Capybara = { nextIndex: 0, nodes: {}, attachedFiles: [], invoke: function () { try { return this[CapybaraInvocation.functionName].apply(this, CapybaraInvocation.arguments); } catch (e) { CapybaraInvocation.error = e; } }, findXpath: function (xpath) { return this.findXpathRelativeTo(document, xpath); }, findCss: function (selector) { return this.findCssRelativeTo(document, selector); }, findXpathWithin: function (index, xpath) { return this.findXpathRelativeTo(this.getNode(index), xpath); }, findCssWithin: function (index, selector) { return this.findCssRelativeTo(this.getNode(index), selector); }, findXpathRelativeTo: function (reference, xpath) { var iterator = document.evaluate(xpath, reference, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var node; var results = []; while (node = iterator.iterateNext()) { this.nextIndex++; this.nodes[this.nextIndex] = node; results.push(this.nextIndex); } return results.join(","); }, findCssRelativeTo: function (reference, selector) { var elements = reference.querySelectorAll(selector); var results = []; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { this.nextIndex++; this.nodes[this.nextIndex] = elements[i]; results.push(this.nextIndex); } return results.join(","); }, isAttached: function(index) { return this.nodes[index] && document.evaluate("ancestor-or-self::html", this.nodes[index], null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue != null; }, getNode: function(index) { if (CapybaraInvocation.allowUnattached || this.isAttached(index)) { return this.nodes[index]; } else { throw new Capybara.NodeNotAttachedError(index); } }, text: function (index) { var node = this.getNode(index); var type = (node.type || node.tagName).toLowerCase(); if (!this.isNodeVisible(node)) { return ''; } else if (type == "textarea") { return node.innerHTML; } else { visible_text = node.innerText; return typeof visible_text === "string" ? visible_text : node.textContent; } }, allText: function (index) { var node = this.getNode(index); return node.textContent; }, attribute: function (index, name) { var node = this.getNode(index); switch(name) { case 'checked': return node.checked; break; case 'disabled': return node.disabled; break; case 'multiple': return node.multiple; break; default: return node.getAttribute(name); } }, hasAttribute: function(index, name) { return this.getNode(index).hasAttribute(name); }, path: function(index) { return this.pathForNode(this.getNode(index)); }, pathForNode: function(node) { return "/" + this.getXPathNode(node).join("/"); }, getXPathNode: function(node, path) { path = path || []; if (node.parentNode) { path = this.getXPathNode(node.parentNode, path); } var first = node; while (first.previousSibling) first = first.previousSibling; var count = 0; var index = 0; var iter = first; while (iter) { if (iter.nodeType == 1 && iter.nodeName == node.nodeName) count++; if (iter.isSameNode(node)) index = count; iter = iter.nextSibling; continue; } if (node.nodeType == 1) path.push(node.nodeName.toLowerCase() + ( ? "[@id='""']" : count > 1 ? "["+index+"]" : '')); return path; }, tagName: function(index) { return this.getNode(index).tagName.toLowerCase(); }, submit: function(index) { return this.getNode(index).submit(); }, expectNodeAtPosition: function(node, pos) { var nodeAtPosition = document.elementFromPoint(pos.relativeX, pos.relativeY); var overlappingPath; if (nodeAtPosition) overlappingPath = this.pathForNode(nodeAtPosition) if (!this.isNodeOrChildAtPosition(node, pos, nodeAtPosition)) throw new Capybara.ClickFailed( this.pathForNode(node), overlappingPath, pos ); }, isNodeOrChildAtPosition: function(expectedNode, pos, currentNode) { if (currentNode == expectedNode) { return CapybaraInvocation.clickTest( expectedNode, pos.absoluteX, pos.absoluteY ); } else if (currentNode) { return this.isNodeOrChildAtPosition( expectedNode, pos, currentNode.parentNode ); } else { return false; } }, clickPosition: function(node) { if(node.namespaceURI == '') { var rect = node.getBoundingClientRect(); if (rect.width > 0 && rect.height > 0) return CapybaraInvocation.clickPosition(node, rect.left,, rect.width, rect.height); } else { var rects = node.getClientRects(); var rect; for (var i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) { rect = rects[i]; if (rect.width > 0 && rect.height > 0) return CapybaraInvocation.clickPosition(node, rect.left,, rect.width, rect.height); } } var visible = this.isNodeVisible(node); throw new Capybara.UnpositionedElement(this.pathForNode(node), visible); }, click: function (index, action) { var node = this.getNode(index); node.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); var pos = this.clickPosition(node); CapybaraInvocation.hover(pos.relativeX, pos.relativeY); this.expectNodeAtPosition(node, pos); action(pos.absoluteX, pos.absoluteY); }, leftClick: function (index) {, CapybaraInvocation.leftClick); }, doubleClick: function(index) {, CapybaraInvocation.leftClick);, CapybaraInvocation.doubleClick); }, rightClick: function(index) {, CapybaraInvocation.rightClick); }, hover: function (index) { var node = this.getNode(index); node.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); var pos = this.clickPosition(node); CapybaraInvocation.hover(pos.absoluteX, pos.absoluteY); }, trigger: function (index, eventName) { this.triggerOnNode(this.getNode(index), eventName); }, triggerOnNode: function(node, eventName) { var eventObject = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); eventObject.initEvent(eventName, true, true); node.dispatchEvent(eventObject); }, visible: function (index) { return this.isNodeVisible(this.getNode(index)); }, isNodeVisible: function(node) { while (node) { var style = node.