2015-01-02 09:34:40 -08:00
Shindo.tests('AWS::Elasticache | cache clusters', ['aws', 'elasticache']) do
2014-12-30 14:25:09 -08:00
cluster_params = {
:id => "fog-test-cluster-#{rand(999).to_s}",
:node_type => 'cache.m1.large',
:security_groups => ['default'],
:engine => 'memcached',
:num_nodes => 1
pending if Fog.mocking?
2015-01-16 18:37:35 -06:00
Fog::Formatador.display_line "Creating cluster #{cluster_params[:id]}..."
2015-01-02 09:34:40 -08:00
model_tests(Fog::AWS[:elasticache].clusters, cluster_params, false) do
@instance.reload # Reload to get the cluster info from AWS
2015-01-16 18:37:35 -06:00
Fog::Formatador.display_line "Waiting for #{@instance.id} "+
2014-12-30 14:25:09 -08:00
"to become available (#{@instance.status})..."
@instance.wait_for {ready?}
# Single model is still deleting, so re-randomize the cluster ID
cluster_params[:id] = "fog-test-cluster-#{rand(999).to_s}"
2015-01-16 18:37:35 -06:00
Fog::Formatador.display_line "Creating cluster #{cluster_params[:id]}..."
2015-01-02 09:34:40 -08:00
collection_tests(Fog::AWS[:elasticache].clusters, cluster_params, false) do
@instance.reload # Reload to get the cluster info from AWS
2015-01-16 18:37:35 -06:00
Fog::Formatador.display_line "Waiting for #{@instance.id} "+
2014-12-30 14:25:09 -08:00
"to become available (#{@instance.status})..."
@instance.wait_for {ready?}