module Fog module AWS class Glacier class Real # lists in-progress and recently jobs for the specified vault # # ==== Parameters # * name<~String> Name of the vault # * options<~Hash> # * completed<~Boolean>Specifies the state of the jobs to return. You can specify true or false # * statuscode<~String> Filter returned jobs by status (InProgress, Succeeded, or Failed) # * limit<~Integer> - The maximum number of items returned in the response. (default 1000) # * marker<~String> - marker used for pagination # * account_id<~String> - The AWS account id. Defaults to the account owning the credentials making the request # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # ==== See Also # # def list_jobs(vault_name, options={}) account_id = options.delete('account_id') || '-' path = "/#{account_id}/vaults/#{Fog::AWS.escape(vault_name)}/jobs" request( :expects => 200, :idempotent => true, :headers => {}, :method => :get, :path => path, :query => options ) end end end end end