're much more likely to get a fix if you follow those instructions. If you're having trouble compiling or installing, please check out the [wiki]. If you don't have any luck there, please post to [Stack Overflow]. Please don't open a Github issue for a system-specific compiler issue. [Reporting Crashes]: [wiki]: [Stack Overflow]: CI -- If you're like us, you'll be using capybara-webkit on CI. On Linux platforms, capybara-webkit requires an X server to run, although it doesn't create any visible windows. Xvfb works fine for this. You can setup Xvfb yourself and set a DISPLAY variable, try out the [headless gem](, or use the xvfb-run utility as follows: ``` xvfb-run -a bundle exec spec ``` This automatically sets up a virtual X server on a free server number. Usage ----- Add the capybara-webkit gem to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem "capybara-webkit" ``` Set your Capybara Javascript driver to webkit: ```ruby Capybara.javascript_driver = :webkit ``` In cucumber, tag scenarios with @javascript to run them using a headless WebKit browser. In RSpec, use the `:js => true` flag. See the [capybara documentation]( for more information about using capybara with RSpec. Take note of the transactional fixtures section of the [capybara README]( If you're using capybara-webkit with Sinatra, don't forget to set ```ruby = ``` Configuration ------------- You can configure global options using `Capybara::Webkit.configure`: ``` ruby Capybara::Webkit.configure do |config| # Enable debug mode. Prints a log of everything the driver is doing. config.debug = true # By default, requests to outside domains (anything besides localhost) will # result in a warning. Several methods allow you to change this behavior. # Silently return an empty 200 response for any requests to unknown URLs. config.block_unknown_urls # Allow pages to make requests to any URL without issuing a warning. config.allow_unknown_urls # Allow a specific domain without issuing a warning. config.allow_url("") # Allow a specific URL and path without issuing a warning. config.allow_url("") # Wildcards are allowed in URL expressions. config.allow_url("*") # Silently return an empty 200 response for any requests to the given URL. config.block_url("") # Timeout if requests take longer than 5 seconds config.timeout = 5 # Don't raise errors when SSL certificates can't be validated config.ignore_ssl_errors # Don't load images config.skip_image_loading # Use a proxy config.use_proxy( host: "", port: 1234, user: "proxy", pass: "secret" ) # Raise JavaScript errors as exceptions config.raise_javascript_errors = true end ``` These options will take effect for all future sessions and only need to be set once. It's recommended that you configure these in your `spec_helper.rb` or `test_helper.rb` rather than a `before` or `setup` block. Offline Application Cache ------------------------- The offline application cache needs a directory to write to for the cached files. Capybara-webkit will look at if the working directory has a tmp directory and when it exists offline application cache will be enabled. Non-Standard Driver Methods --------------------------- capybara-webkit supports a few methods that are not part of the standard capybara API. You can access these by calling `driver` on the capybara session. When using the DSL, that will look like `page.driver.method_name`. **console_messages**: returns an array of messages printed using console.log ```js // In Javascript: console.log("hello") ``` ```ruby # In Ruby: page.driver.console_messages => [{:source=>"", :line_number=>1, :message=>"hello"}] ``` **error_messages**: returns an array of Javascript errors that occurred ```ruby page.driver.error_messages => [{:source=>"", :line_number=>1, :message=>"SyntaxError: Parse error"}] ``` **cookies**: allows read-only access of cookies for the current session ```ruby page.driver.cookies["alpha"] => "abc" ``` **header**: set the given HTTP header for subsequent requests ```ruby page.driver.header 'Referer', '' ``` Contributing ------------ See the [CONTRIBUTING] document. Thank you, [contributors]! [CONTRIBUTING]: [contributors]: License ------- capybara-webkit is Copyright (c) 2010-2015 thoughtbot, inc. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the [LICENSE] file. [LICENSE]: /LICENSE About ----- The capybara WebKit driver is maintained by Joe Ferris and Matt Horan. Code for rendering the current webpage to a PNG is borrowed from Phantom.js' implementation. ![thoughtbot]( capybara-webkit is maintained and funded by thoughtbot, inc. The names and logos for thoughtbot are trademarks of thoughtbot, inc. We love open source software! See [our other projects][community] or [hire us][hire] to help build your product. [community]: [hire]: