# Describe all or specified load balancer policies
# ==== Parameters
# * lb_name<~String> - The mnemonic name associated with the LoadBalancer. If no name is specified, the operation returns the attributes of either all the sample policies pre-defined by Elastic Load Balancing or the specified sample polices.
# * names<~Array> - The names of LoadBalancer policies you've created or Elastic Load Balancing sample policy names.
# ==== Returns
# * response<~Excon::Response>:
# * body<~Hash>:
# * 'ResponseMetadata'<~Hash>:
# * 'RequestId'<~String> - Id of request
# * 'DescribeLoadBalancerPoliciesResult'<~Hash>:
# * 'PolicyDescriptions'<~Array>
# * 'PolicyAttributeDescriptions'<~Array>
# * 'AttributeName'<~String> - The name of the attribute associated with the policy.
# * 'AttributeValue'<~String> - The value of the attribute associated with the policy.
# * 'PolicyName'<~String> - The name mof the policy associated with the LoadBalancer.
# * 'PolicyTypeName'<~String> - The name of the policy type.