2014-12-30 17:25:09 -05:00
module Fog
module Compute
2015-01-02 12:34:40 -05:00
class AWS
2014-12-30 17:25:09 -05:00
class Real
require 'fog/aws/parsers/compute/describe_network_interfaces'
# Describe all or specified network interfaces
# ==== Parameters
# * filters<~Hash> - List of filters to limit results with
# === Returns
# * response<~Excon::Response>:
# * body<~Hash>:
# * 'requestId'<~String> - Id of request
# * 'networkInterfaceSet'<~Array>:
# * 'networkInterfaceId'<~String> - The ID of the network interface
# * 'subnetId'<~String> - The ID of the subnet
# * 'vpcId'<~String> - The ID of the VPC
# * 'availabilityZone'<~String> - The availability zone
# * 'description'<~String> - The description
# * 'ownerId'<~String> - The ID of the person who created the interface
# * 'requesterId'<~String> - The ID ot teh entity requesting this interface
# * 'requesterManaged'<~String> -
# * 'status'<~String> - "available" or "in-use"
# * 'macAddress'<~String> -
# * 'privateIpAddress'<~String> - IP address of the interface within the subnet
# * 'privateDnsName'<~String> - The private DNS name
# * 'sourceDestCheck'<~Boolean> - Flag indicating whether traffic to or from the instance is validated
# * 'groupSet'<~Hash> - Associated security groups
# * 'key'<~String> - ID of associated group
# * 'value'<~String> - Name of associated group
# * 'attachment'<~Hash>: - Describes the way this nic is attached
# * 'attachmentID'<~String>
# * 'instanceID'<~String>
# * 'instanceOwnerId'<~String>
# * 'deviceIndex'<~Integer>
# * 'status'<~String>
# * 'attachTime'<~String>
# * 'deleteOnTermination'<~Boolean>
# * 'association'<~Hash>: - Describes an eventual instance association
# * 'attachmentID'<~String> - ID of the network interface attachment
# * 'instanceID'<~String> - ID of the instance attached to the network interface
# * 'publicIp'<~String> - Address of the Elastic IP address bound to the network interface
# * 'ipOwnerId'<~String> - ID of the Elastic IP address owner
# * 'tagSet'<~Array>: - Tags assigned to the resource.
# * 'key'<~String> - Tag's key
# * 'value'<~String> - Tag's value
# * 'privateIpAddresses' <~Array>:
# * 'privateIpAddress'<~String> - One of the additional private ip address
# * 'privateDnsName'<~String> - The private DNS associate to the ip address
# * 'primay'<~String> - Whether main ip associate with NIC true of false
2015-01-02 12:34:40 -05:00
# {Amazon API Reference}[http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/2012-03-01/APIReference/index.html?ApiReference-query-DescribeNetworkInterfaces.html]
2014-12-30 17:25:09 -05:00
def describe_network_interfaces ( filters = { } )
params = Fog :: AWS . indexed_filters ( filters )
request ( {
'Action' = > 'DescribeNetworkInterfaces' ,
:idempotent = > true ,
:parser = > Fog :: Parsers :: Compute :: AWS :: DescribeNetworkInterfaces . new
} . merge! ( params ) )
class Mock
def describe_network_interfaces ( filters = { } )
response = Excon :: Response . new
network_interface_info = self . data [ :network_interfaces ] . values
for filter_key , filter_value in filters
network_interface_info = network_interface_info . reject { | nic | ! [ * filter_value ] . include? ( nic [ filter_key ] ) }
response . status = 200
response . body = {
'requestId' = > Fog :: AWS :: Mock . request_id ,
'networkInterfaceSet' = > network_interface_info