Bring CHANGELOG up to date.

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Steve Klabnik 2012-12-03 08:28:13 +01:00
parent 8bfd393b5b
commit 5f4d096b3f
1 changed files with 35 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,40 @@
# Draper Changelog
## 1.0.0.beta2
* `has_finders` is now `decorates_finders`. [](
* If a finder method is used, and the source class is not set and cannot be inferred, an `UninferrableSourceError` is raised. [](
* Class methods are now properly delegated again. [](
* We no longer `respond_to?` private methods on the source. [](
* Rails versioning relaxed to support Rails 4 [](
## 1.0.0.beta1
* Renaming `Draper::Base` to `Draper::Decorator`. This is the most significant
change you'll need to upgrade your application. [](
* Added an internal Rails application for integration tests. This won't affect
your application, but we're now running a set of Cucumber tests inside of a
Rails app in both development and production mode to help ensure that we
don't make changes that break Draper. [](
* Add `#decorated?` method. This gives us a free RSpec matcher,
`is_decorated?`. [](
* `#decorates` is no longer needed inside your models, and should be removed.
Decorators automatically infer the class they decorate. [](
* Decorators do not automatically come with 'finders' by default. If you'd like
to use `SomeDecorator.find(1)`, for example, simply add `#has_finders` to
the decorator to include them. [](
* To refer to the object being decorated, `#source` is now the preferred
method. [](
* `ActiveModel::Serialization` is included in Decorators if you've requred
`ActiveModel::Serializers`, so that decorators can be serialized. [](
* Properly support Test::Unit [](
And many small bug fixes and refactorings.
## 0.18.0
* [Adds the ability to decorate an enumerable proxy](