2012-07-30 18:22:16 -04:00
module Fog
module Compute
class RackspaceV2
class Real
2013-01-30 09:05:10 -06:00
# Retrieves server detail
# @param [String] server_id
# @return [Excon::Response] response:
# * body [Hash]:
# * server [Hash]:
# * OS-DCF:diskConfig [String] - The disk configuration value.
# * OS-EXT-STS:power_state [Fixnum] - The power state.
# * OS-EXT-STS:task_state [String] - The task state.
# * OS-EXT-STS:vm_state [String] - The VM state.
# * accessIPv4 [String] - The public IP version 4 access address.
# * accessIPv6 [String] - The public IP version 6 access address.
# * addresses [Hash] - Public and private IP addresses, The version field indicates whether the IP address is version 4 or 6.
# * created [String] - created timestamp
# * hostId [String] - The host id.
# * id [String] - id of image
# * image [Hash]:
# * id [String] - id of the image
# * links [Hash] - links to image
# * flavor [Hash]:
# * id [String] - id of the flavor
# * links [Hash] - links to flavor
# * links [Hash] - links to server
# * metadata [Hash] - server metadata
# * name [String] - name of server
# * progress [Fixnum] - progress complete. Value is from 0 to 100.
# * rax-bandwidth:bandwidth [Array] - The amount of bandwidth used for the specified audit period.
# * status [String] - The server status.
# * tenant_id [String] - The tenant ID.
# * updated [String] - updated timestamp
# * user_id [Array] - The user ID.
2013-03-27 09:50:30 -05:00
# @raise [Fog::Rackspace::Errors::NotFound] - HTTP 404
# @raise [Fog::Rackspace::Errors::BadRequest] - HTTP 400
# @raise [Fog::Rackspace::Errors::InternalServerError] - HTTP 500
# @raise [Fog::Rackspace::Errors::ServiceError]
2013-01-30 09:05:10 -06:00
# @see http://docs.rackspace.com/servers/api/v2/cs-devguide/content/Get_Server_Details-d1e2623.html
2012-07-30 18:22:16 -04:00
def get_server(server_id)
:expects => [200, 203, 300],
:method => 'GET',
:path => "servers/#{server_id}"
2013-01-11 16:06:58 -05:00
class Mock
def get_server(server_id)
server = self.data[:servers][server_id]
if server.nil?
raise Fog::Compute::RackspaceV2::NotFound
2013-01-14 10:03:37 -05:00
server_response = Fog::Rackspace::MockData.keep(server, 'id', 'name', 'hostId', 'created', 'updated', 'status', 'progress', 'user_id', 'tenant_id', 'links', 'metadata', 'accessIPv4', 'accessIPv6', 'OS-DCF:diskConfig', 'rax-bandwidth:bandwidth', 'addresses', 'flavor', 'image')
2013-01-11 16:06:58 -05:00
server_response['image']['links'].map! { |l| l.delete("type"); l }
response(:body => {"server" => server_response})
2012-07-30 18:22:16 -04:00