require "spec_helper" require "singleton" describe Docile do describe ".dsl_eval" do context "when DSL context object is an Array" do let(:array) { [] } let!(:result) { execute_dsl_against_array } def execute_dsl_against_array Docile.dsl_eval(array) do push 1 push 2 pop push 3 end end it "executes the block against the DSL context object" do expect(array).to eq([1, 3]) end it "returns the DSL object after executing block against it" do expect(result).to eq(array) end it "doesn't proxy #__id__" do Docile.dsl_eval(array) { expect(__id__).not_to eq(array.__id__) } end it "raises NoMethodError if the DSL object doesn't implement the method" do expect { Docile.dsl_eval(array) { no_such_method } }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end end Pizza =, :pepperoni, :bacon, :sauce) class PizzaBuilder def cheese(v=true); @cheese = v; end def pepperoni(v=true); @pepperoni = v; end def bacon(v=true); @bacon = v; end def sauce(v=nil); @sauce = v; end def build!!@cheese, !!@pepperoni, !!@bacon, @sauce) end end context "when DSL context object is a Builder pattern" do let(:builder) { } let(:result) { execute_dsl_against_builder_and_call_build } def execute_dsl_against_builder_and_call_build @sauce = :extra Docile.dsl_eval(builder) do bacon cheese sauce @sauce end it "returns correctly built object" do expect(result).to eq(, false, true, :extra)) end end class InnerDSL def initialize; @b = "b"; end attr_accessor :b def c; "inner c"; end end class OuterDSL def initialize; @a = "a"; end attr_accessor :a def c; "outer c"; end def inner(&block) Docile.dsl_eval(, &block) end def inner_with_params(param, &block) Docile.dsl_eval(, param, :foo, &block) end end def outer(&block) Docile.dsl_eval(, &block) end context "when given parameters for the DSL block" do def parameterized(*args, &block) Docile.dsl_eval(, *args, &block) end it "passes parameters to the block" do parameterized(1,2,3) do |x,y,z| expect(x).to eq(1) expect(y).to eq(2) expect(z).to eq(3) end end it "finds parameters before methods" do parameterized(1) { |a| expect(a).to eq(1) } end it "find outer dsl parameters in inner dsl scope" do parameterized(1,2,3) do |a,b,c| inner_with_params(c) do |d,e| expect(a).to eq(1) expect(b).to eq(2) expect(c).to eq(3) expect(d).to eq(c) expect(e).to eq(:foo) end end end end context "when block's context has helper methods which call DSL methods" do class BlockContextWithHelperMethods def initialize(array_as_dsl) @array_as_dsl = array_as_dsl end # Classic dynamic programming factorial, using the methods of {Array} # as a DSL to implement it, via helper methods {#calculate_factorials} # and {#save_factorials} which are defined in this class, so therefore # outside the block. def factorial_as_dsl_against_array(n) Docile.dsl_eval(@array_as_dsl) { calculate_factorials(n) }.last end # Uses the helper method {#save_factorials} below. def calculate_factorials(n) (2..n).each { |i| save_factorial(i) } end # Uses the methods {Array#push} and {Array#at} as a DSL from a helper # method defined in the block's context. Successfully calling this # proves that we can find helper methods from outside the block, and # then find DSL methods from inside those helper methods. def save_factorial(i) push(i * at(i - 1)) end end subject { context.method(:factorial_as_dsl_against_array) } let(:context) { } let(:array_as_dsl) { [1, 1] } it "finds DSL methods within helper method defined in block's context" do # see [ [0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 6], [4, 24], [5, 120], [6, 720], [7, 5_040], [8, 40_320], [9, 362_880], [10, 3_628_800], [11, 39_916_800], [12, 479_001_600], [13, 6_227_020_800], [14, 87_178_291_200], [15, 1_307_674_368_000] ].each do |n, expected_factorial| array_as_dsl.replace([1, 1]) expect( eq expected_factorial end end it "removes fallback instrumentation from the DSL object after block" do expect { }. not_to change { context.respond_to?(:method_missing) }. from(false) end it "removes method to remove fallbacl from the DSL object after block" do expect { }. not_to change { context.respond_to?(:__docile_undo_fallback__) }. from(false) end context "when helper methods call methods that are undefined" do let(:array_as_dsl) { "not an array" } it "raises NoMethodError" do expect { }. to raise_error(NoMethodError, /method `at' /) end it "removes fallback instrumentation from the DSL object after block" do expect { rescue nil }. not_to change { context.respond_to?(:method_missing) }. from(false) end end end context "when DSL have NoMethod error inside" do class DSLWithNoMethod def initialize(b); @b = b; end attr_accessor :b def push_element @b.push 1 end end it "raise NoMethodError error from nil" do Docile.dsl_eval( do expect { push_element }. to raise_error(NoMethodError, /undefined method `push' (for|on) nil:NilClass/) end end end context "when DSL blocks are nested" do context "method lookup" do it "finds method of outer dsl in outer dsl scope" do outer { expect(a).to eq("a") } outer { inner {}; expect(c).to eq("outer c") } end it "finds method of inner dsl in inner dsl scope" do outer { inner { expect(b).to eq("b") } } outer { inner { expect(c).to eq("inner c") } } end it "finds method of outer dsl in inner dsl scope" do outer { inner { expect(a).to eq("a") } } end it "finds method of block's context in outer dsl scope" do def d; "d"; end outer { expect(d).to eq("d") } end it "finds method of block's context in inner dsl scope" do def d; "d"; end