Shindo.tests('Fog::Schema::DataValidator', 'meta') do validator = tests('#validate') do tests('returns true') do returns(true, 'when value matches schema expectation') do validator.validate({"key" => "Value"}, {"key" => String}) end returns(true, 'when values within an array all match schema expectation') do validator.validate({"key" => [1, 2]}, {"key" => [Integer]}) end returns(true, 'when nested values match schema expectation') do validator.validate({"key" => {:nested_key => "Value"}}, {"key" => {:nested_key => String}}) end returns(true, 'when collection of values all match schema expectation') do validator.validate([{"key" => "Value"}, {"key" => "Value"}], [{"key" => String}]) end returns(true, 'when collection is empty although schema covers optional members') do validator.validate([], [{"key" => String}]) end returns(true, 'when additional keys are passed and not strict') do validator.validate({"key" => "Value", :extra => "Bonus"}, {"key" => String}, {:allow_extra_keys => true}) end returns(true, 'when value is nil and schema expects NilClass') do validator.validate({"key" => nil}, {"key" => NilClass}) end returns(true, 'when value and schema match as hashes') do validator.validate({}, {}) end returns(true, 'when value and schema match as arrays') do validator.validate([], []) end returns(true, 'when value is a Time') do validator.validate({"time" =>}, {"time" => Time}) end returns(true, 'when key is missing but value should be NilClass (#1477)') do validator.validate({}, {"key" => NilClass}, {:allow_optional_rules => true}) end returns(true, 'when key is missing but value is nullable (#1477)') do validator.validate({}, {"key" => Fog::Nullable::String}, {:allow_optional_rules => true}) end end tests('returns false') do returns(false, 'when value does not match schema expectation') do validator.validate({"key" => nil}, {"key" => String}) end returns(false, 'when key formats do not match') do validator.validate({"key" => "Value"}, {:key => String}) end returns(false, 'when additional keys are passed and strict') do validator.validate({"key" => "Missing"}, {}) end returns(false, 'when some keys do not appear') do validator.validate({}, {"key" => String}) end returns(false, 'when collection contains a member that does not match schema') do validator.validate([{"key" => "Value"}, {"key" => 5}], [{"key" => String}]) end returns(false, 'when collection has multiple schema patterns') do validator.validate([{"key" => "Value"}], [{"key" => Integer}, {"key" => String}]) end returns(false, 'when hash and array are compared') do validator.validate({}, []) end returns(false, 'when array and hash are compared') do validator.validate([], {}) end returns(false, 'when a hash is expected but another data type is found') do validator.validate({"key" => {:nested_key => []}}, {"key" => {:nested_key => {}}}) end returns(false, 'when key is missing but value should be NilClass (#1477)') do validator.validate({}, {"key" => NilClass}, {:allow_optional_rules => false}) end returns(false, 'when key is missing but value is nullable (#1477)') do validator.validate({}, {"key" => Fog::Nullable::String}, {:allow_optional_rules => false}) end end end end