2014-12-30 14:25:09 -08:00
module Fog
module Compute
2015-01-02 09:34:40 -08:00
class AWS
2014-12-30 14:25:09 -08:00
class Real
require 'fog/aws/parsers/compute/basic'
# Creates a route in a route table within a VPC.
# ==== Parameters
# * RouteTableId<~String> - The ID of the route table for the route.
# * DestinationCidrBlock<~String> - The CIDR address block used for the destination match. Routing decisions are based on the most specific match.
# * GatewayId<~String> - The ID of an Internet gateway attached to your VPC.
# * InstanceId<~String> - The ID of a NAT instance in your VPC. The operation fails if you specify an instance ID unless exactly one network interface is attached.
# * NetworkInterfaceId<~String> - The ID of a network interface.
# === Returns
# * response<~Excon::Response>:
# * body<~Hash>:
# * 'requestId'<~String> - Id of the request
# * 'return'<~Boolean> - Returns true if the request succeeds. Otherwise, returns an error.
2015-01-02 09:34:40 -08:00
# {Amazon API Reference}[http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-CreateRoute.html]
2014-12-30 14:25:09 -08:00
def create_route ( route_table_id , destination_cidr_block , internet_gateway_id = nil , instance_id = nil , network_interface_id = nil )
request_vars = {
'Action' = > 'CreateRoute' ,
'RouteTableId' = > route_table_id ,
'DestinationCidrBlock' = > destination_cidr_block ,
:parser = > Fog :: Parsers :: Compute :: AWS :: Basic . new
if internet_gateway_id
request_vars [ 'GatewayId' ] = internet_gateway_id
elsif instance_id
request_vars [ 'InstanceId' ] = instance_id
elsif network_interface_id
request_vars [ 'NetworkInterfaceId' ] = network_interface_id
request ( request_vars )
class Mock
def create_route ( route_table_id , destination_cidr_block , internet_gateway_id = nil , instance_id = nil , network_interface_id = nil )
instance_owner_id = nil
route_table = self . data [ :route_tables ] . find { | routetable | routetable [ " routeTableId " ] . eql? route_table_id }
if ! route_table . nil? && destination_cidr_block
if ! internet_gateway_id . nil? || ! instance_id . nil? || ! network_interface_id . nil?
if ! internet_gateway_id . nil? && self . internet_gateways . all ( 'internet-gateway-id' = > internet_gateway_id ) . first . nil?
raise Fog :: Compute :: AWS :: NotFound . new ( " The gateway ID ' #{ internet_gateway_id } ' does not exist " )
elsif ! instance_id . nil? && self . servers . all ( 'instance-id' = > instance_id ) . first . nil?
raise Fog :: Compute :: AWS :: NotFound . new ( " The instance ID ' #{ instance_id } ' does not exist " )
elsif ! network_interface_id . nil? && self . network_interfaces . all ( 'networkInterfaceId' = > network_interface_id ) . first . nil?
raise Fog :: Compute :: AWS :: NotFound . new ( " The networkInterface ID ' #{ network_interface_id } ' does not exist " )
elsif ! route_table [ 'routeSet' ] . find { | route | route [ 'destinationCidrBlock' ] . eql? destination_cidr_block } . nil?
raise Fog :: Compute :: AWS :: Error , " RouteAlreadyExists => The route identified by #{ destination_cidr_block } already exists. "
response = Excon :: Response . new
route_table [ 'routeSet' ] . push ( {
" destinationCidrBlock " = > destination_cidr_block ,
" gatewayId " = > internet_gateway_id ,
" instanceId " = > instance_id ,
" instanceOwnerId " = > instance_owner_id ,
" networkInterfaceId " = > network_interface_id ,
" state " = > " pending " ,
" origin " = > " CreateRoute "
} )
response . status = 200
response . body = {
'requestId' = > Fog :: AWS :: Mock . request_id ,
'return' = > true
message = 'MissingParameter => '
message << 'The request must contain either a gateway id, a network interface id, or an instance id'
raise Fog :: Compute :: AWS :: Error . new ( message )
elsif route_table . nil?
raise Fog :: Compute :: AWS :: NotFound . new ( " The routeTable ID ' #{ route_table_id } ' does not exist " )
elsif destination_cidr_block . empty?
raise Fog :: Compute :: AWS :: InvalidParameterValue . new ( " Value () for parameter destinationCidrBlock is invalid. This is not a valid CIDR block. " )