outer { inner { expect(d).to eq("d") } } end it "finds method of outer dsl in preference to block context" do def a; "not a"; end outer { expect(a).to eq("a") } outer { inner { expect(a).to eq("a") } } end end context "local variable lookup" do it "finds local variable from block context in outer dsl scope" do foo = "foo" outer { expect(foo).to eq("foo") } end it "finds local variable from block definition in inner dsl scope" do bar = "bar" outer { inner { expect(bar).to eq("bar") } } end end context "instance variable lookup" do it "finds instance variable from block definition in outer dsl scope" do @iv1 = "iv1"; outer { expect(@iv1).to eq("iv1") } end it "proxies instance variable assignments in block in outer dsl scope back into block's context" do @iv1 = "foo"; outer { @iv1 = "bar" }; expect(@iv1).to eq("bar") end it "finds instance variable from block definition in inner dsl scope" do @iv2 = "iv2"; outer { inner { expect(@iv2).to eq("iv2") } } end it "proxies instance variable assignments in block in inner dsl scope back into block's context" do @iv2 = "foo"; outer { inner { @iv2 = "bar" } }; expect(@iv2).to eq("bar") end end context "identity of 'self' inside nested dsl blocks" do # see subject do identified_selves = {} outer do identified_selves[:a] = self inner do identified_selves[:b] = self end identified_selves[:c] = self end identified_selves end it "identifies self inside outer dsl block" do expect(subject[:a]).to be_instance_of(OuterDSL) end it "replaces self inside inner dsl block" do expect(subject[:b]).to be_instance_of(InnerDSL) end it "restores self to the outer dsl object after the inner dsl block" do expect(subject[:c]).to be_instance_of(OuterDSL) expect(subject[:c]).to be(subject[:a]) end end end context "when DSL context object is a Dispatch pattern" do class DispatchScope def params { :a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3 } end end class MessageDispatch include Singleton def initialize @responders = {} end def add_responder path, &block @responders[path] = block end def dispatch path, request Docile.dsl_eval(, request, &@responders[path]) end end def respond(path, &block) MessageDispatch.instance.add_responder(path, &block) end def send_request(path, request) MessageDispatch.instance.dispatch(path, request) end it "dispatches correctly" do @first = @second = nil respond "/path" do |request| @first = request end respond "/new_bike" do |bike| @second = "Got a new #{bike}" end def x(y) ; "Got a #{y}"; end respond "/third" do |third| expect(x(third)).to eq("Got a third thing") end fourth = nil respond "/params" do |arg| fourth = params[arg] end send_request "/path", 1 send_request "/new_bike", "ten speed" send_request "/third", "third thing" send_request "/params", :b expect(@first).to eq(1) expect(@second).to eq("Got a new ten speed") expect(fourth).to eq(2) end end context "when DSL context object is the same as the block's context object" do class DSLContextSameAsBlockContext def foo(v = nil) @foo = v if v @foo end def bar(v = nil) @bar = v if v @bar end def dsl_eval(block) Docile.dsl_eval(self, &block) end def dsl_eval_string(string) block = binding.eval("proc { #{string} }") dsl_eval(block) end end let(:dsl) { } it "calls DSL methods and sets instance variables on the DSL context object" do dsl.dsl_eval_string('foo 0; bar 1') expect( eq(0) expect( eq(1) end end end describe ".dsl_eval_with_block_return" do let(:array) { [] } let!(:result) { execute_dsl_against_array } def execute_dsl_against_array Docile.dsl_eval_with_block_return(array) do push 1 push 2 pop push 3 "Return me!" end end it "executes the block against the DSL context object" do expect(array).to eq([1, 3]) end it "returns the block's return value" do expect(result).to eq("Return me!") end end describe ".dsl_eval_immutable" do context "when DSL context object is a frozen String" do let(:original) { "I'm immutable!".freeze } let!(:result) { execute_non_mutating_dsl_against_string } def execute_non_mutating_dsl_against_string Docile.dsl_eval_immutable(original) do reverse upcase end end it "doesn't modify the original string" do expect(original).to eq("I'm immutable!") end it "chains the commands in the block against the DSL context object" do expect(result).to eq("!ELBATUMMI M'I") end end context "when DSL context object is a number" do let(:original) { 84.5 } let!(:result) { execute_non_mutating_dsl_against_number } def execute_non_mutating_dsl_against_number Docile.dsl_eval_immutable(original) do fdiv(2) floor end end it "chains the commands in the block against the DSL context object" do expect(result).to eq(42) end end end end describe Docile::FallbackContextProxy do describe "#instance_variables" do subject { create_fcp_and_set_one_instance_variable.instance_variables } let(:expected_type_of_names) { type_of_ivar_names_on_this_ruby } let(:actual_type_of_names) { subject.first.class } let(:excluded) { Docile::FallbackContextProxy::NON_PROXIED_INSTANCE_VARIABLES } def create_fcp_and_set_one_instance_variable fcp =, nil) fcp.instance_variable_set(:@foo, "foo") fcp end def type_of_ivar_names_on_this_ruby @a = 1 instance_variables.first.class end it "returns proxied instance variables" do expect( include(:@foo) end it "doesn't return non-proxied instance variables" do expect( include(*excluded) end it "preserves the type (String or Symbol) of names on this ruby version" do expect(actual_type_of_names).to eq(expected_type_of_names) end end end