module Fog module AWS class DynamoDB class Real # Query DynamoDB items # # ==== Parameters # * 'table_name'<~String> - name of table to query # * options<~Hash>: # * 'AttributesToGet'<~Array> - Array of attributes to get for each item, defaults to all # * 'ConsistentRead'<~Boolean> - Whether to wait for consistency, defaults to false # * 'Count'<~Boolean> - If true, returns only a count of such items rather than items themselves, defaults to false # * 'Limit'<~Integer> - limit of total items to return # * 'KeyConditionExpression'<~String> - the condition elements need to match # * 'ExpressionAttributeValues'<~Hash> - values to be used in the key condition expression # * 'ScanIndexForward'<~Boolean>: Whether to scan from start or end of index, defaults to start # * 'ExclusiveStartKey'<~Hash>: Key to start listing from, can be taken from LastEvaluatedKey in response # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * 'ConsumedCapacityUnits'<~Integer> - number of capacity units used for query # * 'Count'<~Integer> - number of items in response # * 'Items'<~Array> - array of items returned # * 'LastEvaluatedKey'<~Hash> - last key scanned, can be passed to ExclusiveStartKey for pagination # # See DynamoDB Documentation: # def query(table_name, options = {}, hash_key_deprecated = nil) if hash_key_deprecated || (options.keys.length == 1 && [:S, :N, :B].include?(options.keys.first.to_sym)) Fog::Logger.deprecation("The `20111205` API version is deprecated. You need to use `KeyConditionExpression` instead of `HashKey`.") apiVersion = '20111205' hash_key = options options = hash_key_deprecated end body = { 'TableName' => table_name, 'HashKeyValue' => hash_key }.merge(options) request( :body => Fog::JSON.encode(body), :headers => {'x-amz-target' => "DynamoDB_#{apiVersion || '20120810'}.Query"} ) end end end end end