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require File.expand_path('on_what', File.dirname(__FILE__))
$:.push File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__)
require 'docile/version'
2011-12-06 13:51:56 -05:00
Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.name = 'docile'
2011-12-06 13:51:56 -05:00
s.version = Docile::VERSION
s.author = 'Marc Siegel'
s.email = 'marc@usainnov.com'
s.homepage = 'https://ms-ati.github.io/docile/'
s.summary = 'Docile keeps your Ruby DSLs tame and well-behaved'
s.description = 'Docile turns any Ruby object into a DSL. Especially useful with the Builder pattern.'
s.license = 'MIT'
2011-12-06 13:51:56 -05:00
# Files included in the gem
2011-12-06 13:51:56 -05:00
s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n")
s.test_files = `git ls-files -- {test,spec,features}/*`.split("\n")
s.executables = `git ls-files -- bin/*`.split("\n").map{ |f| File.basename(f) }
s.require_paths = %w(lib)
2011-12-06 13:51:56 -05:00
# Specify oldest supported Ruby version
s.required_ruby_version = '>= 1.8.7'
# Run rspec tests from rake
s.add_development_dependency 'rake'
s.add_development_dependency 'rspec', '~> 3.0.0'
2011-12-06 17:58:09 -05:00
# NOTE: needed for Travis builds on 1.8, but can't yet reproduce failure locally
s.add_development_dependency 'mime-types' , '~> 1.25.1' if on_1_8?
s.add_development_dependency 'rest-client', '~> 1.6.8' if on_1_8?
# To limit needed compatibility with versions of dependencies, only configure
# yard doc generation when *not* on Travis, JRuby, or 1.8
if !on_travis? && !on_jruby? && !on_1_8?
2014-02-04 14:24:17 -05:00
# Github flavored markdown in YARD documentation
# http://blog.nikosd.com/2011/11/github-flavored-markdown-in-yard.html
s.add_development_dependency 'yard'
s.add_development_dependency 'redcarpet'
2014-02-04 14:24:17 -05:00
s.add_development_dependency 'github-markup'
2014-02-04 13:54:06 -05:00
2014-02-04 14:59:09 -05:00
# Coveralls test coverage tool, basically hosted SimpleCov
s.add_development_dependency 'coveralls'
2011-12-06 13:51:56 -05:00