Shindo.tests("Fog::AWS[:beanstalk] | application", ['aws', 'beanstalk']) do pending if Fog.mocking? @application_opts = { :name => uniq_id('fog-test-app'), :description => 'A nice description.' } model_tests(Fog::AWS[:beanstalk].applications, @application_opts, false) do test("#attributes") do == @application_opts[:name] && @instance.description == @application_opts[:description] end test("#events") do # There should be some events now. > 0 end version_name = uniq_id('fog-test-ver') @instance.versions.create( :application_name =>, :label => version_name ) test("#versions") do # We should have one version. @instance.versions.length == 1 end template_name = uniq_id('fog-test-template') @instance.templates.create( :application_name =>, :name => template_name, :solution_stack_name => '32bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 7' ) test('#templates') do # We should have one template now. @instance.templates.length == 1 end environment_name = uniq_id('fog-test-env') environment = @instance.environments.create( :application_name =>, :name => environment_name, :version_label => version_name, :solution_stack_name => '32bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 7' ) # Go ahead an terminate immediately. environment.destroy # Create an environment test("#environments") do # We should have one environment now. @instance.environments.length == 1 end # Must wait for termination before destroying application tests("waiting for test environment to terminate").succeeds do environment.wait_for { terminated? } end end end