2010-05-02 15:13:35 +08:00
module Fog
module AWS
2010-09-03 01:11:45 -07:00
class ELB
2010-05-02 15:13:35 +08:00
class Real
2010-06-12 15:31:17 -07:00
require 'fog/aws/parsers/elb/describe_load_balancers'
2010-05-02 15:13:35 +08:00
# Describe all or specified load balancers
# ==== Parameters
# * lb_name<~Array> - List of load balancer names to describe, defaults to all
# ==== Returns
# * response<~Excon::Response>:
# * body<~Hash>:
# * 'ResponseMetadata'<~Hash>:
# * 'RequestId'<~String> - Id of request
# * 'DescribeLoadBalancersResult'<~Hash>:
# * 'LoadBalancerDescriptions'<~Array>
# * 'LoadBalancerName'<~String> - name of load balancer
# * 'DNSName'<~String> - external DNS name of load balancer
# * 'CreatedTime'<~Time> - time load balancer was created
# * 'ListenerDescriptions'<~Array>
# * 'PolicyNames'<~Array> - list of policies enabled
# * 'Listener'<~Hash>:
# * 'InstancePort'<~Integer> - port on instance that requests are sent to
# * 'Protocol'<~String> - transport protocol used for routing in [TCP, HTTP]
# * 'LoadBalancerPort'<~Integer> - port that load balancer listens on for requests
# * 'HealthCheck'<~Hash>:
# * 'HealthyThreshold'<~Integer> - number of consecutive health probe successes required before moving the instance to the Healthy state
# * 'Timeout'<~Integer> - number of seconds after which no response means a failed health probe
# * 'Interval'<~Integer> - interval (in seconds) between health checks of an individual instance
# * 'UnhealthyThreshold'<~Integer> - number of consecutive health probe failures that move the instance to the unhealthy state
# * 'Target'<~String> - string describing protocol type, port and URL to check
# * 'Policies'<~Hash>:
# * 'LBCookieStickinessPolicies'<~Array> - list of Load Balancer Generated Cookie Stickiness policies for the LoadBalancer
# * 'AppCookieStickinessPolicies'<~Array> - list of Application Generated Cookie Stickiness policies for the LoadBalancer
# * 'AvailabilityZones'<~Array> - list of availability zones covered by this load balancer
# * 'Instances'<~Array> - list of instances that the load balancer balances between
def describe_load_balancers(lb_name = [])
2010-09-22 17:20:59 -07:00
params = AWS.indexed_param('LoadBalancerNames.member', [*lb_name])
2010-05-02 15:13:35 +08:00
'Action' => 'DescribeLoadBalancers',
:parser => Fog::Parsers::AWS::ELB::DescribeLoadBalancers.new
2010-05-02 13:25:14 -07:00
class Mock
def describe_load_balancers(lb_name = [])
2010-05-26 17:38:23 -07:00
2010-05-02 13:25:14 -07:00
2010-05-02 15:13:35 +08:00