# Guidelines for contributing ## 1. Fork & Clone Since you probably don't have rights to the main repo, you should Fork it (big button up top). After that, clone your fork locally and optionally add an upstream: git remote add upstream git@github.com:DatabaseCleaner/database_cleaner.git ## 2. Make sure the tests run fine - `bundle install` - Copy `db/sample.config.yml` to `db/config.yml` and edit it - Make sure to create the databases specified in `db/config.yml` - Run the tests with `bundle exec rspec` Note that if you don't have all the supported databases installed and running, some tests will fail. ## 3. Prepare your contribution This is all up to you but a few points should be kept in mind: - Please write tests for your contribution - Make sure that previous tests still pass - Push it to a branch of your fork - Submit a pull request