updates README with instructions on new AR options

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Ben Mabey 2012-08-05 23:06:23 -06:00
parent d87f4ec066
commit 56df01d91f
1 changed files with 48 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -21,16 +21,31 @@ Here is an overview of the strategies supported for each library:
(Default strategy for each library is denoted in bold)
The ActiveRecord @:deletion@ strategy is useful for when the @:truncation@ strategy causes
locks (as reported by some Oracle DB users). The @:deletion@ option has been reported to
be faster than @:truncation@ in some cases as well. In general, the best approach is to use
@:transaction@ since it is the fastest.
Database Cleaner also includes a @null@ strategy (that does no cleaning at all) which can be used
with any ORM library. You can also explicitly use it by setting your strategy to @nil@.
For support or to discuss development please use the "Google Group":http://groups.google.com/group/database_cleaner.
h2(fastest). What strategy is fastest?
For the SQL libraries the fastest option will be to use @:transaction@ as transactions are
simply rolled back. If you can use this strategy you should. However, if you wind up needing
to use multiple database connections in your tests (i.e. your tests run in a different proceess
than your application) then using this strategy becomes a bit more difficult. You can get around the
problem a number of ways. One common approach is to force all processes to use the same database
connection ("common ActiveRecord hack":http://blog.plataformatec.com.br/2011/12/three-tips-to-improve-the-performance-of-your-test-suite/) however this approach has been reported to result in
non-deterministic failures. Another approach is to have the transactions rolled back in the
application's process and relax the isolation level of the database (so the tests can read the
uncommited transactions). An easier, but slower, solution is to use the @:truncation@ or
@:deletion@ strategy.
So what is fastest out of @:deletion@ and @:truncation@? Well, it depends on your table structure
and what percentage of tables you populate in an average test. The reasoning is out the the
scope of this README but here is a "good SO answer on this topic for Postgres":http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11419536/postgresql-truncation-speed/11423886#11423886. Some people report
much faster speeds with @:deletion@ while others say @:truncation@ is faster for them. The best approach therefore
is it try all options on your test suite and see what is faster. If you are using ActiveRecord then take a look
at the "additional options":#ar_truncation available for @:truncation@.
h2. Dependencies
Because database_cleaner supports multiple ORMs, it doesn't make sense to include all the dependencies
@ -82,21 +97,18 @@ strategy the remaining time. To accomplish this you can say:
# then make the DatabaseCleaner.start and DatabaseCleaner.clean calls appropriately
h3. Minitest Example
h3(#ar_truncation). Additional ActiveRecord options for Truncation
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction
The following options are available for ActiveRecord's @:truncation@ strategy _only_ for
MySQL and Postgres.
class MiniTest::Spec
before :each do
* @:pre_count@ - When set to @true@ this will check each table for existing rows before
truncating it. This can speed up test suites when many of the tables to be truncated
are never populated. Defaults to @:false@. (Also, see the section on "What strategy is fastest?":#fastest)
* @:reset_ids@ - This only matters when @:pre_count@ is used, and it will make sure that a
tables auto-incrementing id is reset even if there are no rows in the table (e.g. records
were created in the test but also removed before DatabaseCleaner gets to it). Defaults to @true@.
after :each do
h3. RSpec Example
@ -119,6 +131,22 @@ RSpec.configure do |config|
h3. Minitest Example
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction
class MiniTest::Spec
before :each do
after :each do
h3. Cucumber Example
Add this to your features/support/env.rb file:
@ -178,39 +206,9 @@ Configuration options
h2. Why?
One of my motivations for writing this library was to have an easy way to
turn on what Rails calls "transactional_fixtures" in my non-rails
ActiveRecord projects. For example, Cucumber ships with a Rails world that
will wrap each scenario in a transaction. This is great, but what if you are
using ActiveRecord in a non-rails project? You used to have to copy-and-paste
the needed code, but with DatabaseCleaner you can now say:
require 'database_cleaner'
require 'database_cleaner/cucumber'
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction
Now lets say you are running your features and it requires that another process be
involved (i.e. Selenium running against your app's server.) You can simply change
your strategy type:
require 'database_cleaner'
require 'database_cleaner/cucumber'
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation
You can have the best of both worlds and use the best one for the job:
require 'database_cleaner'
require 'database_cleaner/cucumber'
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = (ENV['SELENIUM'] == 'true') ? :truncation : :transaction
One of my motivations for writing this library was to have an easy way to turn on what Rails calls "transactional_fixtures"
in my non-rails ActiveRecord projects. After copying and pasting code to do this several times I decided to package it up
as a gem and same everyone a bit of time.
h2. Common Errors