require 'spec_helper' require 'draper' describe Draper::Base do subject{ } let(:source){ "Sample String" } context(".decorates") do it "sets the model class for the decorator" do == Product end end it "should return the wrapped object when converted to a model" do subject.to_model.should == source end it "should return the wrapped object when asked for model" do subject.model.should == source end it "should wrap source methods so they still accept blocks" do subject.gsub("Sample"){|match| "Super"}.should == "Super String" end it "should not override a defined method with a source method" do == "overridden" end it "should always proxy to_param" do source.send :class_eval, "def to_param; 1; end" == 1 end context ".new" do it "should lookup the associated model when passed an integer" do pd = pd.should be_instance_of(ProductDecorator) pd.model.should be_instance_of(Product) end end context ".decorate" do it "should return a collection of wrapped objects when given a collection of source objects" do sources = ["one", "two", "three"] output = Draper::Base.decorate(sources) output.should respond_to(:each) output.size.should == sources.size output.each{ |decorated| decorated.should be_instance_of(Draper::Base) } end it "should return a single wrapped object when given a single source object" do output = Draper::Base.decorate(source) output.should be_instance_of(Draper::Base) end end it "echos the methods of the wrapped class" do source.methods.each do |method| subject.should respond_to(method) end end it "should not copy the .class, .inspect, or other existing methods" do source.class.should_not == subject.class source.inspect.should_not == subject.inspect source.to_s.should_not == subject.to_s end describe "a sample usage with denies" do before(:all) do end let(:subject_with_denies){ } it "should not echo methods specified with denies" do subject_with_denies.should_not respond_to(:upcase) end it "should not clobber other decorators' methods" do subject.should respond_to(:upcase) end end describe "a sample usage with allows" do let(:subject_with_allows){ } it "should echo the allowed method" do subject_with_allows.should respond_to(:upcase) end it "should echo _only_ the allowed method" do subject_with_allows.should_not respond_to(:downcase) end end describe "invalid usages of allows and denies" do let(:blank_allows){ class DecoratorWithInvalidAllows < Draper::Base allows end } let(:blank_denies){ class DecoratorWithInvalidDenies < Draper::Base denies end } let(:using_allows_then_denies){ class DecoratorWithAllowsAndDenies < Draper::Base allows :upcase denies :downcase end } let(:using_denies_then_allows){ class DecoratorWithDeniesAndAllows < Draper::Base denies :downcase allows :upcase end } it "should raise an exception for a blank allows" do expect {blank_allows}.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise an exception for a blank denies" do expect {blank_denies}.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise an exception for calling allows then denies" do expect {using_allows_then_denies}.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise an exception for calling denies then allows" do expect {using_denies_then_allows}.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context "in a Rails application" do let(:decorator){ DecoratorWithApplicationHelper.decorate( } it "should have access to ApplicationHelper helpers" do decorator.uses_hello_world == "Hello, World!" end it "should be able to use the content_tag helper" do decorator.sample_content.to_s.should == "Hello, World!" end it "should be able to use the link_to helper" do decorator.sample_link.should == "Hello" end it "should be able to use the pluralize helper" do decorator.sample_truncate.should == "Once..." end it "should nullify method_missing to prevent AR from being cute" do pending("How to test this without AR? Ugh.") end end end