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New for 0.10.2:

  • Allow interaction with invisible elements
  • Use Timeout from stdlib since Capybara.timeout is being removed

New for 0.10.1:

  • LANG environment variable is set to en_US.UTF-8 in order to avoid string encoding issues from qmake.
  • pro, find_command, and CommandFactory are more structured.
  • Changed wiki link and directing platform specific issues to the google group.
  • Pass proper keycode value for keypress events.

New for 0.10.0:

  • current_url now more closely matches the behavior of Selenium
  • custom MAKE, QMAKE, and SPEC options can be set from the environment
  • BUG: Selected attribute is no longer removed when selecting/deselecting. Only the property is changed.

New for 0.9.0:

  • Raise an error when an invisible element receives #click.
  • Raise ElementNotDisplayedError for #drag_to and #select_option when element is invisible.
  • Trigger mousedown and mouseup events.
  • Model mouse events more closely to the browser.
  • Try to detech when a command starts a page load and wait for it to finish