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(node, null); if (style.getPropertyValue('display') == 'none' || style.getPropertyValue('visibility') == 'hidden') return false; node = node.parentElement; } return true; }, selected: function (index) { return this.getNode(index).selected; }, value: function(index) { return this.getNode(index).value; }, getInnerHTML: function(index) { return this.getNode(index).innerHTML; }, setInnerHTML: function(index, value) { this.getNode(index).innerHTML = value; return true; }, set: function (index, value) { var length, maxLength, node, strindex, textTypes, type; node = this.getNode(index); type = (node.type || node.tagName).toLowerCase(); textTypes = ["email", "number", "password", "search", "tel", "text", "textarea", "url"]; if (textTypes.indexOf(type) != -1) { maxLength = this.attribute(index, "maxlength"); if (maxLength && value.length > maxLength) { length = maxLength; } else { length = value.length; } if (!node.readOnly) { this.focus(index); node.value = ""; for (strindex = 0; strindex < length; strindex++) { CapybaraInvocation.keypress(value[strindex]); } if (value == '') this.trigger(index, "change"); } } else if (type === "checkbox" || type === "radio") { if (node.checked != (value === "true")) { this.leftClick(index); } } else if (type === "file") { this.attachedFiles =, 1); this.leftClick(index); } else if (this.isContentEditable(node)) { var content = document.createTextNode(value); node.innerHTML = ''; node.appendChild(content); } else { node.value = value; } }, isContentEditable: function(node) { if (node.contentEditable == 'true') { return true; } else if (node.contentEditable == 'false') { return false; } else if (node.contentEditable == 'inherit') { return this.isContentEditable(node.parentNode); } }, focus: function(index) { this.getNode(index).focus(); }, selectOption: function(index) { var optionNode = this.getNode(index); var selectNode = optionNode.parentNode; if (optionNode.disabled) return; // click on select list this.triggerOnNode(selectNode, 'mousedown'); selectNode.focus(); this.triggerOnNode(selectNode, 'mouseup'); this.triggerOnNode(selectNode, 'click'); // select option from list this.triggerOnNode(optionNode, 'mousedown'); optionNode.selected = true; this.triggerOnNode(selectNode, 'change'); this.triggerOnNode(optionNode, 'mouseup'); this.triggerOnNode(optionNode, 'click'); }, unselectOption: function(index) { this.getNode(index).selected = false; this.trigger(index, "change"); }, centerPosition: function(element) { this.reflow(element); var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); var position = { x: rect.width / 2, y: rect.height / 2 }; do { position.x += element.offsetLeft; position.y += element.offsetTop; } while ((element = element.offsetParent)); position.x = Math.floor(position.x); position.y = Math.floor(position.y); return position; }, reflow: function(element, force) { if (force || element.offsetWidth === 0) { var prop, oldStyle = {}, newStyle = {position: "absolute", visibility : "hidden", display: "block" }; for (prop in newStyle) { oldStyle[prop] =[prop];[prop] = newStyle[prop]; } // force reflow element.offsetWidth; element.offsetHeight; for (prop in oldStyle)[prop] = oldStyle[prop]; } }, dragTo: function (index, targetIndex) { var element = this.getNode(index), target = this.getNode(targetIndex); var position = this.centerPosition(element); var options = { clientX: position.x, clientY: position.y }; var mouseTrigger = function(eventName, options) { var eventObject = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); eventObject.initMouseEvent(eventName, true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, options.clientX || 0, options.clientY || 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); element.dispatchEvent(eventObject); }; mouseTrigger('mousedown', options); options.clientX += 1; options.clientY += 1; mouseTrigger('mousemove', options); position = this.centerPosition(target); options = { clientX: position.x, clientY: position.y }; mouseTrigger('mousemove', options); mouseTrigger('mouseup', options); }, equals: function(index, targetIndex) { return this.getNode(index) === this.getNode(targetIndex); } }; Capybara.ClickFailed = function(expectedPath, actualPath, position) { = 'Capybara.ClickFailed'; this.message = 'Failed to click element ' + expectedPath; if (actualPath) this.message += ' because of overlapping element ' + actualPath; if (position) this.message += ' at position ' + position["absoluteX"] + ', ' + position["absoluteY"]; else this.message += ' at unknown position'; this.message += "; \nA screenshot of the page at the time of the failure has been written to " + CapybaraInvocation.render(); }; Capybara.ClickFailed.prototype = new Error(); Capybara.ClickFailed.prototype.constructor = Capybara.ClickFailed; Capybara.UnpositionedElement = function(path, visible) { = 'Capybara.ClickFailed'; this.message = 'Failed to find position for element ' + path; if (!visible) this.message += ' because it is not visible'; }; Capybara.UnpositionedElement.prototype = new Error(); Capybara.UnpositionedElement.prototype.constructor = Capybara.UnpositionedElement; Capybara.NodeNotAttachedError = function(index) { = 'Capybara.NodeNotAttachedError'; this.message = 'Element at ' + index + ' no longer present in the DOM'; }; Capybara.NodeNotAttachedError.prototype = new Error(); Capybara.NodeNotAttachedError.prototype.constructor = Capybara.NodeNotAttachedError;