# * 'OriginAccessIdentity'<~String> - Used for serving private content, in format 'origin-access-identity/cloudfront/ID'
# * 'RequiredProtocols'<~String> - Optional, set to 'https' to force https connections
# * 'TrustedSigners'<~Array> - Optional grant of rights to up to 5 aws accounts to generate signed URLs for private content, elements are either 'Self' for your own account or an AWS Account Number
# ==== Returns
# * response<~Excon::Response>:
# * body<~Hash>:
# * 'DomainName'<~String>: Domain name of distribution
# * 'Id'<~String> - Id of distribution
# * 'LastModifiedTime'<~String> - Timestamp of last modification of distribution
# * 'Status'<~String> - Status of distribution
# * 'DistributionConfig'<~Array>:
# * 'CallerReference'<~String> - Used to prevent replay, defaults to Time.now.to_i.to_s
# * 'CNAME'<~Array> - array of associated cnames
# * 'Comment'<~String> - comment associated with distribution
# * 'Enabled'<~Boolean> - whether or not distribution is enabled
# * 'Logging'<~Hash>:
# * 'Bucket'<~String> - bucket logs are stored in
# * 'Prefix'<~String> - prefix logs are stored with